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Old 12-31-2013, 07:45 AM
craigwmiller craigwmiller is offline
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Default How clean do you keep your sump?

I try to keep mine as clean as possible, but how clean is too clean?

I personally don't shut the water flowing through my sump down for cleaning/water changes (I have a water change tank plumbed in so as to not disturb the flow through the display), so I don't really have a reason to draw water (detritus/etc) out of the sump... Now and then I take a small pump and 'vacuum' around to clear the waste -- into a filter sock.

I have this urge to take a glass scraper and clean the #&@& out of the sump and make it sparkly clean (while vacuuming up the loosenings into a sock for removal)...

Crazy? Do you do the same? What's your sump cleaning fetish like? (I let the fauna clean my DT)
Single System Setup: 210G SPS reef, 225G FOWLR, 72G water change, 50G frag, 120G sump. I promise a journal at some point! (anyone need some coral frags? I likely always have stuff that is frag-ready)

Last edited by craigwmiller; 12-31-2013 at 07:45 AM. Reason: typo
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Old 12-31-2013, 08:43 AM
The Guy The Guy is offline
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Originally Posted by craigwmiller View Post
I try to keep mine as clean as possible, but how clean is too clean?

I personally don't shut the water flowing through my sump down for cleaning/water changes (I have a water change tank plumbed in so as to not disturb the flow through the display), so I don't really have a reason to draw water (detritus/etc) out of the sump... Now and then I take a small pump and 'vacuum' around to clear the waste -- into a filter sock.

I have this urge to take a glass scraper and clean the #&@& out of the sump and make it sparkly clean (while vacuuming up the loosenings into a sock for removal)...

Crazy? Do you do the same? What's your sump cleaning fetish like? (I let the fauna clean my DT)
I shut down my return pump and do my whole WC in the sump I have approx. 100 gallons water total 90 g DT 75 g after rock displacement 50 g sump approx. half full so I do 25 g WC every 2 weeks I'm not real fussy but try and get some of the crud from the sump bottom. I pretty much empty out the sump and refill it with the 25 g of new salt water making sure the temp & salinity are good, turn the return pump back on and I'm done.
Hey! I never "LEFT" the hobby, just doing fresh water now. Which is still listed as part of Canreef if I'm not mistaken.
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Old 12-31-2013, 11:46 AM
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I've never cleaned my sump in 4 years.
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Old 12-31-2013, 12:03 PM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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Never cleaned my sump except when I tear down a tank.
If you see it, can take care of it, better get it or put it on hold. Otherwise, it'll be gone & you'll regret it!
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Old 12-31-2013, 12:22 PM
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Every few months I clean it right out and vacuum it with shop vac and and clean the equipment. But I walk up to mine and stand above it so its easy to do. I drilled my sump bottom when I got it so my water changes a done right from the bottom of the sump so I chase any debris down then.

I do it more for aesthetics than anything.
360 gallon sps reef, 180 gal sump, bubble king supermarine 300, 4xmp40Wes, 2 x 6215 tunze waveboxes, 4 ghl mitras

360 Reef Tank
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Old 12-31-2013, 02:00 PM
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I have a refugium in my sump so I don't empty it out for cleaning either. I do take a scrubber pad to the walls and bottom of the skimmer and return chambers every week or so but that's about it. I keep crabs in both chambers so all I'm scraping is diatom film, bacteria blooms etc. The refugium gets left alone.
I have to go out and buy more snails for my hermit crabs.
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Old 12-31-2013, 02:28 PM
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did my usual WC yesterday, siphoned about 180l from display and another 45l between the fuge and sump. Easy enough with the last 2 since both above a laundry sink.
my tank
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Old 12-31-2013, 02:57 PM
mseepman mseepman is offline
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My water changes come right from the sump with the turn of a couple valves. While its emptying into the drain, I use a turkey baster and just blow any gunk towards the drain hole. Its not spotless but pretty clean.

290g Peninsula Display, 425g total volume. Setup Jan 2013.
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Old 12-31-2013, 03:04 PM
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Have never cleaned my sump (in 3.5 years). Have pretty strong flow in tight qtrs so sediment does not accumulate, and no light. Also have never cleaned my return pump or skimmer and its pump (except of course the neck and cup every few days). But I should probably do all my pumps one of these days...
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Old 12-31-2013, 03:04 PM
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I have a REALLY big Hermit that keeps my sump clean for me!!
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Fb- edmonton fish coral and hardware buy and sell!
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