Originally Posted by NightShadeFairy
That is very cool! Thank-you for the info! Can you recommend where to look to do more reading up on the subject? 
And yes, I just have the one. I never thought of breeding, I just upgraded my tank, only had a 55 before, so the thought never occurred to me. Are clowns difficult to breed? And do different types of clowns have different breeding behaviors? I would be interested in doing some research on the subject, my main concern would be how much tank space the rest of my fish would loose in the clowns defense of their breeding territory.. So you say you have some of the same type?
Hi Jocelyn, there is not a lot of info on these Clarkii clowns since there is just the sole breeder right now, and from what I understand they only have one pair producing these markings. Clarkii aren't overly popular fish because a lot of people think they are aggressive. Clarkii are
puppy dogs compared to many species!

Although Clarkii are generally more aggressive than Percula or Ocellaris the Cinnamons, Maroons (especially white stripe) and Tomatoes are all much more aggressive than Clarkii.
If you were to form a pair the aggression would definitely go up, even more so once they started breeding. You could lose half a 55 gallon tank to a breeding pair of clownfish (regardless of species). Fish are individual too though, for example, I have a breeding pair of Darwin clowns that will kill any inverts that get within 12" of their house. They killed a Peppermint shrimp and several snails.
Originally Posted by Skimmer King
they remind of the clarkii clown and they are PITA clowns.
are Clarkii!

Clarkii aren't that bad...you just need to pick appropriate tankmates. My SPS reef is quite aggressive - a pair of Tomatoes, a couple Yellow Tail Damsels, a large male Grey Head Wrasse, and a Square Spot Anthias. The female Tomato and the Wrasse kick eachothers' butts. It's an even fight though, so no damage.