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Old 01-28-2015, 01:34 PM
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I don't think doing waterchanges is your main concern right now. I would be getting test kits right away. Buy good ones - Salifert or Elos. The Hanna Checker for alkalinity is really good (the calcium one is terrible imo).

Step 1 - test magnesium. If it is lower than 1350, raise it up around 1300-1500 with magnesium chloride.

Step 2 - test alkalinity. Dose if needed (8-9 dKH). If high, move to step 3. Don't worry if it's 11-12 dKH, that's fine, just make just your calcium matches that (see chart below).

Step 3 - test calcium. Dose if needed (415-430 ppm). If high, wait it out.

Honestly, I think the problem is that you have high calcium and alkalinity and low magnesium. When you get magnesium up higher it should sort itself out. If it's bacteria, it will sort itself out too.

Also, test calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium of your water change water every time you open a new bucket. I haven't noticed an increase in magnesium in IO yet - maybe I have an old batch. If you're doing a bunch of water changes with saltwater low in magnesium it's not going to magically raise magnesium.

~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

Last edited by Myka; 01-28-2015 at 01:38 PM.
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Old 01-28-2015, 04:23 PM
roblarss roblarss is offline
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Im using a hanna alk meter. I have the hanna calcium checker but never could get results that were consistant. I was using elos for my mag and calcium. Hopefully i will find a store in edmonton with the kits tomorrow. My last trip in i couldnt find any and my last order they were omited as out of stock.

I just did a group of tests
Sg 1.024
No3 10
Alk 208
Po4 1.56
Ca (hanna) 506, 454, 518

If the hanna is correct around 500 range then ca is a bit high.
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Old 01-28-2015, 04:40 PM
mikellini mikellini is offline
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
I don't think doing waterchanges is your main concern right now. I would be getting test kits right away. Buy good ones - Salifert or Elos. The Hanna Checker for alkalinity is really good (the calcium one is terrible imo).

Step 1 - test magnesium. If it is lower than 1350, raise it up around 1300-1500 with magnesium chloride.

Step 2 - test alkalinity. Dose if needed (8-9 dKH). If high, move to step 3. Don't worry if it's 11-12 dKH, that's fine, just make just your calcium matches that (see chart below).

Step 3 - test calcium. Dose if needed (415-430 ppm). If high, wait it out.

Honestly, I think the problem is that you have high calcium and alkalinity and low magnesium. When you get magnesium up higher it should sort itself out. If it's bacteria, it will sort itself out too.

Also, test calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium of your water change water every time you open a new bucket. I haven't noticed an increase in magnesium in IO yet - maybe I have an old batch. If you're doing a bunch of water changes with saltwater low in magnesium it's not going to magically raise magnesium.

Wouldn't raise mag, but would lower calcium, especially if it's io. His sg is a bit low so maybe adding a ton of mag chloride is a good idea, but typically that would raise your sg a bit much. Plus a water change is cheap.
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Old 01-30-2015, 04:03 AM
roblarss roblarss is offline
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Finally got a mg test kit. Called every store that i know of in edmonton and finally one with a kit.

mg = 1200
ca = 310
alk = 220

Guess I will take the calcium up to about 450

This still baffles me that Im getting precipitate as I have had similar readings as this except my mg was lower.
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Old 01-30-2015, 04:12 AM
mikellini mikellini is offline
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Originally Posted by roblarss View Post
Finally got a mg test kit. Called every store that i know of in edmonton and finally one with a kit.

mg = 1200
ca = 310
alk = 220

Guess I will take the calcium up to about 450

This still baffles me that Im getting precipitate as I have had similar readings as this except my mg was lower.
I think if you add calcium you will increase precipitation at this point. Try and get your magnesium up to 1350 before adding calcium imo. If you plan on running your Alk that high long-term, I'd even consider going a bit higher with the mag
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Old 01-30-2015, 04:14 AM
roblarss roblarss is offline
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Prob should get the mag up also.

I dont really plan on running the alk this high. It just kind of got there.
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Old 01-30-2015, 01:53 PM
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Originally Posted by roblarss View Post
Finally got a mg test kit. Called every store that i know of in edmonton and finally one with a kit.

mg = 1200
ca = 310
alk = 220

Guess I will take the calcium up to about 450

This still baffles me that Im getting precipitate as I have had similar readings as this except my mg was lower.
Your numbers aren't that bad anymore because the precipitation has already occurred. This is obvious by the low calcium.

Get Mg up to 1350 ppm first. You will need it to support the addition of calcium. Fwiw, you will need a lot of magnesium chloride so use a powdered product, not a liquid one. Check out one of the reef calculators like the BRS one or the one on Reef Central.

Also, when you add a bunch of calcium the alkalinity will drop just from the addition of the calcium. Don't add more than about 50 ppm calcium per 24 hours, and expect to only have to go to about 430 ppm because alkalinity will probably drop to about 20 ppm with the addition of 100 ppm calcium.

As TimT says, I think there is a bacterial bloom at the same time too which is why you're seeing the low pH and the skimmer is going crazy. Unless you just have the skimmer poorly adjusted or sitting too deep in the water. Calcium precipitation doesn't make the skimmer go crazy.
~ Mindy

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Old 01-30-2015, 03:09 PM
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I'd have to agree on the bacterial bloom. You could have done absolutely nothing and a bacterial bloom could happen. Just one of those things. Should balance out in a week or two.
- Jordon
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Old 01-30-2015, 04:33 PM
roblarss roblarss is offline
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Thats some good info.
The makes sense about the calcium. I wasnt really thinking things through late last night.

I added some mag this morning and Ill see where it is when I get home. I have some powdered mag chloride.

I hope this goes away fairly soon. My fish arent really eating much to anything. I only see the odd fish once a day or so. Except the foxface he sits against the glass and watches me all day.

The skimmer is setup the same as its always run. I actually backed it off a bit to prevent the foam from getting to crazy. Sump gets a foam head around the skimmer 6-8" tall. Skimmate is a dull brown tea color. I scoop the foam out of the sump every evening.
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Old 01-31-2015, 01:00 AM
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Originally Posted by roblarss View Post
The skimmer is setup the same as its always run. I actually backed it off a bit to prevent the foam from getting to crazy. Sump gets a foam head around the skimmer 6-8" tall. Skimmate is a dull brown tea color. I scoop the foam out of the sump every evening.
That is certainly a bacterial issue. Just keep plugging're going in the right direction.
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

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