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Old 12-05-2012, 02:34 AM
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I see no such warning on the controller. You can download the manual online from the reef angel web site and read it.

Of course any electronic equipement must be kept away from high humidity and water dripping on it. It is common sense and it is valid for any controller. I put my controller inside my aquarium furniture but I have no sump. If I had a sump I would attach the controller outside the furniture where it will be away from water drip.

I watched a video on youtube where the guy installed the reef angel right on the top of his tank...dunno how long that lasted!

Originally Posted by FitoPharmer View Post
I had a question about these you could possibly answer. I noticed the probes all plug into what looks like the main unit. I also saw the short cords for the probes, I did not see the extensions. But my question relates to the instructions on where to install the main unit. Though I have seen many aquarium controllers mounted inside a closed stand with a sump in other people build threads, the two previous brands I had purchased both said using it in a high humidity area (like inside a closed stand with a sump) will void the warranty. I was wondering if this controller had the same warning?
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Old 12-05-2012, 02:35 AM
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I got the simple PWM basic unit, plus the wifi module. I should have ordered the extention cables if I knew about it before.

Originally Posted by ashr View Post
That's what I was thinking you would have to do.

Which unit package did you end up going with?
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Old 12-05-2012, 02:39 AM
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The extension cables are for sale on their webside order. easy to order:

for those who have the Apex or other controller which does not have wifi, it is possible to buy a game adapter and use it to get wifi as long as the controller has net capability. That means if someone has a reef keeper lite, they must buy the net module, then a game adapter. I have not try it with my RKL because I don't have the net adapter for it and it's too expensive anyway (120$ for the net adapter and 50$ for a game adapter).

The wifi module on the Reef Angel is very robust. So far it has not deconnected me that I know of, and it is very responsive.

Originally Posted by hillegom View Post
Where did u see the extension cable for sale?
I'm researching now to buy next year
Thanks for the review
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Old 01-23-2013, 05:07 AM
nerdz nerdz is offline
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kind of an old thread but I was wondering if you had any updates?

so far so good?

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Old 01-23-2013, 01:55 PM
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Thumbs up

So far VERY good! I am extremely happy with the controller and the support from the forum.

I had disconnection problem with the wifi but after updating the wifi firmware the problems are gone. The wifi was disconnecting and was not reconnecting on its own, so I had to unplug and replug it to make it resume. With the new firmware it works like a charm. I disconnected my router to test it and after loosing the connection the wifi now reconnect on its own, no need to have intervention with it.

That meens that if I am away on vacations, and the router temporary loose its connection and reconnect, then my wifi module will reconnect as soon as the router is back up. Much more reliable.

I can do anything I want with this controller. I can get alert via email if something is wrong and then act on it. For example, if my temperature is too high, I get an email alert (or I can check my parameters on my iphone as well) and then I can turn off my MH if needed and use only actinic.

It's real peace of mind.

When I want to turn on my feeding mode, I now use my iphone interface, no need to even go in my aquarium cabinet

I know nothing about programming and I managed to do everything I needed with a little help from the reef angel forum and Roberto is very helpfull as well.

I strongly recommand this controller, very very happy with it and the price is so right.

One thing I did not know is that each temperature probe is laser marked and the probe number 1 is going to be the one with the lower number I think, so no way to decide which is going to be number 1 or number 2, it will be determined by their laser inscribed number. No big deal but something to take note of if you want to install more than 1 probe.

For example, if you want to buy a 10 feet probe to be your probe number 1, there is no garantee it will be that way if you plug more than one since it is not the order they are plugged that determine the sequence.

I would have prefered that if you plug a probe in port 1 then it would be temp 1, but it does not work that way.

All the rest is wonderfull, and now that the wifi is reconnecting alone, it is a very reliable tool especially if going away on vacations.

Originally Posted by nerdz View Post
kind of an old thread but I was wondering if you had any updates?

so far so good?

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Old 01-23-2013, 04:42 PM
nerdz nerdz is offline
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Thanks , I really appreciate the feedback.

I ordered pmw led drivers for diy setup and want to use reef angel to control dimming and sunrise/sunset .

Thanks again
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Old 03-03-2013, 05:32 PM
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Anymore updates on this? I'm looking into one...

Tried Profilux...can't stand it....many issues.

Reefkeeper was okay....

Am looking into an Apex, and this is what i will mostly likely settle on...but I am really interested in the Reef Angel as well....
I once had a Big tank...I now have two Huskies and a coyote

Last edited by Pan; 03-03-2013 at 05:43 PM.
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