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Old 02-12-2016, 06:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
This can happen anywhere. Stopping going to a place that's always been good seems a bit over reactive I got food poisoning in my kitchen. I denied the blame too. I still eat there
Guess you gotta a stomach is like a human garburator anyways. lol
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Old 02-12-2016, 07:45 PM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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Well, within quick driving distance of our place are well over a dozen sushi places. My daughter refuses to eat at Oyama after this. It's the management's reaction (or lack thereof) that contributes to our decision to no longer give them our business. Plus the fact they failed 4 out of their last 9 health inspections (as shown on the Fraser Health Authority website). Manager lied to me about how it couldn't be their sushi cause they have a perfect health and safety record for the last 4 to 6 years, when in fact they don't. The new Sushi Garden is opening up 3 minutes from our place soon so we'll give them a try, although Felicia's stomach is still not happy at the thought of eating sushi yet. Hopefully she'll change her mind if we go somewhere else for our sushi fix.

Rich, we also really like California Sushi, other than the wait times. Always had good food there. We also like Nao Sushi on Kingsway for their bento boxes and Sushi Town on Hastings, for their spicy salmon bowls. We go to about 5 or 6 different sushi places, so giving up one where we no longer trust is not a big inconvenience.

It's a lot different here than in Victoria where your options are much more limited in terms of sushi. Here, across from Metrotown Mall and within the mall, there are literally at least five or six sushi places. Kingsway is a magnet for sushi restaurants.
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Old 02-12-2016, 08:36 PM
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Last year 84% of all restaurants, eateries and coffee shops in the lower mainland were in violation of the health codes a surprising number given that the rest of the province last year averaged 27% health code violations.

Here are links to the Fraser health authority for violations and eatery closures for various cities in the Fraser valley


Inspection reports for every eatery in every city in the Fraser valley

Violation and ticketing
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Old 02-12-2016, 10:27 PM
gobytron gobytron is offline
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Originally Posted by Bblinks View Post
Boss sushi eh.....gonna try it, my go to is California sushi, Korean owned but its darn good.
Mega is closer to California.

Boss Sushi is up in Westwood Plateau.

I am not a fan of California....I liken it to the McDonalds of the sushi world...very much geared towards high turn over.

They are cheap though...which is good from time to time.

Interested to know what you think of Boss if you go.
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Old 02-13-2016, 12:11 AM
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Now that this has turned into a sushi thread (sorry Anthony ), I'll throw my vote into the hat.

Shima-ya on Victoria/41st has the best (real) sushi in GVRD. Having lived and traveled to Japan countless times, I can safely say that Shima-ya comes closest to Japanese proper nigiri sushi. It's a mom-and-pop place and it ain't cheap, but if it's quality you want, give it a shot.

For the Tricities peeps, Sushi 990 over at Poco has great bang for the buck and its quality is high above all the California Sushi, Sushi Town, etc.
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Old 02-13-2016, 05:56 AM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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Originally Posted by rishu_pepper View Post
Now that this has turned into a sushi thread (sorry Anthony ), I'll throw my vote into the hat.

Shima-ya on Victoria/41st has the best (real) sushi in GVRD. Having lived and traveled to Japan countless times, I can safely say that Shima-ya comes closest to Japanese proper nigiri sushi. It's a mom-and-pop place and it ain't cheap, but if it's quality you want, give it a shot.

For the Tricities peeps, Sushi 990 over at Poco has great bang for the buck and its quality is high above all the California Sushi, Sushi Town, etc.
Actually Shima-ya is my sister's and brother's favourite sushi place. My sister-in-law is Japanese Canadian and her mother is a retired sushi chef and they also like Shima-ya.

Good to know about Sushi 990 but rarely go to Poco except to pick up corals/fish

Also, a friend of mine on BCA just posted that 3 years ago his sister-in-law, mother-in-law & father-in-law all got food poisoning from the Burnaby Oyama and after vomiting for days, they swore never to go back. Other people have been texting and pming me with their own horror stories, which makes me sort of feel lucky that we didn't have any bad experiences for so many years, considering we ate there almost every month for a long time.

I wonder if its under new management because the quality has dipped (again, multiple people have mentioned this and asked me the same question). Up till now, it's was the two price jumps in less than a year and the slightly smaller portions we were served that caught my attention.

Oh well, Felicia has told me she never wants to eat there again so its actually good to learn about other sushi places our friends here are recommending to try out. Maybe one of these recommended places will become our family's go-to sushi place. I'll give it another week and then take the family out for sushi to see if I can get Felicia to try eating sushi again. I don't want this incident to turn her off from Japanese food long-term.
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