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View Poll Results: What do you use to maintain Ca/Alk ?
Calcium Reactor 44 36.07%
Two-Part or Balling or Similar (manual or automated) 81 66.39%
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Old 07-16-2010, 10:58 PM
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Default So it's 2010 now. Who still uses a calcium reactor and who's all on 2-part dosing?

Just curious what the spectrum looks like. Early 2000's it was calcium reactors were the real "it" way of maintaining levels, late 2000's/early 2010's it seemed to shift.

I myself switched to automated 2-part dosing some time ago.

But to be honest I find myself missing the calcium reactor and not having to fuss with it for 6 to 12 months at a time. With the 2 part dosing I am constantly mixing the stuff and I just hate the job for all the mess it seems to make while I'm at it.. and only seems to last 2-3 weeks at best. I thought about getting larger reservoirs but that is only going to be messier I think.

So .. feel free to talk me out of going back to a CO2 based calcium reactor if you like, haha! I'll listen to both sides of the argument if any are presented, but I'm also curious who's all out there and using what these days and what the breakdown is like. Answer what you're using, not what's your favourite. Ie., if you use both just answer with both. But feel free to post your thoughts on what's your favourite dosing mechanism.
-- Tony
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Old 07-16-2010, 11:12 PM
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Get a smaller tank Tony. And ONE lol.

My jugs look like they'll last me half a year!
My 67 392 225 101 94 34 97 404 28 93 209 gallon reef.
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Old 07-16-2010, 11:13 PM
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I'm very happy with my 3 part doser as have never had such amazing growth, mind you I have never used a Calcium reactor so I'm slightly bias. My draw rates aren't that large only 20ml per day of CA/ALK and 4ml of Mg which I will be doubling to compensate for all my livestock.

My fear with a Calcium reactor is a pressurized cylinder around corrosive salt water, panes of glass and $1000's of dollars with of livestock (My doser is much less explosion prone... at least I hope).
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Old 07-16-2010, 11:14 PM
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Still using my reactor, I figure I have it, I worked hard making it, and I'll use it till it breaks I refill the tank twice a year, top up media 3 times a year, and it appears that it gives me all I need for dosing.
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Old 07-17-2010, 12:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
I worked hard making it,
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Old 07-17-2010, 12:30 AM
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Originally Posted by zoaElite View Post
I'm very happy with my 3 part doser as have never had such amazing growth, mind you I have never used a Calcium reactor so I'm slightly bias. My draw rates aren't that large only 20ml per day of CA/ALK and 4ml of Mg which I will be doubling to compensate for all my livestock.
Thats not much for your system Levi. With my 70g cube back in the mid '90,s I used to dose 30ml/day of 2 part. Unless it was more diluted or something.

My fear with a Calcium reactor is a pressurized cylinder around corrosive salt water, panes of glass and $1000's of dollars with of livestock (My doser is much less explosion prone... at least I hope).
I dont recall ever hearing of that, but I suppose any pressurized cylinder is a concern.

Anywho, my answer to Tony,s question is, a 2-part also and kalk. Thats all I have used since shutting down my large tanks, which did run co2 reactors. I still use Seachem 2-parts and most of Bens, 3-part additives.
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Old 07-17-2010, 12:34 AM
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2-part for me via auto doser
225g reef
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Old 07-17-2010, 12:46 AM
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I've got a low-tech doser. My phone has 4 alarms set and I dose alk and calcium an hour apart in the morning and same thing in the evening. Currently using 6mL of each. Only use Mg right now to bring my new water up to 1400.
My 67 392 225 101 94 34 97 404 28 93 209 gallon reef.
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Old 07-17-2010, 12:46 AM
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I use both....a calcium reactor on my large tank and 2 part on my smaller tanks.
I doubt I could ever be talked into using 2 part on my large tank, I hate the mess involved, mind you I'm dosing manually.
The reactor is soooo much easier it literally is set and forget especially now that I have a bigger reactor that holds more media and I only have to fill it every 4 or 5 months

300g tank
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Old 07-17-2010, 12:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Doug View Post
Thats not much for your system Levi. With my 70g cube back in the mid '90,s I used to dose 30ml/day of 2 part. Unless it was more diluted or something.
Still kind of finding the sweet spot with the doser, I think I will be uping it to 40 40 and 8 right away here and then if I see a drop I will increase it to compensate.

Originally Posted by Doug View Post
I dont recall ever hearing of that, but I suppose any pressurized cylinder is a concern.
To maintain calcium and alkalinity levels I formerly used a calcium reactor. One night I woke up due to some deafening noise. It was like the sound of glass being smashed into tiny pieces. The aquarium crashed – it was my first thought. With a heart beating fast, I jumped to my feet to see what had really happened. It turned out that the valve on the CO2 cylinder had failed. Fortunately, it was only the door of the cabinet where the CO2 cylinder was stored that was damaged – it was torn from its hinges. I felt both relief and anger; I made an irrevocable decision at that moment – no calcium reactor ever again.
- Krzysztof Tryc Reef keeping mag Volume 8, Issue 14
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