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Old 11-09-2019, 04:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Reyphox View Post
I disagree with sky rocketing prices. I find that yes, there are a lot more expensive corals these days with fantastic colors, but also corals that were available 5 years ago have dropped significantly because they are now more common. You will see this occur with some of the newer corals as they grow out in peoples tanks.

Will they all drop down to an affordable level? Probably not because some are very slow grows and its a major factor in prices next to availability. But many will come down.
If you compare apples to apples prices have forsure gone up.

Look at the cost of colonies now vs 8 years ago. I remember buying Walt Smith colonies from Red Coral for $50 a colony (baseball size) $60 if you didn't nab them on the pre buy. What's a colony that size worth now.
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Old 11-09-2019, 04:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Reyphox View Post
I disagree with sky rocketing prices. I find that yes, there are a lot more expensive corals these days with fantastic colors, but also corals that were available 5 years ago have dropped significantly because they are now more common. You will see this occur with some of the newer corals as they grow out in peoples tanks.

Will they all drop down to an affordable level? Probably not because some are very slow grows and its a major factor in prices next to availability. But many will come down.
Ah but I counter argue. A lot of the coral that I used to grow and frag out at about $20 for a healed frag is now going for double to triple that. And I'm talking mainly about zoas, brains, octos, torches etc. No SPS. And I used to actually buy those same corals for the price range of 20 to $60 at the local fish store in Calgary. And from just peeking around a little bit I've seen those prices almost double for the exact same corals.

Now we do have a lot of really nice corals out there right now that have justified prices because their colours are absolutely amazing and they are slow growers so it's really hard to get the supply to match the demand. So in those cases I understand
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Old 11-09-2019, 04:38 AM
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Originally Posted by crimper View Post
As long as hobbyist pays $200 for a five-polyp frag, the price of corals will continue to rise.

So when will this end? Stop creating demand for this overhyped craziness. Wait maybe a year or 2 when nobody buys them anymore.

I remember when Red Diablo came out and they were charging $100+ for barely an inch frag. Same is true with a Red Planet. And guess what a couple of months ago I purchase a huge colony Red Diablo for $40 as this colony just taken over his tank.

I don't have a problem LFS charging X $$$ amount, they need to make money to keep their business afloat. What I don't get is when hobbyist charging for an arm and a leg for a five-polyp frag of a common coral like red planet.

I understand as a hobbyist you invest money to get this so called high-end corals and spent several buckets of salt and electricity to grow it, but dude you already made money for charging an arm and a leg for a couple of inch-2 branched red planet that you call a colony for almost a decade. Please make it affordable for noobs who just starting so that this hobby can continue and be sustainable.

That's my rant for today, I'm out!
How much are people asking for a Red Diablo? Cause most of the prices I have seen are pretty reasonable at $15-20 a frag. A guy just recently sold a whole colony for $50. There are plenty affordable frags the "noobs" can start off with with out breaking the bank. Not to mention a Red Diablo isnt high end. Walt Disney, Fox Flame, Golden Rod Anacroporas. Those are high end. And you bet your ass if I spent $500 dollars to buy a piece, I'd charge you at least $350 for a similar size piece or whatever the hobbyist market price is at that time. Would you go buy a PS4 for $500, play with it for a year and then sell it for $100? No, you wouldn't. You'd sell it for whats its worth at that time.

I get coral envy all the time. There are so many pieces I want and so many I'll never have because it out of my price range. But I still have lots of nice corals I'm happy with. I suggest getting a bunch of common corals and then dish out for a show piece if you can. Thats what I did and I'm happy. Don't let the envy get the best of you.

Last edited by Reyphox; 11-09-2019 at 04:45 AM.
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Old 11-09-2019, 04:47 AM
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Originally Posted by bauder1986 View Post
Ah but I counter argue. A lot of the coral that I used to grow and frag out at about $20 for a healed frag is now going for double to triple that. And I'm talking mainly about zoas, brains, octos, torches etc. No SPS. And I used to actually buy those same corals for the price range of 20 to $60 at the local fish store in Calgary. And from just peeking around a little bit I've seen those prices almost double for the exact same corals.

Now we do have a lot of really nice corals out there right now that have justified prices because their colours are absolutely amazing and they are slow growers so it's really hard to get the supply to match the demand. So in those cases I understand

Maybe thats Calgary and I can't speak for you. Maybe it's due to the shit economy you have going there at the moment. When the economy what good, saltwater was huge over there. Then is started to crash when oil took a hit and there were a ton of tank shutdowns from what I remember.
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Old 11-09-2019, 04:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
If you compare apples to apples prices have forsure gone up.

Look at the cost of colonies now vs 8 years ago. I remember buying Walt Smith colonies from Red Coral for $50 a colony (baseball size) $60 if you didn't nab them on the pre buy. What's a colony that size worth now.
I'm talking buying from hobbyists.

If you want to talk vendors, yeah its gone up. But be real man. EVERYTHING you buy now from the stores are more expensive then 8 years. Cost of living is higher, wages to pay people are high. Hell apples from your grocery store at like 5 times more expensive. What are you expecting?
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Old 11-09-2019, 11:46 PM
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One thing for sure is real estate prices have gone up, especially in Vancouver. Whether a LFS pays rent or own the store that'd be a huge factor to the pricing.

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Old 11-10-2019, 02:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Reyphox View Post
I'm talking buying from hobbyists.

If you want to talk vendors, yeah its gone up. But be real man. EVERYTHING you buy now from the stores are more expensive then 8 years. Cost of living is higher, wages to pay people are high. Hell apples from your grocery store at like 5 times more expensive. What are you expecting?
I gaurentee your grocery prices haven't gone up 300% in the past 8 years......

What has caused the price increase has nothing to do with cost of living. 2 things have attributed to it, one of which is the biggest player. The dollar exchange, which is still about 30-35%, so not too major. The second, and largest, is the internet. The collectors, have come to realize they are being given peanuts compared to what the corals are being sold for across the world and have increased their price. Vendors are still going to make their percentage so prices increase. People are willing to pay the prices so they keep buying coral. If hobbiests wouldn't pay large prices would come down.
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Old 03-22-2020, 04:30 AM
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I generally give coral away especially if it grows in abundance in my tank like GSP I give this away at least three times a year to local reefers the only catch is I don’t have the room to keep it once I prune my coral so it goes in a bag and is held for no more than 2 days then it’s tossed.

Now technically once it is out of my hands and into another reefers hands they can do as they please but I get my hackles up especially if the pieces I give away are sold for huge profit. There was 2 people that regularly got GSP and when I had an abundance of them hammer coral and gave the GSP away and the hammer I charged 5 bucks regardless of size.

Well these 2 individuals would take the pieces I gave them and sell to other reefers for large amounts of money. One would charge $60 for a piece he got free from me and another time he sold a 5 head hammer for $130 after I found out what they were doing I refused to give to them anymore which apparently made me a bad boy and a whiner but I can handle that. I can’t handle that my cheap coral is being resold for huge profit and not even taken out of the bag I gave to them.

Call me petty but I don’t like people who do that and I have no problem shaming them if it is proven beyond a doubt. One has since left the hobby and the other is still in it but few people will deal with him because he takes advantage of people.
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Old 04-04-2020, 12:14 AM
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Talking Frags for ten and 20

You guys remember when you could go to a fellow reefers house and get frags for ten to 20 bucks of really nice pieces?

I think i got most of my millies that way back in the day, open houses for frag swapping and buying. got some really impressive stuff back then. circa 2005

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Old 04-05-2020, 03:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Millepora_Maniac View Post
You guys remember when you could go to a fellow reefers house and get frags for ten to 20 bucks of really nice pieces?

I think i got most of my millies that way back in the day, open houses for frag swapping and buying. got some really impressive stuff back then. circa 2005
I miss those days
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