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Old 06-08-2010, 05:23 AM
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Default Tank question

Well I bought a 80 or 85 gallon tank cheap and was wondering if it would be alright to handle all the pressure from a saltwater setup, dimensions are 45Lx24Wx18T and the glass is 1/4 inch and has a center brace


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Old 06-08-2010, 05:30 AM
FitoPharmer FitoPharmer is offline
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When in doubt:
fill it somewhere with good drainage and test it for a week.
any tank that can hold water without leaking should be able to hold a SW setup.
Also for weaker/thinner tanks, I would think level would be even more important.
Was it sold as a fish tank? Sometimes reptile tanks are cheaper and have much thinner glass.
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Old 06-08-2010, 07:12 AM
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Do you know the manufacturer as tempered glass will hold more water than non tempered glass tempered glass tends to be thinner than non tempered glass. You would have to contact the manufacturer. If it holds for a week then you should be good to go I have had smaller tanks that were made from tempered glass. Or do as Fitopharmer said nice level spot it can be outside but that would depend where you live in the Peg as to weather it goes legs or not. LOL My brother just puts anything he does not want anymore out to the back lane and by morning its gone just like magic.
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Old 06-08-2010, 01:41 PM
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I have a 48 x 18 x 14 tall tank made out of 1/4 inch glass not tempered. I bought it used as well. It's been filled for about 6 years. There is NO center bracing. Actually, there is no bracing at all. It kind of scares me, but it holds water. I had it jam packed full of live rock as well for about 5 years.
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Old 06-08-2010, 05:10 PM
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Well I bought as a fish tank he had water in it before he sold it to me he decided to upgrade to a 180 that's y he sold it.


It's a LFS who made it and it's non tempered glass that he uses for all his tanks there custom made tanks


So I should be fine, would 4 inches really make that much of a difference? Ya freaks me out to sometimes that's y I needed to ask before I fill it.


Reason y I'm asking is because I went down to my LFS and he told me it's pushing it with that thickness of glass for a salt water setup because it's denser then a fresh water tank so he told me he could make me a tank a 48x24x24 but it's pretty expensive. I wasn't about to spend $400+ on a tank if I all ready have a tank that is perfectly capable of doing the job
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