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Old 10-06-2013, 05:02 AM
BowedFloor BowedFloor is offline
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Originally Posted by The Grizz View Post
No kidding!! RyanV seems to have things really organized. That is why my new system has been 2 yrs in the planning.
Mines shoot from the seat of my pants with little to no thought about the end game.

Today I was a real risk taker and mounted a 50ml/min dosing pump to the inside door of my stand because I didn't feel like climbing in to attach it to the spot where its supposed to be, lol.
Old 10-06-2013, 10:06 AM
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Default sump

here is mine... 33g... if i had a chance to redo this, I will make the skimmer chamber bigger and the stand a little higher so I have more choices on choosing bigger skimmers.

75G mixed reef / 33G sump / EuroReef CS8-1 / Tunze 6206, 6055 / Eheim 1250 / AI Hydra LEDs / 2x54W T5HO / keep stocking more
Old 10-06-2013, 02:17 PM
Kryptic4L Kryptic4L is offline
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Originally Posted by The Grizz View Post
No kidding!! RyanV seems to have things really organized. That is why my new system has been 2 yrs in the planning.
I dont think any amount of planning will get you there .

I can only assume his tools are just as organized his drawers his everything, that kind of tidy is a whole nother level.
Two clownfish were in a tank. One says to the other, how do i drive this thing?
Old 10-06-2013, 03:25 PM
Ryanv Ryanv is offline
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Originally Posted by Kryptic4L View Post
I dont think any amount of planning will get you there .

I can only assume his tools are just as organized his drawers his everything, that kind of tidy is a whole nother level.
I try to keep things organized but it usually only lasts so long. I'll then tidy up again after spending some stupid amount of time looking for something. The whole point is just so I have quick access to something I commonly use. Anything else just gets tossed into bins, drawers, whatever.

It's also not a very big stand so I have to use the space wisely. I even made the pull-out drawer attach using strong magnets for easy removal but that was before I realized I'd have electrical cords from the lighting tethering it in place.
Oh well, you can't win everything.
Old 10-06-2013, 04:15 PM
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Last chance to join in on the contest and kicker! If you haven't done it already do so! This is the last call! Contest ends today at 12am Toronto time.

Old 10-06-2013, 07:20 PM
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Default An Organically Growing Plan

Well after receiving my second Mad Jelly order, or rather I guess third if you count group buys, I couldn't resist posting some pics of my work in progress build, in order for a chance to score some more of there awesome corals.

So my Equipment setup definitely won't win any beauty contests, as the plan has been ever evolving, or rather randomly growing to accommodate my needs, wants desires... or rather that's the excuses I keep telling myself.

Big change I would do is have a metal stand, better planned out to accommodate a single larger sump, rather then the two tanks slid under there. Having the display tank stand and vertical cabinet share the same base unit would make life so much easier, but alas like I said this evolved from what was going to be an inwall Discuss tank, hence the original base stand was never to even have a sump.

Wide angle view to put things in perspective.

Always measure your skimmer before you build a cabinet, or rather pick out your skimmer before you build a cabinet.

Skimmer compartment and water change line

Return Compartment, media reactor, ATO sensors and line. Also houses the pump for my chiller, the pump for my above tank cheato fuge. Also you can see the secondary drain line from my bean animal overflow, it currently feeds my big fuge and frag tank, but can be opened up to completely isolate that half of the system

The start of a Fuge/Cryptic/Mangrove/ATS, also holds my aqua clear filters that I rotate to my quarantine tanks, that way they are already seeded with bacteria when I need them

And just to point out how awesome Mad Jelly Coral is, its able to bring me out of full on lurker mode to actually post some pics of my system. Many thanks to Tony and Long for there awesome customer service, and once I can figure out the whole white balance thing, some pics of their amazing corals in my system.

Once I finally get all my equipment in, I will be redoing my wiring to simplify things, as well as enclosing the entire system in some awesome piano gloss black laminate.
Old 10-06-2013, 07:27 PM
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Wow what a set up you got there Eric! Thanks for the shout out! <3

Old 10-06-2013, 09:35 PM
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Nothing special just your basic sump.
Since these photos were taken I have added 2 Vertex Rx-U 1.5 media reactors.
What I would change would be to make the sump larger so that it fit under the stand exactly with no extra space, although I would keep the height where it is.
I would also replace the 2 smaller filter socks with larger ones and possibly add a ATO reservoir.

Old 10-06-2013, 10:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Trevor W View Post
Nothing special just your basic sump.
Since these photos were taken I have added 2 Vertex Rx-U 1.5 media reactors.
What I would change would be to make the sump larger so that it fit under the stand exactly with no extra space, although I would keep the height where it is.
I would also replace the 2 smaller filter socks with larger ones and possibly add a ATO reservoir.

Woot Woot Trevor! Now increase your chance of winning by getting your bother to enter as well!

Old 10-07-2013, 12:35 AM
saltyair saltyair is offline
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Default Under my 180

This 65 total gallon sump/20 gal refuge is under my 180 mixed reef.

The one major thing I would love to change is the overall foot print. I have little room to actually add anything more. I am planning to upgrade to a 75 gal in the near future.

I am also a little envious of the sweet set ups

Attachment 11983

Attachment 11984

Attachment 11985

Last edited by saltyair; 10-15-2013 at 01:58 PM.

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