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Old 09-16-2014, 06:15 PM
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Well, mom's vet said to take a worm sample to the Calgary Avian and Exotic Pet Clinic to test. CAEPT still won't issue meds without seeing fish, said its illegal, even with a sample to release an rx. Its either take the fish there, or have them come to my house. A picture helps, but they need to see the head of the worm under microscope.

I am going to increase the dosage of the prazipro and metronidazole (packaging says this medication cannot be overdosed). Prazipro will dosed every 2-3 days and I'll mix it with their food.
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Old 09-16-2014, 06:38 PM
SoloSK71 SoloSK71 is offline
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Never a bad idea to do a water change.

Where did my rum go?!

Success in this hobby does not count how you spend your money, it counts how you spend your time.
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Old 12-06-2014, 04:38 PM
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I finally received some levamisole meds this week and am going to treat my tank today as I'm home and can monitor. As my fish seem to finally fatten up I thought the last treatment I did with the seachem meds had finally gotten rid of the worms. Been watching my fish and hadn't seen any signs in quite a while, until last night, my blue tang had them hanging out its rear.

So I need some help with the dose. I have a 180 display and an 87 gl sump. I would guess I have approx 120 lbs of rock between the 2, plus my skimmer and dual reactor. I've got 7.5 grams of meds.

Can someone help with how much I should use, I've looked on line and can't seem to find the calculations for the powder form for sw.

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Old 12-07-2014, 01:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Coralgurl View Post
I finally received some levamisole meds this week and am going to treat my tank today as I'm home and can monitor. As my fish seem to finally fatten up I thought the last treatment I did with the seachem meds had finally gotten rid of the worms. Been watching my fish and hadn't seen any signs in quite a while, until last night, my blue tang had them hanging out its rear.

So I need some help with the dose. I have a 180 display and an 87 gl sump. I would guess I have approx 120 lbs of rock between the 2, plus my skimmer and dual reactor. I've got 7.5 grams of meds.

Can someone help with how much I should use, I've looked on line and can't seem to find the calculations for the powder form for sw.

Bump....Anyone? I didn't treat today as I got called out for an emergency at work.
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Old 12-07-2014, 04:46 AM
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I'm sure you already came across this but just in case
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Old 12-13-2014, 03:32 PM
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Finally got this treatment done. Had to buy a scale, lovely $50 one for $10 of meds...anyway.... I mixed 2.5g of levamolsoli to 1 cup of tank water, then slowly added to the dt. I didn't turn off the return pump, but did turn off the skimmer and gfo reactor. I covered the tank to block the lights and then monitored the fish. As of 930 am, I haven't seen the melanerous wrasse, but everyone else is fine including corals. I have water ready for a change, but as I'm treating for intestinal worms, not flatworms, I may leave the wc for a day. I have enough of the meds to do 2 more treatments. Need to feed and see if the worms start dropping, with lights out, fish went to bed last night.

Hopefully this is the end of this. It's been a year long battle with a few deaths along the way.....
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Old 12-27-2014, 05:28 PM
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I'm pretty sure I got screwed on this. I've used the entire 7.5 gram pack. I didn't see any adverse reactions from corals or the fish when I added, and they still have the stupid f&$)@ing worms, at least the blue tang still does. Going to order from somewhere else and try again.
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