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Old 07-01-2012, 11:40 PM
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Default Is this green hair algae?

I'd like to nip the problem in the bud, if I can.

Doing some reading, looks like these are my options:
- reduce the photo period
- add a CUC or tang
- increase water changes (I did about 20% last week, planning same this week)
- manually vacuum it off

I think in most cases these are only ways to reduce the symptoms rather than fix the overall problem. I don't have a phosphate test kit yet, but I will be picking one up tomorrow (ammonia, nitrites, and nitrites all read 0). At any rate, I am using RO/DI water so I am confused with the source of the phosphate would be. I did start with mostly Marco rock, which I did not cook as I was under the assumption I did not have to.

Would appreciate your feedback, thanks in advance!
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Old 07-01-2012, 11:47 PM
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Thats definitely some interesting growth patterns for an algae. It looks green, but it could be macro instead of hair. Have you tried touching it? I find that hair algae tends to be more slimy, as opposed to macro which doesnt really feel that way.

I would siphon it off, or brush it off with a tooth brush (last resort, provided you have good flow and strong skimming).

Perhaps you could post a picture that isnt so blue, if possible? Kinda makes it hard to see the green
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Old 07-01-2012, 11:54 PM
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Here's another picture
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Old 07-01-2012, 11:56 PM
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For some reason the picture isn't showing up in my previous post. Trying again.

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Old 07-02-2012, 12:07 AM
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normal part of the cycle , im right at that spot too after transfering my tank.Manualy pick off the bits like that and think about slowly adding some snails , like turbos and astreas.
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Old 07-02-2012, 12:35 AM
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did you use Dry rock? What are your phosphates at? Might me time to start using a phosphate remover if you aren't already. If your cycling a tank you could always leave the lights off to keep it at bay while you figure out if your rocks are leaching nutrients
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Old 07-02-2012, 03:08 AM
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I did use dry rock which may be the source

Is there any remedy for this now that I'm up and running? How long would it take for the phosphates to leach out?
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Old 07-02-2012, 03:14 AM
burgerchow burgerchow is offline
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Looks like your rock is still dead, so no problem to remove the rock for a minute and blast that spot of algae with a blowtorch. Do it now as its easier to remove that piece of rock now rather than later.
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120 , lps. 2xKessil A350W Tuna Blues, 2xvortech mp40 for flow,aqualogic 1/4 hp chiller, 160 lbs live rock. sohal, , pair of percs,flame dotty back , royal gramma, pair of black percs, niger trigger, mandarin

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Old 07-02-2012, 04:17 AM
Borderjumper Borderjumper is offline
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I would just use my clippers and cut that little piece of the rock out.
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Old 07-02-2012, 04:48 AM
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Find yourself some phosphate remover like gfo. if you have a sump i would probably get a reactor to fill with the phosphate removing media. You can also use it just sitting in a mesh bag.

Talk to your stores in your area, they can hook you up.I liked red coral when i lived there
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