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Old 06-08-2010, 04:29 AM
trinac trinac is offline
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Talking My Tanks! Well, My Attempt!

I figured the tank been running long enough to feel confident to now share the glory!!! haha just kidding. I am just scratching the surface of this fantastic hobby. I decided to start small in the saltwater world and set up a 30 something gallon mini reef, with big brother in the basement on the way. I wanted to make my mistakes on a smaller scale for the sake of convenience and cashflow. I can't say I've made any horrid mistakes, I read books, but already know what I am going to do differently for the big tank. #1 Not buying any fish unless its on "the list", instead of getting a fish to just put in the tank. #2 trap pests before I put in my stuff. #3 coral dip!? yes please.

The 30 something gallon
* It has too many fish, nothing new there. Before anyone goes haywire there are a couple baby fish (that grow relatively large) that will go into big brother, so don't even worry about it. haha I also do have the nicest maroon clown ever, no big deal.
* SPS frags - digi's, milli, acro, birdnests
* LPS - bubble, pink brain, red brain, candycane's
* mushrooms
* ricordia (made a baby! hooray!)
* peppermint shrimps, skunk cleaner shrimp
* pink / yellow cucumber
* orange / green / purple multicolor linckia
* pink emerald crab
* cleaner crew - astrea, turbo, mexican turbo snail, hermit crabs
* nasties - live rock crabs, bristleworms, bit of cyano

I use DI water and IO salt. I like Elos test kits the best but also have a couple Salifert and API.

Bigger Brother!! Not 300g or anything, but big enough. Nearly there for equipment but I am thinking of doing a bit different of configuration for tank dimension. Am thinking something along the lines of 48"W x 30"D x 25"H. I don't completely understand how sumps work yet, but it will have a sump as well. I am not a huge fan of the hang on everything that I have on my 30G. Plus, having a place to keep macroalgae and nasties is ideal as well.

My favourite stores I frequent are Red Coral, Gold's and Ocean City.

I have met a few of the canreefer's and look forward to your feedback, advice, and look forward to meeting more of you along the way. Now you all play nice here or I'll have to smack a *****

Pictures another day!
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Old 06-12-2010, 02:50 AM
trinac trinac is offline
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Alright, change in plans already. Going with medium brother next, 90G. I have all the equipment parts now. This will allow me to have my cake and eat it too or whatever. I can keep the custom build plans flexible as the basement gets renovated. It WILL actually get renovated as its not coming out of my fish budget... comes out of bf's budget. Next is just sand, salt and rocks. Probably in a few weeks, gotta get my biking pass for Kicking Horse right now, and possible motorhome fix up!

Hopefully can put up pictures this evening, no idea where bf has put the camera...

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Old 06-12-2010, 03:36 AM
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All I hear is blah blah blah blah no pictures blah blah blah going to Kickinghorse and you're not blah blah blah.

Have a good ride, come home in mostly one piece!!!! Wish I were out there with ya.
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
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Old 06-12-2010, 03:51 AM
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Yeah definately need some pictures. lol
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Old 06-12-2010, 04:47 AM
trinac trinac is offline
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haha fine fine, I guess I have to figure it out now. I wonder if I embed it will work?

Attempt Brain #1

Attempt Brain #2

Last edited by trinac; 06-12-2010 at 05:15 AM.
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Old 06-12-2010, 05:07 AM
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The easiest way to post pics is to use photobucket.
Feed the bear goodies, make a new friend, don't feed the bear...............

8' - 165gal Reef
DIY LED's Build
2012 Nano Contest Winner
Febuary 2013 POTM Winner
300 gal + 60 gal Complete DIY Build
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Old 06-12-2010, 05:09 AM
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try opening your pic file in Paint and then re-size it to 25% of original or something and then try uploading...or you can upload to a site like and imbed
Sweet little tank btw. I'm envious!
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Old 06-12-2010, 05:26 AM
trinac trinac is offline
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Okay, here's some older pictures, but it'll give you an idea of whats going on.

Here's my currently tank approved crab

Blue / Brown Candycane - since had a little accident - red brain trumps candy 1:0, a couple polyps gonzo, but the rest is still good.

The Bubble - he's showing his good side, had a bit of transport damage in the middle, but is doing pretty good otherwise

Blue Galaxy Clam - its pretty cool, I have him sitting on a small rock so I can move him around if needed. It also has a small coral growing on the side of its shell

FTS as of May 21, its changed quite a bit since even this picture, and is pretty full right now, hello 90G.

Red Brain - he's now front and center in the sand and happy there

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Old 06-12-2010, 05:29 AM
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Looking full huh? Well you can raise the water level a few inches still and cram a whole lot more in I'm thinkin' =)
My 67 392 225 101 94 34 97 404 28 93 209 gallon reef.
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Old 06-12-2010, 05:33 AM
trinac trinac is offline
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Okay, hopefully you can see those! Have a good weekend canreefers! I'll post some new pics on Sunday, when I am back from my insanely awesome biking trip!! haha just kidding Tony, but the next trip is in 2 weeks so maybe see if that fits in your schedule.

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