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Old 02-05-2013, 02:13 AM
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Default I need assistance please. Marine velvet.

I have few fish in a quarantine tank. I found the last one I bought wich was on the weekend today with redish spots on it body and swiming on top of tank. I believe its marine velvet. As soon as I seen it I took it out and place it in a tot with powerhead and heater for now as I was on my way out to work. I am planing to start using copper on it and add a small filter and hopefully it will recover. My question is, what about the other fish I had with it. Are they safe?or should I use copper as well. The only thing is I have few frags in there as well as some CUC. Let me know what should I do. Thanks.
230G, 3 X 250w MH , 4x 39w t5 , about 200lbs of LR, 2" of LS bed, 2 maroon clowns hosting a RLTA, 1 regal tang and 1 yellow tang, 1 blonde neso tang, 1 coral beauty, 2 scunk clowns hosting a GBTA, 1 midas blenny, and a mandarin gopy, 6 blue green chromis and 1 six line wrass.
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Old 02-05-2013, 04:40 AM
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I would treat all fish which were in the same tank as your sick fish. I would also separate the inverts (frags, CUC, etc) from the fish and put them into a different tank (anywhere but the DT).
Also if you are sure it's marine velvet, a fresh water bath before your treatment may reduce number of parasites on a fish and provide temporarily relieve to the fish, depends on the strain of marine velvet.
Good luck! It could be worse (if you put the sick fish in the DT).
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Old 02-05-2013, 05:22 AM
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pk I got home now and my fish that I moved is dead here is a picture of the area where the spots where. let me know if this marine velvet or not please. thanks.
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230G, 3 X 250w MH , 4x 39w t5 , about 200lbs of LR, 2" of LS bed, 2 maroon clowns hosting a RLTA, 1 regal tang and 1 yellow tang, 1 blonde neso tang, 1 coral beauty, 2 scunk clowns hosting a GBTA, 1 midas blenny, and a mandarin gopy, 6 blue green chromis and 1 six line wrass.
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Old 02-05-2013, 05:37 AM
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hard to tell
CBB are not at all hardy and many things could have caused its demise
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Old 02-05-2013, 01:49 PM
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CBB's are notorious for dying quickly many of them will get the reddish spots on them when they die from internal issues, so it might not be velvet. Could be something else, maybe cyanid caught.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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Old 02-05-2013, 02:23 PM
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None of my fish looked like that after dying from MV. I'd guess something else.
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Old 02-05-2013, 03:39 PM
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well thanks guys, that is some relief. I will keep my eye on the rest of the fish that I had in the quaratine tank with it and they are a male blonde Naso, flame angel, coral beauty, dotty back, 2 clown fish. they look healthy and eating so far. also the CBB only been in that tank for 2 days before I took it out. So I am crossing my fingers and I will keep my eyes open for any signs before I treat the tank.

One question tho, is it safe if I want to put the frags and cuc in the DT? so in case I need to treat the tank with copper. thanks for all your help.
230G, 3 X 250w MH , 4x 39w t5 , about 200lbs of LR, 2" of LS bed, 2 maroon clowns hosting a RLTA, 1 regal tang and 1 yellow tang, 1 blonde neso tang, 1 coral beauty, 2 scunk clowns hosting a GBTA, 1 midas blenny, and a mandarin gopy, 6 blue green chromis and 1 six line wrass.

Last edited by Abe; 02-05-2013 at 03:41 PM.
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Old 02-05-2013, 03:47 PM
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You don't want to treat your DT with anything. Once treated, it's never going to hold inverts.
IF you need to treat the fish, you'll need to remove them and put them in a treatment tank.
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Old 02-05-2013, 03:50 PM
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I am currently dealing with MV and I have never seen any reddish areas like that.

IME the first signs were breathing issues with infected fish, then swimming awkwardly and scratching on substrate, whitish spots similar to ich became visible but the spots blossomed and got fuzzy, then spread all over the skin, then hiding, then dead.

The reddish area looks like an abrasion of some sort. I am not familiar with CBB's but are they good swimmer's? Could it have gotten sucked into a powerhead or something similar? Are there other aggressive fish in the tank?
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Old 02-05-2013, 04:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
You don't want to treat your DT with anything. Once treated, it's never going to hold inverts.
IF you need to treat the fish, you'll need to remove them and put them in a treatment tank.

tehy are in a quarantine tank already. see I quaratine everything I buy, thats why I have frags and cuc in there. nothing went into my dt yet which I am very lucky.
230G, 3 X 250w MH , 4x 39w t5 , about 200lbs of LR, 2" of LS bed, 2 maroon clowns hosting a RLTA, 1 regal tang and 1 yellow tang, 1 blonde neso tang, 1 coral beauty, 2 scunk clowns hosting a GBTA, 1 midas blenny, and a mandarin gopy, 6 blue green chromis and 1 six line wrass.
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