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Old 07-31-2013, 03:00 AM
FMMreefer FMMreefer is offline
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Default Tank Shutdown - Fort McMurray

Hi all,

After 10+ years in the hobby, I have decided to shutdown my tank. With everything that is going on now with family and work, I just dont have the time to spend on the tank.

I have a 110 gal mature saltwater setup. Altogether I am selling for $4500 obo. Parting out I figure the system is worth $6000. I would like to see the system go as one unit, but I am willing to part out livestock first of course. For anyone that would like to buy the entire setup, I am more than willing to help move the system and setup locally. Anyone from outside the Fort McMurray area, I am willing to pack it up and move it to its destination with the buyer only covering the cost of fuel (my truck is really good on gas so it won`t be too pricey. Below is what I am selling each piece.

1 - 3 in Yellow Tang - $35
1 - 3 to 4 in Blue Hippo Tang - $65
2 - Bangaii Cardinals (mated pair and breeding) - $70 for the pair
2 - 1 to 2 in (full grown) White Tail Pygmy Angels - $25 ea
3 - 3 to 4 in Lyretail Anthias (1 male and 2 female) - $25 ea or $65 for all three
1 - 2 in Black Percula Clownfish - $55
1 - 2 in Orange Percula - $25
1 - 2 to 3 in Orange Spotted Sleeper Goby - $25
1 - 2 to 3 in Lantern Bass - $40
1 - 2 in Scooter Blenny (eats frozen and loves it) - $20
1 - 2 in Red Mandarin Goby (eats frozen and loves it) - $40
1 - Large Sally Lightfoot Crab (not aggresive to other tank mates...kind of a wuss, but will clean your hand) - $30
1 - White
Various soft and LPS corals include:
Frogspawn - $25 per head
Hammer Coral - $25 per head
1 - 3 head Torch Coral - $75
1 - Sun Coral - $35
1 - 3 in Green Fuzzy Plate Coral - $75
1 - approx 40 head Candy Apple Paly Frag - $90
1 - rock with 100+ head ea watermelon and neon green zoas - $200
1 - rock with 60+ neon green zoas - $75
1 - large brown gargonian - $100
Various different zoas and palys
Several large finger corals - $50 ea
Various different mushrooms (so many of them) - price varied
Approx 130lb live rock - $7.00 per pound. Price varies depending on what corals are attached to the rock.

Hardware, will ony sell when the livestock is gone or sold with the rest of the tank:
2 - Maxspect 16K 120W 20in LED fixtures - $450 ea
1 - 15W Aqua UV sterilizer cw powerhead and plumbing setup - $350
1 - Puratek RO/DI 100 gpd filter - $300
2 - Ehiem canister filters - $100 ea
2 - Coralife Protein Skimmers 65 gal - $100 ea
1 - 110 gal aquarium with stand - $500

I think I have gotten all the major stuff listed here, but I am sure I have missed something. For those who are interested, please PM me and I will provide any info that is requested.

Attached is a pic of the tank. The tank is what you see except for the Foxface...RIP.
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Old 08-18-2013, 05:46 PM
FMMreefer FMMreefer is offline
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Old 08-22-2013, 01:26 AM
Jesseserson Jesseserson is offline
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I am currently up in fort McMurray for work and will be going heading back to slave lake on Tuesday. I am wondering if you will be around for me to come take a look and pick through some of your stuff. A shame that you are tearing down such a nice tank. I have 80 Gallon that is quite empty at the moment.
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Old 08-27-2013, 01:56 AM
FMMreefer FMMreefer is offline
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Everything is still for sale, but I have decided that I would rather sell the system as a whole. I don't think it is good for the system to tear it apart to catch one or two fish.

I will still part it out, but the corals and live rock will have to go first before I'll sell the fish.

I also forgot to mention that I have a 66 gallon hospital tank to go with the system.
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