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Old 10-10-2016, 10:07 PM
colebar1 colebar1 is offline
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Default FS/FT : GREEN Haddonis Carpet Anemone 12inch across

Bought two months ago and regardless of where I put my flow or arrange my lighting he blocks the one end of the tank. Wasn't nearly this big when I had it ordered in but was very stressed at wais and never opened past 8 or 9inches across.
Since being in my tank it has opened to 12 or more inches across.

Pictures don't even show how nice it is.

Would sell for 250 OBO.
Would trade for another large anemone and cash depending on size and type of anemone.
Not interested in green or red bubble tip anemones.
Would also trade for t5ho 4 or 6 bulb 36inch fixture or led fixture over 180w
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Old 10-14-2016, 08:52 PM
videosilva videosilva is offline
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Default Really ?

What is so SPECIAL about that green carpet to make you think it is worth your asking price ???

Last edited by videosilva; 10-14-2016 at 08:55 PM.
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Old 10-14-2016, 09:25 PM
colebar1 colebar1 is offline
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250 or best offer... trying to avoid low balls and also good luck finding a Carpet that's healthy for under 200. Everyone that gets shipped in is either bleached to hell or showing mouth wide open and eventually die.

Pieces gets them in for 100 in Calgary but they die within 3 weeks. Wais has had 2 come in bleached pitch white and he's still asking 160$ plus not as big.

So yeah if you want to gamble 150$ on a bleached carpet or one with mouth gapping go ahead.

Also I have been offered by 4 different people 160$ to 200
Through private message.
Just still on fence about parting with carpet. Change my mind every other day
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Old 10-14-2016, 09:27 PM
colebar1 colebar1 is offline
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Also you are in Ontario so more stock/cheaper compared to out west in alberta.
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Old 10-14-2016, 09:32 PM
colebar1 colebar1 is offline
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Lol Pisces in Calgary has one for 399.99 the exact same as mine and it is smaller.
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Old 10-17-2016, 09:18 PM
videosilva videosilva is offline
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Default WOW !

WOW ! Prices are that HIGH in Calgary ? How do you guys keep up ? I would not have much stock if any if I lived out there. I am in Bradford, Ontario. 30 minutes south of Barrie and a little more then 30 minutes north of Toronto.

Off the top of my head there are about 10 or so independent salt water stores and 5 or so big als stores in the G.T.A. ( GREATER TORONTO AREA ).

I went to an independent store a few months ago the prices like most of the independents are roughly half price or less of bigs als and better quality.

I bought a large green carpet , a large green white carpet, and a lager plain color magnificent anemone for $150.00 and he threw in 2 anemone crabs.

So, wow the prices there are INSANE !!!

The average price for a large green carpet at Big ALs is around $100.00 or a LITTLE more. The independents can vary from roughly the same prices to a half.

If you look at the BIg ALS weekly specials on the weekends you will have a good idea what the going prices are here. Again Big' Al's is the most expensive for live stock.

Last edited by WarDog; 10-18-2016 at 04:10 AM.
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Old 10-17-2016, 09:32 PM
videosilva videosilva is offline
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Default Green Carpet

The image quality is lacking but you get the idea. If you want me to delete my post regarding prices let me know. That was just to give you a rough idea what the prices are like here.

I am still blown away at the prime rate you guys are paying for stock. INSANE ! Someone is making money.
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Old 10-17-2016, 10:54 PM
somafish somafish is offline
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I agree with Colebar on his pricing. It's a different market here. I'm tempted to make an offer, just knowing it's healthy
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Old 10-18-2016, 03:53 AM
colebar1 colebar1 is offline
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Wais aquarium has a "white carpet anemone" for 199.99
It's a green one that lost all color.
White ones don't exist for carpet anemones.
I have a guy on facebook that recently added me from seeing my carpet photos in a group. He can send me a blue gig or red haddonis carpets for 200us.
He's based in the UK they are very cheap out by him.
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Old 10-18-2016, 10:15 PM
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Originally Posted by videosilva View Post
WOW ! Prices are that HIGH in Calgary ? How do you guys keep up ? I would not have much stock if any if I lived out there. I am in Bradford, Ontario. 30 minutes south of Barrie and a little more then 30 minutes north of Toronto.

Off the top of my head there are about 10 or so independent salt water stores and 5 or so big als stores in the G.T.A. ( GREATER TORONTO AREA ).

I went to an independent store a few months ago the prices like most of the independents are roughly half price or less of bigs als and better quality.

I bought a large green carpet , a large green white carpet, and a lager plain color magnificent anemone for $150.00 and he threw in 2 anemone crabs.

So, wow the prices there are INSANE !!!

The average price for a large green carpet at Big ALs is around $100.00 or a LITTLE more. The independents can vary from roughly the same prices to a half.

If you look at the BIg ALS weekly specials on the weekends you will have a good idea what the going prices are here. Again Big' Al's is the most expensive for live stock.
I'm trying to put this a gentle as I can, perhaps these comments are best made via PM...

If this was a build thread or a thread on carpet anemones etc this would be totally appropriate and encouraged conversation. But on Buy/Sell/Trade thread it only makes it more difficult for the seller.

There's a price that makes it worthwhile to part with it, and there's a price someone is willing to pay. Hopefully those 2 are in the same ballpark. If not.... well there's always Big Al's...
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