Originally Posted by Delphinus
I have not seen these very often, but I have seen on rare occasion a strain of BTA which is huge, i.e., >12-14" around. These are collected at deeper waters than the others. So it's conceivable that what you saw were indeed BTA's. I did not see them so I can't say (actually, next time you see such a thing, please let me know so I can go see myself!) They are sometime mislabelled as ritteris because of the size but just thought I'd mention that there IS such a thing as a gargantuan BTA (just a bit rare usually). They can fetch quite a price. I hope they made it to good homes.
Well, they had a yellow tinge, and seemed to have more "tentacles per square inch", if you can call it that.

Plus they were both parked on the glass when I was there. Although, may they just didn't want to touch that rock......
I don't think they had any "pimples" tho..
I actually forgot to mention it to you, but thought of it at the time.