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Old 05-16-2018, 04:50 AM
Llorgon Llorgon is offline
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I hope it's not cyno!

It kinda looks like hair algae except it's red instead of green.

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Old 05-22-2018, 02:48 AM
Llorgon Llorgon is offline
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Went away for the long weekend and came back to lots of algae. Looks like mostly diatoms with some green algae and some cyno.

I will be picking up a skimmer this week so hopefully that should help with the algae a bit.

Anything else I should do to help with algae other than water change and add some more clean up crew?

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Old 05-22-2018, 03:27 AM
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I’m dealing with some cyano right now as well due to an imbalance I’m guessing. New sand and a couple pieces of new LR.
300g Basement Reef - April 2018
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Old 05-23-2018, 08:23 PM
Llorgon Llorgon is offline
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Originally Posted by DKoKoMan View Post
I’m dealing with some cyano right now as well due to an imbalance I’m guessing. New sand and a couple pieces of new LR.

What do you do to get rid of the cyno?

The cyno came in on 2 frags I got. I guess dipping them in revive doesn't kill it.

What do people do for storing fresh saltwater for water changes. I live in an apartment so space is limited. I currently have 2 5 gallon buckets. Was wondering if anyone had better ideas for a easier way of doing water changes.
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Old 05-23-2018, 09:07 PM
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Cyno is a bacteria, revive (non-selective) kills/stresses only some members of the animal kingdom. Only a bactericide (non selective) kills bacteria (chemicals are only a last resort). All tanks have cyno, it usually only rears its ugly head when things are not right.

Young tanks have a tendency to go through algae, diatom, cyno and often dyno outbreaks. Unfortunately strong lighting in a young tank on bare rocks compounds the problem. The best answer for the problem is patience, don't rush it, good maintenance practices, water movement and reduce lighting if possible.

Most algae can be controlled by putting your tank inhabitants to work, or only adding tank inhabitants that will work for you. Everything needs to have a job.
For the most part good bacteria control bad bacteria. Look at ways of increasing the biodiversity of your tank and encouraging the good bacteria/algae to grow.
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Old 05-25-2018, 09:57 PM
Llorgon Llorgon is offline
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Originally Posted by Frogger View Post
Cyno is a bacteria, revive (non-selective) kills/stresses only some members of the animal kingdom. Only a bactericide (non selective) kills bacteria (chemicals are only a last resort). All tanks have cyno, it usually only rears its ugly head when things are not right.

Young tanks have a tendency to go through algae, diatom, cyno and often dyno outbreaks. Unfortunately strong lighting in a young tank on bare rocks compounds the problem. The best answer for the problem is patience, don't rush it, good maintenance practices, water movement and reduce lighting if possible.

Most algae can be controlled by putting your tank inhabitants to work, or only adding tank inhabitants that will work for you. Everything needs to have a job.
For the most part good bacteria control bad bacteria. Look at ways of increasing the biodiversity of your tank and encouraging the good bacteria/algae to grow.

It's hard not to rush sometimes. I know everyone says go slow, but it's difficult to do.

I didn't know cyno was a bacteria. Makes sense the revive didn't have any effect on it then.

My tank is pretty new and going through an algae bloom. I have been slowly adding more clean up crew each week. I'm up to 5 trochus snails and 2 cerith snails. I wil probably go pick up an astrea snail or two and maybe a few hermit crabs. Any recommendations on some must have clean up crew members?

I did order some Copepods and Rotifers from copepods canada. Hopefully that will help in adding a bit of biodiversity to the tank. Have any recommendations on other must have critters to help with the biodiversity.

I do have a refugium area in the sump and I could add some cheato to that if I can find some. That should help a bit with the algae as well I think. I should make better use of that area since I only have some live rock rubble and sand in it.

Also the corals I got from you, frogger are doing well... I think. The pocillopora seems to really enjoy my tank and the frogspawn is open all the time. Still waiting for the other acroporas to start to colour up.
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Old 05-25-2018, 10:30 PM
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A bristle tooth tang would be a perfect addition to the tank. Not sure your tank is mature enough to keep chaeto alive and actively growing. Try to find a clean source of different coraline algaes.

J@L sells Tiger Pods. If you can find someone with a perfectly clean tank with no bad things in it add a piece of live rock from that tank. Not sure where you are going to find that.

My small tank is pretty clean although it would be a source of cyno, diatoms, hair algae and dynos even though they are currently not visible I have had them in the past few years so they are only actively waiting for poor conditions to return to encourage their growth.

Not a big fan of hermit crabs. Water changes, water movement and a good skimmer is about all you can do. Check your source of fresh water as well, change filters add a DI Filter if you do not already have one.
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Old 05-25-2018, 10:53 PM
Llorgon Llorgon is offline
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Originally Posted by Frogger View Post
A bristle tooth tang would be a perfect addition to the tank. Not sure your tank is mature enough to keep chaeto alive and actively growing. Try to find a clean source of different coraline algaes.

J@L sells Tiger Pods. If you can find someone with a perfectly clean tank with no bad things in it add a piece of live rock from that tank. Not sure where you are going to find that.

My small tank is pretty clean although it would be a source of cyno, diatoms, hair algae and dynos even though they are currently not visible I have had them in the past few years so they are only actively waiting for poor conditions to return to encourage their growth.

Not a big fan of hermit crabs. Water changes, water movement and a good skimmer is about all you can do. Check your source of fresh water as well, change filters add a DI Filter if you do not already have one.

You need a mature tank for cheato? I thought you just needed some light! If I need a mature tank I will hold off for awhile then.

Bristle tooth tang, good idea. The wife has been bugging me about when will there be fish in the tank. Might wait another week after adding the pods though so they don't get eaten right away.

I will grab some tiger pods when I go to j&l this weekend. Then I can have a couple different kinds of pods.

Could I always grab a piece of liverock from j&l or is that just asking for unwanted pests?

Why not a fan of hermit crabs? Because they will kill snails for their shells?

I have a brand new ro/di unit. New filters and everything.
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Old 05-25-2018, 11:20 PM
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I have found that you need a stable mature tank to grow macro algae well. Its the unwanted varieties that tend to grow when things are not right. If it doesn't grow it will only die and release nutrients back into your tank, counter productive.

I wouldn't buy live rock from one of J&L's tanks they have aiptaisa and other nasties. I wouldn't buy Chaeto from J&L's or anyone but a clean tank and then it should be quarantined.

Correct me if I am wrong J&L's real reef live rock doesn't have pods only good bacteria. I added some to my new frag tank 5 months ago to seed my tank with beneficial bacteria. I still haven't added a major light source to that tank as I am letting it mature before firing it up (also because I haven't had time to complete the setup)

I have found Hermits are sh#t disturbers at the best of times. Other reefers love them.

I have some pods (Canada Copepods growing out, feed my pipefish with them) if you want some to add to your tank, come by bring over a small container and you can have some.

Last edited by Frogger; 05-25-2018 at 11:24 PM.
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Old 05-27-2018, 04:17 PM
Llorgon Llorgon is offline
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So yesterday bought some tiger pods and a couple astrea snails. Wife also bought a nice kole Tang.

The real shitty thing is at some point in the night one of my power heads blew. Woke up to a weird smell in the apartment and when I opened the lid to the tank the one power head was smoking a bit and smelt like burning plastic...

So everything in the tank is dead. Fish all the snails all the pods... Hopefully coral makes it.

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