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Old 12-22-2011, 06:16 AM
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Default Removing dog urine smell... grrr

So I am dog sitting right now 2 dogs and one is not trained (long story)

Even walking the dogs 3 - 4 times a day is not enough. Well after a month I am actually starting to get sick. My apartment doesn't have circulating air and it is starting to smell disgusting. I picked up a rug doctor tonight and cleaned the carpets using a general cleaner, which worked at making them look 100% better but it did not remove the smell. I also had my windows and patio door open for 4 hours in hope that it might help but nothing. Also tried febreeze oder neutralizer and that didn't work.

Any help would be very much appreciated
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Old 12-22-2011, 06:35 AM's Avatar is offline
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sprinkle a few handful of ordinary baking soda on your carpet or couches let it sit for a couple hours (don't get it wet) when time is up vaccum it all and you will have a clean smell out of your furniture.don't spend your dog sitting money on any store bought chemicals it defeat the purpose of a job
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Old 12-22-2011, 06:53 AM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
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+1 on baking soda. If that doesn't work, restoration companies will have a similar powder that you sprinkle and vacuum up but it's a bit more aggressive.
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Old 12-22-2011, 08:02 AM
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baking soda will even pull the smell out of dry carpet? I have dark carpet and in such a small place I can't even tell where the damage was done since the smell is everywhere.

Umm I'll buy the biggest box I can find tomorrow morning and just lock the dogs in the washroom while I am out for lunch
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Old 12-22-2011, 08:27 AM
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Originally Posted by lorenz0 View Post
baking soda will even pull the smell out of dry carpet? I have dark carpet and in such a small place I can't even tell where the damage was done since the smell is everywhere.

Umm I'll buy the biggest box I can find tomorrow morning and just lock the dogs in the washroom while I am out for lunch
Costco should have either a big bag of it or a case lot of the little boxes.
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Old 12-22-2011, 01:48 PM
toxic111 toxic111 is offline
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Worst case hire a professional carpet cleaner to come in & clean things, the equipment & chemicals they have will do the job that a rug doctor can't
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Old 12-22-2011, 02:12 PM
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Go to a pet store and pick up "Nature's Miracle"... spary it on the areas, let it dry. This is what we use to make sure the animals don't pee on the already peed on spots, as they're attracted to pee on the spots that they've already 'marked'.

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Old 12-22-2011, 03:04 PM
gobytron gobytron is offline
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You need to crate train your less than housebroken guest.

Your dog is likely peeing too, it's a dominance, territorial thing when one can mark freely and the other cant.

You could wind up with your dog losing his willingness to go outside.
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Old 12-22-2011, 03:06 PM
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Use a black light to find the spots first, then soak them in vinegar and blot them dry. Finish with baking soda. You can try pet products as well for spot removal instead of vinegar but the spot treatment is key as baking soda alone will do nothing. There's a scented baking soda product for pets that kind of stinks on it's own but should cover up pretty much anything that gets left behind.
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Old 12-22-2011, 03:49 PM
ALang ALang is offline
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Originally Posted by doch View Post
Go to a pet store and pick up "Nature's Miracle"... spary it on the areas, let it dry. This is what we use to make sure the animals don't pee on the already peed on spots, as they're attracted to pee on the spots that they've already 'marked'.
That's what we use.
You have to *soak* the carpet really well, first. Let sit until it drys off. Repeat on the spots that are still smelly.
It is enzyme based, so it "eats" the urine.
Don't bother with the small spray bottle. Buy the gallon (or 2gal) jugs instead. Comes with a hand sprayer, especially good for such a large area like yours.

If that fails, you'd have to hire a carpet cleaning pro. And make sure to tell them you need dog urine treatment done.
Good luck.
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