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Old 08-24-2014, 09:13 PM
Medic5125 Medic5125 is offline
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Default Need advice ASAP (water leak) 911!!!

Worst timing ever!! (Aug 24 2014)I have been on vacation for 10 days and my father in law stopped by the house last night to find my 40g has been leaking all over the carpet, around 15g has leaked out!! Now what? What's the best way to clean the floor? What's the best way to change to a new aquarium? That's if anything survives mind you. I'm on my way home but I'm stuck at the airport for now(till 1900)!! My first plan is to remove fish, corals to Rubbermaids as well as liverook. Please fill free to pass on any advice...
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Old 08-24-2014, 09:25 PM
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Water in the carpet just steam clean it and it will be ok

Do you know where the leak is? Higher up in the tank or down low? If it's higher up you can probably get away with leaving things in the tank while you make arrangements for temp home if its down low you will most likely have to bin as much as you can and then make arrangements for a temp home
My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....
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Old 08-24-2014, 09:56 PM
Medic5125 Medic5125 is offline
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I'm not sure yet where the leak is, my father in law said it was still leaking so I'm guessing it's 1/2 or lower end of the tank. He ductaped the s@#t out of it. My fear is my canister filter, heater, and skimmer are burned out. By the time I get home all the LFS are closed, at min I'll pick up cheap heaters at Wal-Mart..
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Old 08-25-2014, 12:42 AM
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you need more info regarding WHERE the leak is coming from, it should not be too difficult to determine.

As for equipment, who ever is available may have to test them to see functionality and asses if the water has migrated into any electrical outlets etc.

worst case you get get a large BRUTE or other container and save some of the remaining water, rock, etc and put your aquatic life in there as an emergency and fairly cheap interim solution until you can either repair or replace the tank.
130 Gal Community Planted Tank and a 250Gal Peninsula FOWLR
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Old 08-25-2014, 01:06 AM's Avatar is offline
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If you need a place to store your live stock I have a 4ft tank running in my system and I could easily isolate it till you get your tank fixed up.
you can come by anytime just let me know below is my direct ph#
Eli (403) 870_9430
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Old 08-25-2014, 09:03 AM
Medic5125 Medic5125 is offline
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Well its 4hrs after getting home, I've put the live rock in one large Rubbermaid and the livestock and coral attached to rock in another, I've added heaters and powerheads in both not to mention lights over the coral. I've done the best I can with cheap carpet cleaner, I'll have to bring in a pro tomorrow. The tank was leaking from the bottom, both front and back. I guess that's what you get from a free hand me down. It's a funny thing to have no problem for two years and suddenly while on vacation BAM!!!! Now the hard part putting it all back together with minimal life loss... If I can't find a good corner aquarium in the next 48 hrs, I may just take you up on that offer to house some livestock at your place...
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