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View Poll Results: Are you ready for pond season?
Yes !! 29 18.24%
No. 7 4.40%
I don't have a pond you insensitive sod ! 47 29.56%
I wish I had a pond. 30 18.87%
Wait, isn't this a reefing forum?? Why are we talking about ponds?? I'm so confused! 46 28.93%
Voters: 159. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 04-29-2013, 03:25 PM
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Default Pond season!

Spring is here! (ish..) So who's ready to start their outdoor tank project (aka the Pond).
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Old 04-29-2013, 03:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Kafudafish View Post
Snowing I'm edmonton
that's why I said "ish" But come on, let's be honest, we live in Alberta. Snow in the spring is like death and taxes. You know it's going to happen.
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Old 04-29-2013, 03:49 PM
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My pond has been running for over a week now. But as it was filling, the pond was freezing over. I'm not joking. By the next morning, the whole pond surface was frozen. (That's Edmonton for you).
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Old 04-29-2013, 03:52 PM
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Wife want to ponds built this yr. and I told her that you are coming up to dig them out Kien cause your just so damn nice and good at it.
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Old 04-29-2013, 04:20 PM
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Been unable to touch my big project in the past few yrs, but now that I have some help laying around the house a shovel actually hit the ground the other day. All the big boys/girls (fish) have been staying in the house for the past few yrs .

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Old 04-29-2013, 04:53 PM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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Pond is doing great (knock on wood). Original 16' x 8' x 11' tall greenhouse is filled to overflowing. Third raised garden box (8' x 3' x 3') built and second 16' x 9' x 10' greenhouse is framed and ready for double paned glass sheets. Already had three helpings of brocolini from the greenhouse this spring and going to do a third harvest for our lunch on the deck today.

Man, I love living in Burnaby. Got dozens of apricots already growing and all my fruit trees and berry bushes are in bloom or already have baby fruit on them.

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Old 04-29-2013, 05:01 PM
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My "Koi Pond" will have to wait till I re-stain the deck first.

The "pond" if you will is a 3' tall by Ø24" ceramic flower pot that we fill up and place on our front veranda.

Sadly it's still susceptible to the occasional wild animals pulling out the fish.
Usually they hunt in a bit of a pack.
Of coarse I'm talking about neighborhood kids trying to touch the fish.
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Old 04-30-2013, 01:01 AM
littlewoodchuck littlewoodchuck is offline
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Default My pond

Finally the ice has melted in my shaded pond and despite a total freeze over for a couple of weeks, all my guinea pigs survived, and no I didn't throw actual guinea pigs in my pond. I normally bring in all of my fish, I winter them in my cold storage room in a horse trough. This year I left a few in my smaller pond which holds about 1500 gallons an iis only 3 feet deep with just a pump bubbling up, all the goldfish survived. May long weekend is when the koi go out and they can hardly wait as it has been a long winter.
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Old 04-30-2013, 03:18 PM
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Well, after the blast of snow we had yesterday I was sure that Pond season had come to an end (already) But the sun is out again so I guess Pond season is back on!

Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic View Post
Pond is doing great (knock on wood). Original 16' x 8' x 11' tall greenhouse is filled to overflowing. Third raised garden box (8' x 3' x 3') built and second 16' x 9' x 10' greenhouse is framed and ready for double paned glass sheets. Already had three helpings of brocolini from the greenhouse this spring and going to do a third harvest for our lunch on the deck today.

Man, I love living in Burnaby. Got dozens of apricots already growing and all my fruit trees and berry bushes are in bloom or already have baby fruit on them.

So jealous! You must be able to grow some ridiculously large koi with such a long season! I am actually amazed at what can grow in our harsh tundra/prairie environment here in Calgary. Or maybe it is because they have genetically engineered them or maybe it's because my backyard is a micro climate that is warmer than it should be. I successfully grow cherries, plums, and have a mini vineyard with yummy grapes every year (i don't drink wine so I eat the grapes).

Originally Posted by Ross View Post
My "Koi Pond" will have to wait till I re-stain the deck first.

The "pond" if you will is a 3' tall by Ø24" ceramic flower pot that we fill up and place on our front veranda.

Sadly it's still susceptible to the occasional wild animals pulling out the fish.
Usually they hunt in a bit of a pack.
Of coarse I'm talking about neighborhood kids trying to touch the fish.
I've been pretty lucky with the wildlife. Over 7 years I have spotted Blue Heron in my backyard a handful of times but have not notice any loss of fish due to them. I live in a pretty crowded community that's fairly busy with various traffic so that may have something to do with it.

Originally Posted by littlewoodchuck View Post
Finally the ice has melted in my shaded pond and despite a total freeze over for a couple of weeks, all my guinea pigs survived, and no I didn't throw actual guinea pigs in my pond. I normally bring in all of my fish, I winter them in my cold storage room in a horse trough. This year I left a few in my smaller pond which holds about 1500 gallons an iis only 3 feet deep with just a pump bubbling up, all the goldfish survived. May long weekend is when the koi go out and they can hardly wait as it has been a long winter.
I have successfully over wintered my fish for 7 years now! I have lost a couple over 7 years but they were small and didn't eat well over the summer now that I think back. My pond is only 24" deep! If you can get basics down it's not that hard actually. I keep a pond pump running which moves the surface of the water continuously throughout the winter. This reduces the amount of ice formation to about 2" only. On a sunny, chinooky winter day the pond will even melt completely. Keep a hole in the ice with a de-icer so that gas can escape and Bob's your uncle.

I suppose it also helps that my pond is exposed to sun pretty much year round. It's not shaded by my house, even in the winter.

I have also done the hoop-house thing where I'll throw a hoop house over my pond. Both with hoop house and without hoop house works fine but i do prefer using the hoop house because it actually shortens the winter season by about a month on either end. That is, with the hoop house I can typically feed my fish right into November and start feeding them as early as March/April. It is a little bit more maintenances to put up and take down the hoop house but I think it's worth it. But again, I've over wintered without the hoop house too though.

ANYWAY, all of you people with ponds and outdoor fish, where are your PICTURES?!?!
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Old 04-30-2013, 05:36 PM
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I wish I had a pond. My husband is "anti-pond". I was thinking about doing a small version in a half barrel or something but I don't think I'd have the time and likely want to go bigger. I figure I'll skip the pond thing and save my breath for a new scratchless 180/220
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