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Old 06-01-2014, 09:28 PM
Masonjames Masonjames is offline
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Thanks trev. No prob. So far everything has been working out fine. Got through the nasty and the preliminary cleanup by sealing the entire system into a window so so far okay. Still going to have to move sump and possibly even main tank but well see. I may take everything over to cuz for awhile if I find I need. Just waiting to hear game plan from adjuster etc before I know what I need to be prepared for. But still considering taking a break. If I do and if no one takes the lot then I will likely sell them off one by one. Thanks though. Fence looks good ; )
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Old 06-02-2014, 01:19 AM
hillegom hillegom is offline
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Take pics of the damage and write things down that are compromised.
My sister in law went through this and she did not get paid for everything as it was not all documented. The person that redid the basement did not write everything down. Its always better if you do it and have pics to back you up.
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Old 06-02-2014, 02:03 AM
Masonjames Masonjames is offline
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Thanks man. Ya I was taking pics that night and took 100s once it drain back. I have also requested to to be present when they start to document everything that was hauled out. Who's knows what they'll miss or toss without documenting it and Ill never be able to recall every single item. Especially those packed away in boxes. I'm not looking forward to the continued headache ahead. I'm already tired of dealing with it. And it just started. Lol. And it's just so frigging gross : (

Thanks for the info. I'm gonna do all I can to make sure I don't get screwed over anywhere.
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Old 06-02-2014, 07:56 PM
Masonjames Masonjames is offline
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Anyone go through a situation like this that can share some advice. System wise. Either similar situations, or anyone working in the insurance industry. I just don't know how to approach this. I have replacement insurance on property damage and possessions and 2500 fish, pet etc insurance included in my policy.

I ask because while there seems to be a seemingly genuine concern for my concerns related to the system, there isn't much concern for the system itself. No one I'm dealing with anyways seems to care much about fish. And or corals. I don't expect any losses at all and the system is currently doing fine. But the amount of time and or incurred expenses I may need to incur as a result of what has happened and the measures I need to take to insure the well being of the life that is in my hands is where I'm not getting much feed back. All I have been getting is try and work along side x company, I don't know what else you expect us to do for you. (Independent adjuster working on behalf of insurance company.

As I mentioned, I don't expect I will see any losses fish or coral, but there will be allot of additional work and potential costs I will see from just doing what I know I have to do to make sure I don't loose anything. I was up until 4:00 in the morning the first night wadding in sewage trying to take appropriate steps to ensure the health of my tank. I was up at 7:00 starting to seal off the tank and sump and fresh water reserve to insure I wasnt going to get chemical contamination from the chems and disinfectants etc. resulting from there preliminary clean up. I couldn't even do a water change as my mixing station was either contaminated sewage wise and or now contaminated by chemicals residues.

My tank and sump currently still has raw sewage sitting underneath it. Not the only place but one of them. I didn't have water made up, clean containers to hold water, so I couldn't shut anything down during this time. These will have to be **** down and moved to allow proper cleaning and disinfectant. I was scheduled to work out of town this week but have now had to cancle and stay stay close to home as I obviously cannot let a cleaning company shut my tank down and move my sump to clean. Nor could I be sure in there practices about cleaning in and around the system with the chemicals they use without me being present to help and keep an eye out. So much stuff I use on a daily bases maintenance wise for the system has been thoroughly sprayed with chemicals to disinfect. Even touching things that were sprayed and disinfected leaves a residue on my hands. This is not safe to use in conjunction with my system. Sure the item may still be good to use if it was used for other things as it was hard surfaces that can be disinfected and deemed safe but there's no way this is safe for the tank. The chems are designed to destroy bacteria. Would washing all this stuff actually remove all chemical residue? I'm to worried to even try and may have to go out and purchase these items I need and or use. But worried I will not get reimbursed as again, they would be deemed safe to use and would otherwise not be discarded. I have piles of extra equipment sitting that was disinfected that is in the keep pile. Even dry rock that was soaked in sewage and sprayed, extra skimmer, powerheads etc etc. all sitting in boxes on the floor. All disinfected and deemed safe to use. But are they safe? Can they be re used with a good and aggressive cleaning? They will be purchased non the less but I'm not gonna let myself get screwed over and have to buy all kinds of stuff I already had and used prior to this. I'm certain I won't get anything for my time I will have to invest, but would be nice to get back what I'm gonna need and had that don't feel safe using. And I have no interest in testing it's safe use on my system. I've already spent money on rolls of poly and tape and carbon and heaters since mine couldn't keep up with temp drop through the night with all the windows open and some stuff so I could get making water again and will need to purchase clean new holding containers and such if I need to shut down my tank and or sump never mind all the water and salt I will be using keeping up with changes. Lots of demo and rebuild will follow yet as well as additional chemical disinfects. So it's far from over yet.

I have even considered calling some local fish stores to give me an estimate to do the tranfer and move the system for me and bring there own containers and water etc and possibly even estimates to come and seal it off during times of heavy construction and chemicals and ensure it's well being through these periods. At least the insurance company sees that it's no small stupid task. I do need to get back to work. Which again is out of town. I can't afford to just sit around and work with whoevers schedules.

Am I over worrying about all this? I have a ton of money invested into this hobby through equip and livestock and I just want to ensure I'm treated fairly but as I mentioned, there doesn't seem to be an overly huge concern for fish tanks.

Anyone with any insight to share please let me know. Thanks in advance
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Old 06-02-2014, 08:35 PM
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Coralgurl Coralgurl is offline
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Sorry you are going through this, it certainly does not at all sound pleasant.

I am a bit confused on what you are asking for?? Your tank and inhabitants are fine, no doubt due to your initial response in protecting them. I understand your system needs to be moved so that the area under the tank can be disinfected and that may take some work on your part to relocate and then supervise the cleaners doing the work. There has recently been a thread regarding the use of chemicals and cleaning around tanks so being cautious is a good thing.

I am not an adjuster or work in the insurance industry, but insurance is there to make you whole again. Your tank is not lost, so no need for insurance to cover. Equipment - its been disinfected, if not sure, run through a vinegar bath to get their chemicals off. Your time, not sure how to measure that but I am not sure that's covered in your policy.

I have coverage on my tank, but all it covers is the tank and equipment and water damage if the tank let loose - no livestock. If you have additional pet coverage, I'd be inquiring as to what that means and just because an adjuster doesn't know how to handle a fish tank, I would think it would be their job to bring someone in who does??!!!

Best of luck!!
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Old 06-02-2014, 10:38 PM
Masonjames Masonjames is offline
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Thanks for the reply. Ya I prob sound a bit confusing and long winded. I know I have allot of work ahead of me, but that's my point. If the insurance company is there to make it whole again then what does whole mean to you. Or me or to them. Would you be interested in buying some dry rock? It was soaked in sewage and given a heavy dose of chemical disinfectant. I'll make sure I rinse it thoroughly. Give ya a real good deal. Lol. Would you be interested in using it? I got a bunch of equipment and barrels and all kinds of stuff that came in contact with heavy chemicals. Good deal to anyone who wants it. I'll wash it with vinegar before you pick it up. I highly doubt I would be the only one out there with this concern. No one would buy a container to use for mixing or storing top up if they new it had ever been used in contact with heavy chemicals. Even if they got it for free. So should I really be expected to use mine? Why doesn't that person who sees that perfect sized container for there auto top off which they can get at a great deal on and the size just fits exactly where they need it but find out it's been used in contact with chemicals just simple give it a good wash in vinegar? Because common sense says no? Doesn't it? Or is my experience different? As the time of contact has been shorter? Frankly I don't feel confident and safe using it. Maybe I'm just paranoid? The insurance company would say its safe. It's been disinfected after all. It's just fish. I was able to obtain a copy of the MSDS of the chemical used for disinfect if anyone knows anything about chemicals. But what right do I have to fight for my concerns for the well being of my system and what it may or may not come in contact with. Or should I let someone else decide for me what is safe to use? Maybe I am over worrying. Maybe I'm not. That's why I'm asking for others help and opinions which I really do appreciate.

My time I knkw I will not get back. That is fine. I'm not looking to profit off the care of my system. But what I was trying to say is I cannot afford to push work back to accommodate this right now. So, I loose out on work and providing or I take the time to make sure I'm there for when my system needs me. So I'm in a tough place. Plus spending additional money right now on the system that I either already had and don't feel is safe to use or additional stuff to accommodate the special circumstances currently. That is why I mentioned calling LFS to get quotes on managing the system for me. Whether I trust another in the care of my system is another thing but then hey I can get back to work. If the insurance company is there to make it whole again and that is all stuff that needs to be done regardless then am I out of line or seemingly trying to take advantage of a situation? Not that anyone is implying but I am not nor would I take advantage of anyone. Insurance company or not. I could be staying in a nice hotel soaking in a hot tub right now and going for a nice steak dinner afterwards but I'm not. We're staying at friends and family eating meals provided by them. And I got coverage for that if I wanted to use it. I'm just trying to get help on what's fair given the not so usual circumstances.i don't want to be taken advantage of. Everyone I have dealt with so far have never encountered this situation. And like I said. Fish tank seems to be ingrained as gold fish or equivalent.

So I'm just wondering if others may have went through similar situations and how they dealt with it and what the experience was. And if they have any advice they can offer. So again thanks for reply.
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