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Old 01-18-2014, 04:41 AM
Chris82 Chris82 is offline
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Default Setting up a new sump

I'm going to add a sump and get rid of the canASSter filter. Can someone direct me to a good site or thread,article. First time doing this and looking for some good sources of info.
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Old 01-18-2014, 04:17 PM
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Lots of great links in our reference library at the bottom of the page. You could start there..

Also could check Melev,s site out

Plus forgot to add many of the build threads have great pics of their sumps and plumbing. Everything from under tank to remote.

Last edited by Doug; 01-18-2014 at 04:26 PM.
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Old 01-19-2014, 06:04 AM
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Old 01-19-2014, 07:10 AM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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My favourite sump design is super simple. Say you have a 4' sump. I get 2 pieces of glass cut - generally 8-10" high, depending on what is the best water level height for your preferred skimmer. Then I set aside roughly half the sump as the skimmer "box" by siliconing the first baffle to the bottom at the mid-length point. Then I go the to other end of the sump and section off a 6" to 8" section for my return pump. I silicone this slightly off the bottom (between 1/2 to 1" off the bottom) - using a folded piece of cardboard to hold up the glass while the silicone on the sides dry. After a day, pull out cardboard. Now you have two baffles in place and that's all you need. I fill the middle section (i.e. my refugium) with LR rubble, macroalgae and even frags. The skimmer box maintains a set water level so that optimizes skimmer performance. It's also big enough that the return pipes from the display tank can be pointed into micron socks if so desired. I also add my media reactors and heater in the skimmer box. Hope that helps.

If going with smaller sump tank, you can just adjust the sizes so that the skimmer box is largest and big enough to hold the biggest skimmer you will ever likely use. The last section has to be big enough to fit your return pump and give you space to pull it out. The middle refugium section is whatever space is left over. Fill it with rubble and macroalgae and that will trap any microbubbles from the skimmer.

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