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Old 06-29-2016, 02:35 PM
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Default LF: Reefkeeper SID V2

Anyone have a SID V2 for sale or if in the Edmonton area one I could borrow? Need to upgrade a used RKL but the SID V2 that came with it refuses to upgrade firmware.
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Old 06-29-2016, 05:06 PM
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Are you trying to do the upgrade with myReef maximized on your screen? If so, you'll not see the upgrade button.
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Old 06-29-2016, 06:00 PM
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Originally Posted by gregzz4 View Post
Are you trying to do the upgrade with myReef maximized on your screen? If so, you'll not see the upgrade button.
No that's not the issue. Here is what I am trying to do.
Just bought a RKL plus that is still on V1.03 firmware which will not connect to MyReef software.
When I plug in the SID V2 it indicates that it needs to be upgraded, I go to the upgrade screen and click it and it comes back with program failed.
I have included a picture of the screen I see when trying to do the upgrade and what it says as well as a picture of the SID V2 I have.
Also at the end is the steps I am trying to follow but as I say it stops at step #7, I would post on the DA forum but I have yet to get approved. Not sure when or if that will happen.

Using myReef 2.0 for the first time
Please follow the steps below to get your ReefKeeper system and the myReef 2.0 software application ready for operation.

1. Disconnect your SID from your computer system.
2. Run the myReef 2.0 installer and continue through the setup windows.
3. Open the myReef software application to verify correct installation.
4. Connect your SID to your computer via USB. At this stage, make sure the SID is not connected to any module or unit.
5. Verify that the SID shows up under “Systems” on the left hand side.
6. Click on the SID item. The main screen will display information about the SID.
7. Click the “Update” button to the right of the SID. myReef will display the firmware update screen and automatically select the most recent firmware version to update.
8. Click the “Program” button. The progress bar at the top of the screen will begin to move. Once the update has completed, the screen will go back to displaying the SID information.
9. Plug ONLY your RKE or RKL system head unit directly to the SID. After a few moments, your head unit should show up both in the left side tree view (under the SID) and in the main pane. [Note: If you have the new silver SID v2 and a ReefKeeper Lite, you will have to use an RJ-12 pass-through female-to-female coupler/y-splitter to connect the SID to the RKL head unit. A female-to-female programming coupler is included with all new RKL system purchases. Otherwise these are available online or at most Radio Shack stores.]
10. Click on the ‘Update” button to the right of the head unit. myReef will display the firmware update screen and automatically select the most recent firmware version to update.
11. Click the “Program” button. The progress bar at the top of the screen will begin to move. For RKE customers, updating the head unit's firmware is a 3 stage process and will take a but longer than on other versions. Both the second and third stages will power up the head unit and characters on the screen may display incorrectly during this process. RKL customers will experience the standard 1 stage process.
12. Repeat the update process for all other modules in your system. Note that each module must be updated individually, powered down and connected only to the SID. Please remember that due to the complexity of the NET module takes significantly longer to program than the other modules in the system. Depending on your computer system, this can range anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes.
13. Once all modules have been updated to their newest versions, plug your entire system together and power your ReefKeeper system up.
14. Perform a factory reset on your head unit (Menu>System>Factory Reset). This is required because of the vast amount of updates and improvements to the head unit firmware. In some cases, your head unit will power up with the KEYS LOCKED. For RKE customers, if this occurs, please unlock the keys by pressing, [UP] [DOWN] [left] [DOWN]. For RKL customers, unlock the keys by pressing, [UP] [DOWN] [UP] [ENTER].
15. Plug your SID into the last available bus port on your system. Your ReefKeeper system will now be displayed under the connected SID within myReef.
16. You are now ready to use myReef 2.0. Enjoy!!!
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Old 06-29-2016, 06:12 PM
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One more trick you can try is, as soon as you try to program it, unplug the SID causing it to fail.
Then plug the SID back in. It won't recognize it now. Select what type of hardware it is from the drop down menu and try to program it.
If this doesn't work then the SID is truly pooched.
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