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Old 08-20-2013, 04:41 AM
mikeclarke mikeclarke is offline
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Default Chromis & Blennies

Hi there,

I want to get a couple blue green chromis. Any suggestions on how many chromis' to get? How many makes a happy family?

I am also looking for another blenny as I love the Starry Blenny I already have. It behaves to funny. Any species suggestions on another Blenny?

My wife is coming to Calgary and can pick up fish for me on Wednesday around noon. Has anyone seen any at any LFS recently?

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Old 08-20-2013, 05:07 AM
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How big is your tank?

I usually get 4 green chromis they are a schooling fish I like them a lot have lots of personality and unlike most chromis tend to get along with tank mates

Putting more than one Blennie per tank unless a mated pair is a crap shoot depending on the size of tank as most blennies tend not to be friendly towards each other including different species of Blennie.
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Old 08-20-2013, 01:05 PM
mikeclarke mikeclarke is offline
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I want to put the chromis in a 20 gallon tank fish only tank. I have a 100 gallon mixed reef tank with one starry blenny, a clown pair, a foxface, and some pj cardinals.

Would you recommend a goby as blenny alternative? I just like how the blenny swims around and perches on the rocks and climbs into little caves.
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Old 08-20-2013, 03:16 PM
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Chromii/Chromis kill each other off eventually. And they don't school unless something elicits the schooling behavior - usually a larger fish or something to trigger schooling behavior. Don't get me wrong, they're great fish, but they seem to die off when in groups until only one or two are left standing.
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Old 08-20-2013, 03:25 PM
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i have one chromis (5 years old) i started with three he is fine by himself and gets along with everybody else. very pretty fish
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Old 08-20-2013, 03:34 PM
mikeclarke mikeclarke is offline
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I'd like to be able to set up my 20 gallon tank with a couple cheap and hardy fish (which is why I was thinking chromis). I will keep it separate from my 100 gallon reef tank. I can use the 20 gallon tank as a fish only tank and if I get a sick fish or need to quarantine a new fish, I can move the chromis to the sump of the big tank and then move the fish I need to quarantine into this tank. I have the 20 gallon on a shelf off the kitchen so I'd like to have soemthing in it when I don't have a qt fish.

As for the blenny, I really like the one I have in my 100 gallon and I'd like to get another small fish with personality. I'd eventually like to get a tang but I want to stay pretty cheap for the time being.

Any suggestions for the hard guys for the 20 gallon? and for the personality fish for the 100gal?
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Old 08-20-2013, 03:38 PM
mikeclarke mikeclarke is offline
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I originally got pj cardinals (6 of them I think) for my 100 gallon about a year ago. 3 of them killed two and I was able to catch the really beat up guy and qt him until it was healthy. Once he was healthy, the other three killed him in a day but I wasn't able to rescue him. I was told by the sales person that they would be nice schoolers, which is what I wanted in my tank. Unfortunately, I probably wouldn't recommend them in the future as the three that are left don't really school at all.

Does anyone hasve any suggestions for schooling fish if I ever decided to do that in the future?
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Old 08-20-2013, 04:06 PM
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Originally Posted by michika View Post
Chromii/Chromis kill each other off eventually. And they don't school unless something elicits the schooling behavior - usually a larger fish or something to trigger schooling behavior. Don't get me wrong, they're great fish, but they seem to die off when in groups until only one or two are left standing.
I have read the same thing. 6 months ago I put 9 chromis in my tanks and they schooled right away. There is no fish in my tank that pesters them. All 9 are still alive and make a cool looking school. I'm sure as time goes by they will start picking each other off.

As for the spare 20G i'd leave it as a quarantine. Having 2 tanks is a pain. And your plan of transfering fish from that tank to a sump when needed is too stressful for the fish.
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Old 08-20-2013, 04:44 PM
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The only fish I had that schooled were blue eyed cardinals, they always stuck together. Anthias and chromis will always kill the weakest link, I had 5 chromis and now one remains.

It would be a bad move to get a bunch of chromis in a 20g IMHO....

If you want something cool to look at for the 20g why not get a frog fish or dwarf scorpion?
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Old 08-20-2013, 04:58 PM
monocus monocus is offline
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Default chromis

way too small for chromis.start your tank with raw prawn,or if you must have fish,an adapted mollie or a clownfish
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