I had this controller built for me but I don't need it anymore. Asking $150. Interesting trades will be considered.
It's a basic LED controller but could be expanded on as the new owner sees fit. It requires C coding and while it does come preprogrammed experience or the desire to learn is required. I will not support further programming.
Right now this is what it can do:
Control 4 Channels of LEDs with 5V PWM signal
- Your drivers need to be 5V PWM which is the more typical votage except for Meanwells for what reason use 10V, I'm not certain if this controller can or cannot be used on those.
- You can connect multiple drivers to each channel so it can handle any size of fixture and four channels is ideal for independent control of 4 colors.
- Prepogramed for dimming and intensity (you set the intensity a various time blocks for each channel and it will all merge together nicely)
- Add additional programs available online to add weather patterns like clouds and storms/lightning.
Fan control with temperature sensor
- Place sensor on heat sink, program what temp for fans to switch on and off
Has LCD display to show time, temp, and LED channel levels in percent.
I also have some extra drivers that are plug and play for this controller, 2 drivers available each can power 28 3W LEDs at 700ma. $40 each, more can be ordered online for around the same price.