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Old 11-10-2010, 04:56 PM
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gobytron: it's the quality not the quantity of skims that's important...
Has I said before I really think this kind of skiming if "softer" on the water...

you can try little "nano" airstone skimmer but they are not comparable to the big ones... the surface of contact with the micro-bubles in here is the key to a good skimming efect...
my 2cents
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Old 11-11-2010, 01:40 AM
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It also depends a lot on the bioload of each individual system. At least we went to the trouble to qualify our experience with some photos. Commenting on the so called lack of skimmate produced by air diffuser skimmers without providing some pictures of new tech skimmers performance doesn't make for a useful contribution to this thread, particularly from someone whose signature block contains a comment about being under a hair algae attack. To be honest, I have some hair algae issues too, but I don't think it's due to my skimmer, it's more likely the unkown history of my used live rock and getting better with each water change.
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Last edited by mike31154; 11-11-2010 at 01:43 AM.
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Old 11-11-2010, 01:58 AM
KevinK KevinK is offline
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ok, so as I'm a DIY person myselve,

so the spec. of a skimmer for a large tank tells it is pulling 2000L of air in with its NW, ore VENT.

when I would push the same amount of air in with a air stone, I cant se whare all in a sudden, it is a bad skimmer.

I woulod like to se, lets say a RK2 skimmer that is drawing lots of air, preform, but than not drawing air, but pushing it.

the same for the BBK ore any other brand, why pull, and fractionating everything, where you can also push.

there are many articles about how damaging fractionating can be for the micro organisems in a tank.

overall, I would defenetly try a air stone skimmer.

when you do your homework, and pull all data from skimmers, it is easely to figger out what dimentions of skimmer work best for you, and use the air data, other brands produce, and put this same air in with the stones.

I beleave in it, air is air, and when you put in 2000L in ore 2000L, it is still the same.

give me specific data ore test resulds from one skimmer, where the air stone would be smashed by a NW and I'm convinced, for now, air is air, and I do beleave that fractionating is worst for a tank than air stones
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Old 11-11-2010, 04:51 AM
rayjay rayjay is offline
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Originally Posted by gobytron View Post
none of these pics show what I would consider significant skimmate at all...
This is not significant???
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