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Old 06-21-2010, 02:01 AM
KevinK KevinK is offline
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Default would these LED's be the same

ok I'm not a expert, however are thinking of building a DIY LED unit.

first I want to build one unit to se how things go, and if that works out fine build about 6 units in total, as my tank is big.

locking into LED's, I se mostly the CREE XR-E is used,

now locking for them I find them at LEDsupply and Dealextream, I cant sethe diferance, exept price,

can somone explain the diferance, ore are thy bothe the same

or any sugestion where to find a great deal?

thanks for the help!
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Old 06-21-2010, 03:22 AM
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The ones from LEDsupply are genuine whereas there has been some speculation that the ones from DE may be knock offs. I have also read that people have ordered from DE and they did not get what they ordered.

If you are looking for a better deal on LEDs try they have them for a couple bucks cheaper.

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Old 06-21-2010, 05:00 AM
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I've had pretty good luck with Deal Extreme. The Cree LEDs I have purchased from them have been excellent and plenty bright. The main difference between the two will be the star board PCB. The DE ones are cheaper lower quality ones. That will most likely not be a problem but I have had the odd cheap one delaminate. And you always pay a premium when buying in North America vs. Asia so that accounts for some of the price difference.

But as stated above, Nano Tuners has a great deal on XR-Es right now if you want the better PCBs.
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Old 06-21-2010, 05:01 AM
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P.S. You also will not find royal blue XR-Es at DE. So you might as well buy them all in one place such as Nano Tuners.
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Old 07-10-2010, 03:47 AM
lenzh lenzh is offline
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I agree. I have bought LEDs from both DX and LED supply. The DX ones give off the same color and intensity as the LED supply ones, but the boards are quite bad. A few of them have had the solder pad come off when soldering making them essentially useless. You get what you pay for.
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