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Old 03-08-2015, 09:12 PM
Timbits Timbits is offline
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Default How to add an anemone safely in a reef tank

Hey guys

I wanna get an anemone probably a bubble tip but I am up for suggestions as long as they are clown hosting anemones. The problem that I have which I'm sure many many others have also ran into this problem is that I'm scared the anemone will start walking which it probably will and kill all my corals. My tank is packed with corals all over the sandbed and sps all over the rocks.

Are there any clown hosting anemones that are less likely to move?
Any tips or tricks? Please share your experiences

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Old 03-08-2015, 09:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Timbits View Post
Hey guys

I wanna get an anemone probably a bubble tip but I am up for suggestions as long as they are clown hosting anemones. The problem that I have which I'm sure many many others have also ran into this problem is that I'm scared the anemone will start walking which it probably will and kill all my corals. My tank is packed with corals all over the sandbed and sps all over the rocks.

Are there any clown hosting anemones that are less likely to move?
Any tips or tricks? Please share your experiences


Tim, if you are worried the anemone will move. Try to purchase an anemone which has already been attached to a piece of rock.

Isolate the rock/nem on the sand bed and the nem will not be able to walk/crawl around because it cannot move on the sand. This has worked for me and My RBTA's stay in the center of my tank and have never moved.

That being said, some people have had their Nems detach and fly into a power head but that's another story. Oh and my gf tried the tape a picture to the tank method it didn't work . We had to put the nem and clowns together in a bucket and once they touched they never stopped hosting again. Good luck bud!
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Old 03-09-2015, 02:51 AM
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If your tank is already packed with coral that you value & don't want killed, don't get an anemone. Even if it does not move, it will most likely grow & as it does, it will end up encroaching on your coral & sting them.
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Old 03-09-2015, 03:21 AM
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If you do decide on getting a RBTA, I found the best way to get them to attach to my LR is to rest a piece of eggcrate against them overnight so they can't blow around (I bought mine loose).
Once attached, mine (luckily) stayed where I placed them.
I put them front and center-ish and a bit lower. Out of direct powerhead flow, but enough for good flow. Been almost 3 years now.
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Old 03-09-2015, 07:42 PM
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In my experience, BTs can still detach from rocks and either kill things or get killed. Even with the best conditions you cant predict their behavior. The safest way is to remove all your coral and put it in with a clown fish, it will settle and once bonded, will rarely move. Then put everything back in. I wouldn't risk it with everything in there.
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Old 03-09-2015, 08:10 PM
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They like their foot in a crack or hole, I placed mine between a shelf rock and a big rock and it hasn't moved because it can retract into safety if it wants.

They move, my condy walked from one end of the tank to the other. Then it settled for a year, then one day, walked again.
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Old 03-10-2015, 03:36 AM
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I thought the idea of isolating an anemone on an island was genius and pushed me over the edge of wanting one but being concerned about its wanderings to feeling confident about finally doing it. That was until the RBTA that I had in my tank for about a month decided to hop over from one piece of LR to the next, separated by about 3-4" of sand bed. One day it was on the island where I placed it, the next it was on the mainland moving around hahaha. Maybe I needed more space between the rockwork islands, but in my 35gal shallow reef that was about the best I could do. Fortunately my tank had very little coral in it at the time and its wanderings had little to no impact. Now that it's settled I will consider stocking around it but will still give some space.

Last edited by jostafew; 03-10-2015 at 03:38 AM.
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Old 03-10-2015, 03:54 AM
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Not the answer you're looking for, but...
There are no guarantees of a nem not moving.

I have had one/some in my tank for a couple years.

I recently removed one because it began to wander and killed a bunch of ricordeas.

That being said, a nem hosting clowns is a very cool thing.

Coincidently I've got a couple rbtas at the moment that need to be removed soon.
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Old 03-10-2015, 09:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Tn23 View Post
Isolate the rock/nem on the sand bed and the nem will not be able to walk/crawl around because it cannot move on the sand. This has worked for me and My RBTA's stay in the center of my tank and have never moved.
Never heard that before... Can they really not walk on sand? That is very interesting I might try it haha
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Old 03-10-2015, 10:00 AM
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Originally Posted by smokinreefer View Post
Not the answer you're looking for, but...
There are no guarantees of a nem not moving.

I have had one/some in my tank for a couple years.

I recently removed one because it began to wander and killed a bunch of ricordeas.

That being said, a nem hosting clowns is a very cool thing.

Coincidently I've got a couple rbtas at the moment that need to be removed soon.
Any pics??
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