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Old 09-23-2010, 12:37 AM
Strickland_673 Strickland_673 is offline
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Talking Strickland_673's 25g Reef Build

Ok so it's been 2 years since I've had a SW tank, and since my freshwater just crashed, I now have a 25g (31X11X16) empty and screaming to be filled.

So the last time I had SW it was strictly FOWLR this time, once I upgrade my lighting I want to dip into the reef side of things.

So let's start with what i've done over the past month and a half:

So first I took the nuked and dried base rock that I had from my 55g Blow out and started to lay out some aquascaping. I know a lot of you wont like it due to it's symetrical shape.

So then I broke out some KRYLON FUSION satin black spray paint and went a little crazy.

Back of tank.

Intake tubes and collection cup for my POS skimmer (seaclone)

and probably the craziest was the canister of my Rena XP4

Then I super glued my canopy back together, since i hacked it apart from my FW when I had to fit the Hagen Glo in there, and gave it a nice clean coat of spray paint as well

After all that dried and cured for a day or two I then filled the tank with saltwater and let the salinity settle out, then I put my live rock in first and then the sand(20LB of live sand) instead of having the rock on top of the sand(which caused my last blow out). Sorry first pics are with my old FW light bulbs

Sorry no REAL cloudy pic.

One day in, running filter floss!

2 days in:

2 weeks in with new Geissemen Actinic + and Aquablue:

I had started the cycle by letting a couple of frozen shrimp rot in the tank, So then i added the first of my CUC. Some blue legged hermits.

Hope you guys and gals enjoy. More updates to follow.

Future upgrades:

Rapid LED lighting ~ 14-20 LEDS unsure of number i want yet.

Replace that POS seaclone!!!!!!!!!
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Old 09-23-2010, 09:13 AM
Strickland_673 Strickland_673 is offline
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Should be picking up my seeding live rock tonight!!!
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Old 09-25-2010, 12:21 PM
Strickland_673 Strickland_673 is offline
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Smile Here's my Eco Live Rock!!!!!

I got this rock from very happy with the piece!!!
I'd recommend them to anyone! and 100% of the money goes to reef conservation!!!
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Old 09-25-2010, 05:55 PM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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One thing to beware of is that white rock like that is very susceptible to growing pest algae. Once the coraline covers it, you should have less problems but white rock like that seems to act like a magnet for hair algae and other nuisance species if your nutrient levels are allowed to rise.
If you see it, can take care of it, better get it or put it on hold. Otherwise, it'll be gone & you'll regret it!
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Old 10-11-2010, 01:46 AM
Strickland_673 Strickland_673 is offline
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So I went out a week ago and picked up a mated pair of clowns and a coral beauty. sorry for the crappy pic quality and the fact that the beauty is camera shy doesn't help! haha

Hope you enjoy.
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