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Old 01-02-2010, 02:00 PM
PufferPuffer PufferPuffer is offline
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Angry Valentine Puffer has a red eye

i think those r its blood???
that red eye is getting bigger and bigger...
can someone tell me what is it and how can i help it...
plz help thx...
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Old 01-03-2010, 03:15 AM
nanmer nanmer is offline
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I really think you need to do more research before you get anymore fish. You are waiting until they are really sick before you do anything for them. At the first sign of any problem you need to go to a respected local fish store and seek advice. If medication is need they can sell it to you and you can treat your fish ASAP.
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Old 01-03-2010, 06:09 AM
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Everyone slow down you can use melifix for Popeye it will help reduce swelling but the red in the eye could be from so many things. Parasite, worm, bacteria, fungus. if it is from a worm it's more than likely anchor worm bad if it has gotten into the eye it self. You will in any case need to feed with an antibiotic and treat in QT. It could be from fish rubbing on rocks and it is now infected. The sign of blood from a fish is always really bad sign and don’t get frightened from asking for help. But don’t just go out and buy some drugs and start putting them in your tank you always treat in a QT. Only once you know what you are dealing with so you are dosing with the right medications. Some medications can kill a fish if it is not to be given for a particular problem. It’s the same for humans if you are having troubles breathing some med’s can kill you instead of help.

The last poster just wants you to realize that at the first sign of trouble try and get some local help. To help over the internet is difficult enough especially without pictures and all of your tank parameters and by that you need to post the readings. Don’t just say everything tests perfect, to many that means 2 things (1) you didn’t test or (2) you don’t have enough test equipment to do all the tests that some people may want to see. The second is ok, we will make do with what you can give us you can have a LFS do a more comprehensive test the next day.

You will need to figure out what caused it to protect the rest of your tank if it is a parasite of some kind.

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Old 01-03-2010, 07:34 AM
dsaundry dsaundry is offline
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I am not trying to rain on anybody's parade here as we were all new and made several mistake as we came into this hobby, Just looking at all PufferPuffers previous threads leads me to believe this is a very re-occuring problem. Perhaps we should advise him to ...Yes try and treat this fish in the safest way possible but perhaps there is an underlying reason for this, A tank with parasites, perhaps something attacked the fish, or poor water conditions, a problem with the way its set up. Is it the right type of tank for a Puffer, eg:size. rock, etc? As for the best advise I would give would be if this fish does not pull through, PufferPuffer should slow down and try to re-examine his set up and see if there is another reason he is having so much problems with this fish. It will save a lot of money and possibly spare another fish from the same fate.
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