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Old 02-22-2012, 01:54 PM
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Default What should I do with this RBTA?


I just bought a rose bubble tip anemone 3 days ago and it went roaming under a large piece of liverock, where it is shaded from the light and it has stayed there the whole time.

At first it was stetching its tentacles through a little hole to reach the light but now today I see no tentacles, just a white stump that is the body of the anemone.

It is a clone that had split about a week ago. Should I try to remove it from there and bring it under the light or should I leave it there and eventually it will come out? It does not look like it's decomposing or anything but it looks like it has no tentacles or as if it is hiding them.
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Old 02-22-2012, 02:23 PM
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Just leave it. It sounds like its going through some stress. Removing it may damage it even more. Once it recuperates, it will move out into the light by itself.
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Old 02-22-2012, 02:27 PM
rzadun rzadun is offline
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Default RBTA

I have had RBTA for several years. The main anemone has split many times and I now have 10 of them. They like to attach underneath a rock and extend out to have their tentacles in the current and light. Leave it stay where it wants. It will not stay where you put it unless it likes the spot.
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Old 02-22-2012, 02:33 PM
RuGlu6 RuGlu6 is offline
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Trying to "help" an anemone by manually moving them usually makes it worse.
try changing the environment around it instead.
1-Move the power head away from it just gentle flow (Tunze is best)
2- move the rock that its attached to so it will catch more light
3- Do not bother it too much even once or twice a week is too much shock
4-Try feeding but do not force food in to it, make a food paste or small chunks and with pumps OFF spread it over the animal.

It will have better chance to survive if you leave it along.
Most important: If your anemone is not showing sings of good health that means your water is not up to standard.

Go through basics and correct all the parameters first (measure all that you can Salinity, Ammonia No2, No3 etc) Do a few SMALL (5% volume) water changes per week.
Keep your fingers crossed.
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Old 02-22-2012, 05:43 PM
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The flow is not very strong in my aquarium, so that's surely not the problem unless it want stagnant water

It is currently under the liverock in some sort of cave and receive practically no light at all.

I cannot move that rock as it is glued and attached and it is now a block of liverock covered in corals and SPS. NO way to remove this without collapsing and destroying everything.

I definitly cannot feed either because I cannot reach it and it has its head upside down, hanging with its foot on the ceiling of the cave, sort of.

My water parameters are very good. Nitrates less than 2ppm, phosphates undetectible, calcium 440, alkalinity 8, mag 1400, ph 8.2 to 8.4 during the day.

I also feed my tank with amino acid, coral frenzy, cyclopeeze, reef roid etc and oyster eggs. I recently did 4 water changes before getting the anemone because I had a tank crash due to bad Kent carbon, but most of my SPS are now recovering and the anemone got there after the crash when coral were showing sign of recovery.

I have no idea what was in that carbon that created the bleaching event and the death of a few of my corals, but I hope it's gone now with fresh Seachem carbon and I will put polyfilter as well. I have another anemone, a maximini, that went through the crash without any trouble.

Originally Posted by RuGlu6 View Post
Trying to "help" an anemone by manually moving them usually makes it worse.
try changing the environment around it instead.
1-Move the power head away from it just gentle flow (Tunze is best)
2- move the rock that its attached to so it will catch more light
3- Do not bother it too much even once or twice a week is too much shock
4-Try feeding but do not force food in to it, make a food paste or small chunks and with pumps OFF spread it over the animal.

It will have better chance to survive if you leave it along.
Most important: If your anemone is not showing sings of good health that means your water is not up to standard.

Go through basics and correct all the parameters first (measure all that you can Salinity, Ammonia No2, No3 etc) Do a few SMALL (5% volume) water changes per week.
Keep your fingers crossed.
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Old 02-22-2012, 07:28 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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daniella your nem will be fine its perfectly normal for clones to hide out untill they are fully healed. once it gets hungry it will move itself so long as its not being pinned to its location by aggressive fish.if it doest move coax it by useing something to shade the spot hes in and he will move to the closest possible light source around him

lol i think its the golden rule as soon as you get a clone they like naturally move to the worst possible spot they can:P
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Old 02-22-2012, 07:31 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by daniella3d View Post

I also feed my tank with amino acid, coral frenzy, cyclopeeze, reef roid etc and oyster eggs. I recently did 4 water changes before getting the anemone because I had a tank crash due to bad Kent carbon, but most of my SPS are now recovering and the anemone got there after the crash when coral were showing sign of recovery.

this is another reason why hes in a weird spot hes prob getting enough food from what your feeding and water quality is good enough for him where he is too, im sure once hes healed better he will come out of hiding:P
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Old 02-22-2012, 10:44 PM
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Ok sounds good.

I will let it be and not touch it. thanks a lot!

Originally Posted by reefwars View Post
this is another reason why hes in a weird spot hes prob getting enough food from what your feeding and water quality is good enough for him where he is too, im sure once hes healed better he will come out of hiding:P
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Old 02-23-2012, 12:27 AM
Reef Tank Engineer Reef Tank Engineer is offline
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Question Same here

I have a pink tip anemone and he does the same thing if i move him he just moves back down the rock and into the shade.
My carpet anemone shrinks when the blue antinics are on then opens back up once the daylights come on or when moon lights are on.
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Old 02-23-2012, 06:02 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by Reef Tank Engineer View Post
I have a pink tip anemone and he does the same thing if i move him he just moves back down the rock and into the shade.
My carpet anemone shrinks when the blue antinics are on then opens back up once the daylights come on or when moon lights are on.

are you feeding your carpet?? what kind of carpet is it??
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