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Old 11-17-2009, 07:13 PM
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I probably will be down in March and I'll post in this thread or start a new one as soon as I've been able to pick a day to drive.

Originally Posted by Leah View Post
I would also be interested if you are planning on a trip in March
I did my first treatment with Interceptor last night and it seems to have worked. I cant see any red bugs this morning but I'll still treat again on the following two Mondays. One item of interest is that the interceptor pills I'm using actually expired last month but they still seem to be doing their job.
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Old 11-17-2009, 07:27 PM
Leah Leah is offline
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I really wouldn't worry about the expiry date on them in the least
Didn't read that you had bug's till after I had posted that really is kinda funny as I was thinking that I would be safe getting stuff from a private tank
Maybe I jinxed you I am sure it will be fine by then.
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Old 11-17-2009, 07:37 PM
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Actually there are (at least) two people in PG that currently have red bugs in their private tanks and they are unwilling to treat their systems because they dont want to kill their shrimp. Lucky for me because of my snowflake eel I dont have any shrimp or crabs. I originally got them two years ago from a third person in town who is no longer in the hobby. I have no idea where I got them this time because I've been very careful to QT and treat each new SPS addition. They must have hitched a ride with a soft coral, LPS or fish I guess...

Originally Posted by Leah View Post
I really wouldn't worry about the expiry date on them in the least
Didn't read that you had bug's till after I had posted that really is kinda funny as I was thinking that I would be safe getting stuff from a private tank
Maybe I jinxed you I am sure it will be fine by then.
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Old 11-18-2009, 09:55 PM
kbd635 kbd635 is offline
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Default It's the fish!

When I first started keeping marines (way back in 1989 I think), there was no such thing live rock or skimmers avilable to the public.
I had an undergravel filter and bleached coral skeleton. One Powder blue Surgeon, one Yellow Tang and 3 Blue Damsels.
When I was cleaning the coral (bleaching it ..... yes I know everyone is cringing now, but back then it was Fish only and mechanical filtration, no corals). Anyway I lifted the coral and out fell these little "half moon" shaped shrimps. (Isopods I think)
I immediately called the LFS and asked what to do.
He replied that if I gave him a big bag of my sand, he's give me ANY fish in the shop.
Apparently the eggs came in in one of the fish (I reckon PBS) and bred like wildfire! He was the first to set up live sand and actually sell these Iso's in Scotland apparently!
Just a little anecdote ......
Jeez! I miss my tank!
Trigon 350 with sump.
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Old 12-04-2009, 06:52 PM
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Monthly bump. My LPS selection still pales in comparison to my SPS and softies because my frag tank is still pretty full and most of the LPS need time to grow before I can frag them again.

The 3 red bug treatments are complete and there are no more of the little buggers to be found. I haven't noticed much of an improvement in the colors of the previously infected corals but at least the polyps seem much larger.

I've been hording shipping boxes and coolers from various livestock orders in town because in the spring I think I'm going to try shipping for the first time. However expect some of my asking prices to go up a little bit when that happens (supply and demand). I'll also start listing quantities available as I'm sure some coral will be more in demand than others and I cant produce a lot of volume at this time.
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Old 12-04-2009, 07:00 PM
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If your gonna be shipping count me in!! You have few drags I would love to add to my tank!

60" 120G project-DONE!!!!
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Old 01-01-2010, 08:11 PM
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Monthly bump.
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Old 01-15-2010, 03:38 AM
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I was just accepted into a course that will keep me busy until March 28th. If I dont start work right away after that I'll be traveling down to Victoria for a couple of days but if I do start working I might not have much free time for a while... So, for people waiting and hoping for me to be making a spring delivery to the lower mainland that may not be happening. However I still plan to start shipping in the spring so I'll keep this thread up to date with information on that.
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Old 01-20-2010, 02:19 AM
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You don't travel through Kelowna on your way do you?
180 custom starfire
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Old 01-20-2010, 02:51 AM
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Sorry I never go that way.
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