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Old 11-05-2012, 03:35 PM
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I've walked out of quite a few stores as of late partially for the same reason. Although my biggest pet peeve as of late, and really it makes me want to loose my marbles with some employees is the attitude you get when you ask these employees for said prices.

I have had employees eyeroll me to my face when I ask them to come over and provide me pricing on their livestock or drygoods.

Also, just 'cause you come into the store with sweats and no make up is not a valid reason to discriminate against your customers. Its sad that you have to dress up to get service at some shops. I stood around somewhere for 45 minutes without the fainest acknowledgement from a store the weekend before last while I tried to spent a few hundred dollars on drygoods. Went back the Sunday dressed up and wow, people were dropping what they were doing to ask if I need help.
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Old 11-05-2012, 03:37 PM
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There's alway room to barter. Price tag or not. You knôw how much your willing to pay. And if no price they may say less than u expect. My generall under standing is ussually landed cost x3. So there always play room
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Old 11-05-2012, 03:40 PM
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Originally Posted by MarkoD View Post
Who else hates this?

I was in Calgary over the weekend and decides to go to a couple fish stores. Went into one of them, and there wasn't a single price tag for any of the live stock. And when I asked the guy a price on something, it seemed like he was making it up on the spot.(40 bucks for a cleaner shrimp? yeah right)
On more than one occasion I've walked into a store ( any store ) and turned right around when there is no pricing listed; there is nothing I hate more than my time being wasted.

I agree with you 100%, no customer should ever have to ask for a price; if it's for sale then it should be clearly marked.
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Old 11-05-2012, 03:45 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by Northernseacorals View Post
On more than one occasion I've walked into a store ( any store ) and turned right around when there is no pricing listed; there is nothing I hate more than my time being wasted.

I agree with you 100%, no customer should ever have to ask for a price; if it's for sale then it should be clearly marked.

100% agreed
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Old 11-05-2012, 03:47 PM
Borderjumper Borderjumper is offline
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I don't like not seeing a price. I like to browse the selection without having to find someone everytime I would like a price. It's either you can't find anyone to ask.. Or they are hanging with you constantly as you browse..

The very worst thing is if only one person in the store is the price giver.. And they are out.. So then I guess you come back later if you want a price???
Ummm not.
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Old 11-05-2012, 04:02 PM
scubadawg scubadawg is offline
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What burns me most is that you try to support your LFS, but they don't even have the decency to return your call

I call my LFS about 3 weeks ago look for a gate valve for my Reef Octopus skimmer, he hmm and haw about looking for a price for me, and said he would get back to me. No return call

Walked into the LFS last week, inquired about a price for a Reef Octopus Water Blaster WB-7000, their price was $350.00 and told them Goreef and Royal Aquariums was 260.00, on their website, it states they match prices.
Left my name and number, inquiring about the gate valve and price matching the WB-7000. One week later, no return call. They don't need my business.
Won't be shopping there or ever stepping foot in their door.
Waste of my time and gas. They are the only supplier for Reef Octopus in the city.

Called Ray at Reef Supplies and ordered a WB3000, WB7000, ROP-50 GATE Valve
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Old 11-05-2012, 04:17 PM
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Originally Posted by scubadawg View Post
What burns me most is that you try to support your LFS, but they don't even have the decency to return your call

I call my LFS about 3 weeks ago look for a gate valve for my Reef Octopus skimmer, he hmm and haw about looking for a price for me, and said he would get back to me. No return call

Walked into the LFS last week, inquired about a price for a Reef Octopus Water Blaster WB-7000, their price was $350.00 and told them Goreef and Royal Aquariums was 260.00, on their website, it states they match prices.
Left my name and number, inquiring about the gate valve and price matching the WB-7000. One week later, no return call. They don't need my business.
Won't be shopping there or ever stepping foot in their door.
Waste of my time and gas. They are the only supplier for Reef Octopus in the city.

Called Ray at Reef Supplies and ordered a WB3000, WB7000, ROP-50 GATE Valve

I know what store your talking about and no they don't price match. I was told if its cheaper at anther store then go buy it. Just the attitude of the employ there made me mad. Ill never set foot in there again and won't refer it to anyone.
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Old 11-05-2012, 04:40 PM
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Coupons man. Coupons, they gotta go. My daughter is a coupon collector but to me it's a huge waste of time & paper. Clubs too. Although I have to admit, I'm a Costco member. But every freakin store these days including grocers ask me if I'm a 'club' member & circle how much money (printed on the receipt) I would have saved by being in the 'club'. Just gimme the best price & don't bug me about clubs man, I'll choose what club I wish to belong to & don't need to be reminded every time I buy a pound of butter. I'd rather haggle than be a club member at some of these places. It's all a great marketing strategy since once you're in the club, they have your personal info & can profile you to 'better serve you'.

But I digress & rant. I'm not a fan of having to ask for a price in a store that doesn't mark stuff, but hey, it's their business & I'm sure it will survive or fail based on how they run it. If I have to wait too long to find someone to ask, I'll move on. Same goes if the price is out of whack. But not going to get my shorts in a knot over it. But coupons & clubs, lookout.... they ruffle my feathers...
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Old 11-05-2012, 06:37 PM
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I'm the type of person where price matters to me. I know what most things cost at each store in Edmonton and I'll go to where the price is best. Peppermint shrimp cost anywhere between 13 dollars to. 26 dollars each. When buying 10 it makes a difference.

I have no loyalty to any specific store. My loyalty is to my wallet.

It seems like those that don't post prices are gonna try and rip you off and hope you say " ok ill get it"
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Old 11-05-2012, 06:38 PM
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Originally Posted by scubadawg View Post
What burns me most is that you try to support your LFS, but they don't even have the decency to return your call

I call my LFS about 3 weeks ago look for a gate valve for my Reef Octopus skimmer, he hmm and haw about looking for a price for me, and said he would get back to me. No return call

Walked into the LFS last week, inquired about a price for a Reef Octopus Water Blaster WB-7000, their price was $350.00 and told them Goreef and Royal Aquariums was 260.00, on their website, it states they match prices.
Left my name and number, inquiring about the gate valve and price matching the WB-7000. One week later, no return call. They don't need my business.
Won't be shopping there or ever stepping foot in their door.
Waste of my time and gas. They are the only supplier for Reef Octopus in the city.

Called Ray at Reef Supplies and ordered a WB3000, WB7000, ROP-50 GATE Valve
I am curious on what store that was. PM me if you like.
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