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Old 02-22-2005, 09:18 PM
clownchick22 clownchick22 is offline
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Default Fish for a 90

I know I am quite a ways away from getting fish.. but any reccomendations on how many fish you can stock on a 90?..
Should I go by the 3" of fish per 5 gallons of water...
Old 02-22-2005, 09:24 PM
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i guess it depends on what sort of filtration/skimmer/fuge you are running and what type of bed you have.

i have no skimmer on my 90 so im going pretty light on the fish, maybe 1 or 2 tangs, some cardnals and maybe some clownfish.
Given sufficient thrust pigs will fly just fine.

90 Gallon LPS tank - Challice, Acans, Favia, Diplo and Zoos
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Old 02-22-2005, 09:28 PM
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Randi its going to depend on what you would like to keep in the tank. Are you going REEf or FOWLR?

A list could be something like this
Coral beauty, of flame after the tank is established, potter's but they are picky. needs lots of spaces to hide
some chromis have to feed lots

yellow tang or a scopas tang, purple tang or one of them.
Lots of room to swim

a blennie of some type rock skippers are pretty cool, lots of pods for them and the wrasses

wrasse's yellow or a leopard, or a 6 line or even a leopard and a yellow are great together.

some perc's false true cinnamon, clarkii's, shunk, maroon, but remeber with a sand bed of some type the clowns will kick it up, your pretty safe with false but they will still kick some up..

copper band once the tank is stable and lots for the fish to eat.



best thing to do is read up on all the fish tha i have named and see what is good with what. remember that just they say a fish like a tang and a hippo wont fish chances are they might.

yellow tangs and copperbands are known to fight a bit...

always add the agressive ones last like a purple tang
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
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Old 02-22-2005, 09:53 PM
clownchick22 clownchick22 is offline
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I want to go reef, but thats not for a while as I only have regular lighting..

For fish.. Here is my wishlist... I'm not getting all of these.. just debating between them all...

A pair of Percs first...

Then possibly a yellow tang.. I would love a powder brown(white faced tang), but not for a while. Although I did see a really cool Naso Tang at the LFS, he was neat.. anyone know about Nasos?

I would love a Mandarin, but not for atleast a year so my pods can grow..

Gobby or blennie.. I like the Yellow Watchman Goby...

Royal Grammas are colorful...

Some sort of Angel.. maybe.
Old 02-22-2005, 10:33 PM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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A naso will get waaaayy toooooo bigggg (over a foot) for a 90g reef tank. They eat lots & poop (technical term ) lots. Should stick with selecting a smaller tang.

You can also keep several small blennies & gobies together since they are generally peaceful. Just make sure they occupy diff. ecological niches (ie. mandarins need pods & mysis usually, while lawnmower blenny's more of an algae eater). Lots of LR & places to hide. Yellow watchman & pistol shrimp pairing would be cool (cheaper to buy separate & pair in your tank than to get already "paired" specimens).

Angels - the Genicanthus family are considered reef-safe (planktivores)

Dwarf angels - some are, some aren't. No guarantees that the lemon peel or coral beauty won't start nipping at your polyps.

Dwarf dwarf angels - Cherubs are beautiful although pricey for a fish that looks like a damsel, but full of personality. Mine was reef-safe.

Heniochus (bannerfish) are one of the few butterflies with decent survival rates in captivity & are reef-safe.

In a 90g, I'd stick to one or two med-large "center-piece" fish, and several smaller ones for added life, colour and activity. Remember, the more fish you add, the harder you'll have to work (or better filtration you'll need) to make your corals thrive.


Old 02-22-2005, 11:24 PM
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Originally Posted by clownchick22
Then possibly a yellow tang.. I would love a powder brown(white faced tang), but not for a while. Although I did see a really cool Naso Tang at the LFS, he was neat.. anyone know about Nasos?
remember stay away from the larger tangs, Nasco, sailfin, clown. once you get a yellow in a 90 you will not be able to add another with out them fighting. in reality a 90 is good for one tang. also other large fish should not be added as they could be problems with the tank. I had a yellow and a foxface in my tank and they constantly were picking on each other, not dead out fighting but little scuffles and you could see the tension when ever they saw each other. my tank is a 94 gal. this time I went with an Achilles tang sense my others died in the heater mishap be for Christmas.

also be very careful selecting your other fish. make sure they are compatible and not occupying the same zone as another as this will cause skirmishes. for example I have a royal grama and it would try take out anything that invaded its space.

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Old 02-22-2005, 11:51 PM
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A PB tang is way too timid IME, I have seen a PB tang in Doug's tank and i was watching it i think that i spooked it and in a matter of minutes it has ick..


Stick with the basic's for now and read up on the fish you require so you can have a easy home for them to live. It hard with a smaller tank to pick your fish. trust me i had a 120 first and had a blast adding fish.

Then whem i went to the 280 gal i had alot more choices and easy planning for the fishies.
then i went to the 75 gal and a little more trouble on the fish that i could keep and not keep.

and now i have a 62 gal custom 36 " long and have a heck of a time planning on what , trust me i love tangs and larger angels ,but guess what i have to bite it so i have to hav the smaller ones and try not to over load the tank, until i build me new house and have my 96 ' x24x24 for my FOWLR.

good luck Randi

180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
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Old 03-15-2005, 12:50 AM
clownchick22 clownchick22 is offline
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Ok, I've added the clowns Bought them from the LFS because my shipment was late... bad situation and the company I ordered them from were out of stock.

So, What and how much fish should I add... like how many fish per month/week...

Also, I want two tangs. Would it be best to add them both together?

Any info would be great!
Old 03-15-2005, 07:37 AM
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Kole tangs are nice and stay fairly small (7"). They may not be the best looking tang but are still nice and beificial as well and non agressive. Not too pricy and common in stores. As Mike said Scopas tang or yellow tang ( same family, different colour ) might be alright but not sure if I would have 2 Tangs in total in a 90 gal anyway. If you Have to have 2 tangs the Kole and Scopas/ Yellow would most likely be your best bet. IMO. I have a 120Gal and I would be pushing it myself. I really want a Red Sea Sailfin Tang. Hard to find and they get big but that's a different story. Keep doing your homework and asking questions and you'll find what works for your tank soon enough.


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Old 03-15-2005, 02:50 PM
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i have a kole, he is a great little worker bee but and quite attractive but very timid. maybe a purple tang might be cool?
Given sufficient thrust pigs will fly just fine.

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