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Old 11-05-2010, 01:25 AM
brettm3535 brettm3535 is offline
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Default zoa issue

About a week ago I bought a frag of zoa's with approx 10 of them on the rock. I dripped them for about an hour and placed them into my tank. That evening and the next day they were all open and looking awsome. After that second day they have now got to the point that all were closed really tight. A few days ago I checked my water params aand all were good other than my calcuim was a little low. I also did a water change to see if this was the cause. Tonight I still seen no improvement so I did a little reading up and I determined that I would try putting them in a higher flow area. Since I have seen one of the pods has a skin like material that has blown off and now I am seeing some color and that paticular one is starting to open slightly.

Just seeing what this might be and is there anything else I can do to turn these things around?
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Old 11-05-2010, 02:56 AM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
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If it's only been a few days, just give them time. They're still adjusting to their new location. Yes, more flow and light will help them come out but I wouldn't be worried unless they're starting to melt away. I've had zoos stay closed for a month for no other reason that to drive me nuts.

Take a close look at them just to make sure there aren't nudibranchs or other pests causing them to close up. Other Han hat just wait, give them time and don't move them around too much. If they start to look pretty worse for wear, vitamin c dozing can help but this is another beast all together and should be approached carefully ( I don't recommend it until you REALLY know what you're doing).

Get ZoaElite on this. He'll have an answer for you.
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Old 11-05-2010, 04:34 AM
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Don't put them in high light. It is better to put them in the shade while they adjust to other parameters. Those that I have put away from the light and in the shade have done much better. I have some that are getting huge and multiplying well in the shade whereas those in the high light have remained very small and I can see they are stressed and it will take quite some time for them to adjust, if they ever do they will remain small.

I have some that took one month to open and are now multiplying fast.

Worse ennemy is cyano and amphipods. Amphipods will chew on the matte and eventualy kill the zoanthids. Interestingly mine did really bad when I switched to H2O salt and are now making a come back after I switched back to IO, not sure why.

Originally Posted by brettm3535 View Post
About a week ago I bought a frag of zoa's with approx 10 of them on the rock. I dripped them for about an hour and placed them into my tank. That evening and the next day they were all open and looking awsome. After that second day they have now got to the point that all were closed really tight. A few days ago I checked my water params aand all were good other than my calcuim was a little low. I also did a water change to see if this was the cause. Tonight I still seen no improvement so I did a little reading up and I determined that I would try putting them in a higher flow area. Since I have seen one of the pods has a skin like material that has blown off and now I am seeing some color and that paticular one is starting to open slightly.

Just seeing what this might be and is there anything else I can do to turn these things around?
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Old 11-05-2010, 04:10 PM
brettm3535 brettm3535 is offline
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Thanks guys
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Old 11-05-2010, 04:15 PM
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different zoas require different light/flow etc. Give them time though, like ScubaSteve said, it's not uncommon to have them stay closed for long periods of time, just so long as you don't notice them melting away. Growth rate varies as well, from what I've read anyways, and can be affected by various things such as species, feedings etc.
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Old 11-05-2010, 04:59 PM
skabooya skabooya is offline
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Good advice here so far. I had the same thing happen to my zoas. Great for a day or two then closed up. Mine were closed for a few months until i moved them to a high flow area. That area happened to be high light too. Anyway, they finally started to open up. Once I saw they were all open i put them back to a low flow area and lower light (on my sandbed) and they are still open and doing well. I have 2 zoa frags however that remain in high flow. They have yet to open fully but i see them peeking out every now and again to tease me.
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Old 11-05-2010, 11:18 PM
brettm3535 brettm3535 is offline
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Thanks guys now I can stop pulling out my hair
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Old 11-06-2010, 12:48 AM
brettm3535 brettm3535 is offline
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well as of right now im happy to report that I have three that have opened and the skin like material is starting to blow off. So hopefully they keep getting better
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Old 11-06-2010, 01:29 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by Rbacchiega View Post
different zoas require different light/flow etc. Give them time though, like ScubaSteve said, it's not uncommon to have them stay closed for long periods of time, just so long as you don't notice them melting away. Growth rate varies as well, from what I've read anyways, and can be affected by various things such as species, feedings etc.

there are plenty of zoas that love direct light and plenty more who would rather ambient light.some do better with feeding some take their time. some grow really fast some never grow,some like it with flow some do not.its reasons like these that make zoas so popular but each species is different slightly and i think alot of it has to do with your tank so you need to find what works for them in your tank. i start all my zoas on the bottom where they get direct light from the farthest point from my bulb i watch them over the next few days if they stay open then i leave them for a longer period if they close up then i move them to a place where its not so direct.i find zoas grow better when placed in a crevice they can grow from and mat to easily.i also use a nano powerhead pointed in their direction from about half way up my tank to ensure they all get food when i feed them. cheers
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