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Old 03-25-2011, 07:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Jamieh View Post
Funny you should mention supply and demand. If the paying public did not want Pet Stores to sell puppies then they would not be buying puppies there and this issue would not be discussed. Pet Stores sell puppies because the public wants them to and continues to buy their puppies from these stores.
Won't argue that, it's obvious most people would prefer to go to the local pet shop to buy a dog. Unfortunately not all pet stores take the time to educate people on what they are getting into or take to time to be sure the animal is going to a good home so quite often the dog is given up or abandoned. If all pet stores where as good as some already are and more people pursued adoption from shelters we probably wouldn't have a problem. Yes it's a shame but as always one bad apple can spoil the bunch. If we cut out the supply it will force people to seek there pets from overcrowded shelters and adoption events. Not a perfect solution but I don't see anyone else pursuing a better one, very easy for one to say how things should be done but a different story for someone to actually do something about it.

I really don't see this as a big deal, it's worked well with positive results in other areas and the only down side is pet stores won't be able to sell puppies (or at least in same way). So who cares, plenty of pet stores do just fine without the need to sell this kind of livestock.

I'll also add that I always laugh when people get upset about the government stepping in with more regulations. Sorry but the vast majority of the population isn't anywhere near responsible or smart enough to take care of things the right way or even close to it. You don't have the right to buy whatever you want when you want, the same as you don't have the right to do whatever you want when you want. Imagine what the world would be like if you could, chaos. Our system is far from perfect but if you think you'd be better off without it go for it, nobody is stopping you.

And as for comparing to this hobby I think you're all out to lunch, I see no reason what so ever for the assumption such a by-law will also lead to banning fish sales as well. The two issues are so unrelated it's not even funny. The only thing that ties this proposed by-law to the fish hobby is this forum it's being discussed in.
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Old 03-25-2011, 07:38 PM
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people aren't smart enough to figure out things out on their own? wow, and I thought I was cynical.....
btw, I wasn't suggesting that the two were related in banning of sales.
I was suggesting that you shound not preach about animal ethics when you have a glass box in your house that is full of creatures that did not agree to be there.
is it ethical to support the salt water industry?
I guarantee that over half of the stuff taken from the ocean does not make the process of getting to your house.
I don't think that any dog breeders would have quite such a deplorable result.
yet, it is ok for you to support the saltwater trade??
please, hypocracy anyone?
as well, so if I don't think that a government who regulates every aspect of my life, I should move??? I'm sorry, but I like the idea of free and democratic country where I can make my own decisions.
I have a better idea, maybe you should look at moving at somewhere like China, where the government can take of all your needs.
give me a break.
Way too much time and money has gone into this hobby....and yet, I CAN'T STOP

Last edited by howdy20012002; 03-25-2011 at 07:43 PM.
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Old 03-25-2011, 08:02 PM
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If we removed all traffic laws would people drive safely? Would the number of accidents decrease? People need laws and regulations to form a society, it's part of evolution. You want to back to the stone age that's fine but I'm more than happy here with the way things are and are continuing to go. Just because I support the government by no means does that make me a communist. It makes no sense that someone that is happy in there society should move elsewhere, so take your break if that's what you need.

Yes I have a salt tank but I try and do things responsibly although I'll be the first too admit the hobby really has no positive results on the environment. It's pure entertainment and I'm fine with that. I'm also fine with many pet stores selling dogs and other animals as many do things properly but I don't think it's right for Joe to breed animals in his yard for profit when there's an overpopulation and many dogs and cats are put down on a daily bases simply because nobody will house them. Two wrongs don't make a right, just because something else isn't perfect doesn't mean we can improve on other things. I'd also gladly support almost any action that promoted responsible fish keeping, even if it was extreme at first.

And BTW studies have shown over 90% of all fish and coral imported do not live for more than a year in captivity.

Last edited by sphelps; 03-25-2011 at 08:05 PM.
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Old 03-25-2011, 08:09 PM
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btw, my dogs don't breed in the yard...I rent them a hotel room for the night.
Way too much time and money has gone into this hobby....and yet, I CAN'T STOP
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Old 03-25-2011, 08:10 PM
Jamieh Jamieh is offline
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I would assume the Pet Stores who have invested 100's of thousands of dollars in their stores would care if they are not permitted to sell the puppies that they have designed their store to sell. Here's and easy solution for you, make every person who breeds dogs get a licence and be inspected. I have visited many people who breed dogs and if you believe that "purebred" breeders do it better than so called "backyard" breeders you are sorely mistaken. I will ask this question for the 3rd time in this thread, how do you think banning stores who sell almost all small breed dogs will help shelters who are full of almost all med to large breed dogs??? Pet Stores selling puppies and over filled shelters are actually not that closely related no matter how the huggers try to spin it.

Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
Won't argue that, it's obvious most people would prefer to go to the local pet shop to buy a dog. Unfortunately not all pet stores take the time to educate people on what they are getting into or take to time to be sure the animal is going to a good home so quite often the dog is given up or abandoned. If all pet stores where as good as some already are and more people pursued adoption from shelters we probably wouldn't have a problem. Yes it's a shame but as always one bad apple can spoil the bunch. If we cut out the supply it will force people to seek there pets from overcrowded shelters and adoption events. Not a perfect solution but I don't see anyone else pursuing a better one, very easy for one to say how things should be done but a different story for someone to actually do something about it.

I really don't see this as a big deal, it's worked well with positive results in other areas and the only down side is pet stores won't be able to sell puppies (or at least in same way). So who cares, plenty of pet stores do just fine without the need to sell this kind of livestock.

I'll also add that I always laugh when people get upset about the government stepping in with more regulations. Sorry but the vast majority of the population isn't anywhere near responsible or smart enough to take care of things the right way or even close to it. You don't have the right to buy whatever you want when you want, the same as you don't have the right to do whatever you want when you want. Imagine what the world would be like if you could, chaos. Our system is far from perfect but if you think you'd be better off without it go for it, nobody is stopping you.

And as for comparing to this hobby I think you're all out to lunch, I see no reason what so ever for the assumption such a by-law will also lead to banning fish sales as well. The two issues are so unrelated it's not even funny. The only thing that ties this proposed by-law to the fish hobby is this forum it's being discussed in.
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Old 03-25-2011, 08:11 PM
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Originally Posted by howdy20012002 View Post
btw, my dogs don't breed in the yard...I rent them a hotel room for the night.
So out of curiosity what exactly is your motivation for breeding dogs?
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Old 03-25-2011, 08:11 PM
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Hey lets look at things differently here.

Right now we don't even have a functional government. Going on our 4th election in 7 years, with over a billion dollars of our money wasted on these elections.

If our government can't take care of itself, and doesn't really care about the common people overall. Do we really need legistlation from them on this topic. Personally I don't think so.

I think this thread has had its time. Now time to die....

If you buy a puppy, you have your choice and do what you want... If you own a puppy mill or are a backyard breeder, again you have that right and choice. We the people do not need to agree on how others live their lives or the choices they may make. But we also don't need to bully others because their views may differ from ours.

Setup: 180G DT, 105G Refuge (approx. 300lbs LR, 150lbs Aragonite)
Hardware: Super Reef Octopus SSS-3000, Tunze ATO, Mag 18 return, 2x MP40W, 2X Koralia 4's Wavemaker
Lighting: 5ft Hamilton Belize Sun (2x250W MH, 2X80W T5HO)
Type of Aquarium: mixed reef (SPS & LPS) with fish
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Old 03-25-2011, 08:11 PM
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Accidents are lower on the autobahn than most places in the world and about 20 years ago when Montana had no speed limit the number of accidents did not increase. Just sayin!!

Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
If we removed all traffic laws would people drive safely? Would the number of accidents decrease? People need laws and regulations to form a society, it's part of evolution. You want to back to the stone age that's fine but I'm more than happy here with the way things are and are continuing to go. Just because I support the government by no means does that make me a communist. It makes no sense that someone that is happy in there society should move elsewhere, so take your break if that's what you need.

Yes I have a salt tank but I try and do things responsibly although I'll be the first too admit the hobby really has no positive results on the environment. It's pure entertainment and I'm fine with that. I'm also fine with many pet stores selling dogs and other animals as many do things properly but I don't think it's right for Joe to breed animals in his yard for profit when there's an overpopulation and many dogs and cats are put down on a daily bases simply because nobody will house them. Two wrongs don't make a right, just because something else isn't perfect doesn't mean we can improve on other things. I'd also gladly support almost any action that promoted responsible fish keeping, even if it was extreme at first.

And BTW studies have shown over 90% of all fish and coral imported do not live for more than a year in captivity.
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Old 03-25-2011, 08:17 PM
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all synde remarks aside, I truly do admire and commend people who go to the pound and adopt a dog.
Personally, I have done so in the past and it didn't work out so well.
therefore, I bought a puppy from a breeder, who is not a ckc breeder, because I wanted to know the dogs background...not adopt another dog with issues.
I can assure you that I take as much care of my dogs, am concerned about the genetics and health issues of the breed and would NEVER do anything that would jeopardize my dogs health just as much as any CKC breeder.
My dogs are my kids, I just happen to breed them...and of course, like everyone that breeds dogs, the ultimate goal is money..even the CKC breeders..if not they would be giving their dogs away.
not all "back yard breeders" are bad.
just having a piece of paper from the CKC doesn't make you an expert or a better breeder.
anyways, I don't see this discussion going anywhere but in a circle, lets agree to disagree.

Way too much time and money has gone into this hobby....and yet, I CAN'T STOP

Last edited by howdy20012002; 03-25-2011 at 08:20 PM.
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Old 03-25-2011, 08:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Jamieh View Post
I would assume the Pet Stores who have invested 100's of thousands of dollars in their stores would care if they are not permitted to sell the puppies that they have designed their store to sell. Here's and easy solution for you, make every person who breeds dogs get a licence and be inspected. I have visited many people who breed dogs and if you believe that "purebred" breeders do it better than so called "backyard" breeders you are sorely mistaken. I will ask this question for the 3rd time in this thread, how do you think banning stores who sell almost all small breed dogs will help shelters who are full of almost all med to large breed dogs??? Pet Stores selling puppies and over filled shelters are actually not that closely related no matter how the huggers try to spin it.
Yeah like I said before I would prefer if things could be done that way, if someone had that petition I'd be happy to sign it.
I don't think pure bred breeders are better than non pure breeders but "good" breeders have different goals than others but it's hard to tell and there are way too many out there which is why I support the bylaw. Also I've seen plenty of big bred dogs at pet stores, not all stores are the same and not all have the same principals which is part of the problem but the biggest problem is the source not the distribution.

Also you take a risk with any investment, sometimes it pays off other times it doesn't. If the by-law passes it'll be a result of the majority agreeing to it so it's not just a few "huggers", it's society taking a stand and doing something, might be ideal but like I keep saying better than nothing.
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