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Old 02-23-2010, 11:15 PM
freerider freerider is offline
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Default lighting good enough for a nem?

hey everyone, Ive had a GBTA in my tank for about a week now, its in a 33 Gal, and for lighting i have 4X39 W T5 HO. the tank depth is 17". now the nem hasn't moved from the rock i placed him on.He isn't bleached by any means and still has a red/brown color, and under the actinics he his green,
Ive been reading all that i can find on these nems, and figure if it wasnt enough it would move farther up the rocks..
im being very paranoid, everything the nem does i search on the web to make sure its normal.
anyone with nem experience please chime in,
i direct fed the nem this morning and this evening when i came home form work its closed up alittle now , kinda under a rock. normal?
Thanks everone

oh and water params are all good
except calcium is alittle low,
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Old 02-23-2010, 11:37 PM
granitereef granitereef is offline
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Your lighting is more than enough(as long as your bulbs aren't to old) Don't stress they are very hardy corrals. They will shrivel up very small to go to the bathroom make sure your water flow is not pointed directly at him. I only feed mine once every 4 days what are you feeding him?
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Old 02-23-2010, 11:42 PM
RuGlu6 RuGlu6 is offline
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I also have GBTA in my 36" long tank but it’s a 65 gal (wider and Toller).
I have 6xT5
GBTA has been in my tank for about 4 years now, divided once and doing very well.

IMO if its sits still this is the good sign, I don’t direct feed mine because I want it to stay in its present size, but if it takes food it is also a good sign.

Water quality is very important for BTA's and if its shrinking the first thing I do when I see that is a water change, anemone is an excellent indicator that something is out of order in water.
Some people say the anemones are more sensitive to water quality then SPS and I agree with that.
In terms of lighting your 4xT5 should be ok though if animal moves then something is not right for it, or you changed something like flow patterns for example.
When I started to use NP reducing pellets my GBTA started to show bubble tips, and before that it did not, I don’t know if that’s the cause because I also started to use Zeo Snow and Zeo Bak.

Don’t be paranoid, and leave it alone, make sure there is flow around it not directed at it. Do your water changes. It will be ok.

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Old 02-24-2010, 01:33 AM
freerider freerider is offline
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thanks for the quick replys, im feeding mine brine and mysis shrimp, ill be picking up silvertides on the weekend, from what i have been reading they like them alot,
hey Ruglu, what are these NP reducing pellets? and Zeo snow is that a calcium supplement?
thanks for the help
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Old 02-24-2010, 04:15 AM
imcosmokramer imcosmokramer is offline
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you should have plenty of light.

Last edited by imcosmokramer; 08-14-2011 at 07:39 AM.
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