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Old 11-11-2009, 07:51 AM
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Default new store ?

is this a new stor in edmonton or has it come and gone already ?
65 gal tank 40 gal sump 20 gal Q tank
75 gal total frag system
200gal system in the works
4 year exp salty
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Old 11-11-2009, 12:02 PM
Bob Bob is offline
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it has been around for almost two years....very small store....very
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Old 11-11-2009, 02:45 PM
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It is a very small store. I haven't been in there lately but last time I was there they didn't have much to look at. It's by the safeway on 127th st and 137th ave. In the strip mall off to the side in the same area.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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Old 11-11-2009, 10:53 PM
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ok so its just new to me lol
65 gal tank 40 gal sump 20 gal Q tank
75 gal total frag system
200gal system in the works
4 year exp salty
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Old 11-12-2009, 01:47 AM
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I heard they have a new store in plans on 97st. and 128ave. Just what I heard though.
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90G sps reef
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Old 11-12-2009, 05:39 AM
revotoby revotoby is offline
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hahaha that store is a joke. he is barely open
and he PUSHES fake coral on you sooooo bad.
funny thing, fake coral vs real coral. his prices are just as much as real coral
but i do have to give me a thumbs up tho, when he IS open, he does nice fish
and he has the odd gaget.
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Old 11-12-2009, 02:17 PM
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He doesn't push the fake stuff on me but I find his prices high for SW livestock, ex. $60 for a neon goby. I don't even go in there anymore even when my daughter sees her Orthodontist right next door.
96" x 16" x 16"//106g Skimmerless Reef, Established Jan. 13, 2012
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Old 11-12-2009, 06:31 PM
eugene eugene is offline
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Default its a great little store

Yah, I visited them a few days ago and as with any other store, prices vary every week, I've done some asking in this and other stores about why livestock prices vary from one place to another and even from week to week at the same store, and most of them have told me that prices respond to fish availability, seasonal, fish origin, mortality rates from the importer or even from the store, or just plain pricing error from the chain supply and multiple suppliers, etc. I do all of my shopping at this tiny store because I live around the corner from it and they have very low prices and great customer service, plus if you complain about a price they do not get upset and will match! and even if it is small me, my wife and kids love it because it is well stocked, I don't find them pushy in any way on the contrary I found that they lay down the options on the table whether artificial or real the stuff is on exhibit, and no matter what you choose they treat you well.
I think is a very responsible and mature environmental approach to offer artificial stuff for the not so professional reef keepers that only want their tank to look nice but have no time and money to provide real corals with their needs at the same time they offer the live ones for people that are dedicated and will go to any extent to create the best environment for our reef tanks! right?
I could not resist the curiosity because I heard the same thing about the new store and had to ask them, and yes, they are already installing a very big store on 97th street and the little one by the Safeway will go under renovations after the new one opens. By the way, I am going to buy my son a Bowfront package today since they have a fish tank and fluval sale going on! not even the larger stores are offering deals like this. so say what you want about the place but in my experience with them I have never found them pushy or rude. the guys in there just seem to want to make sure that you are given options and let you make the decsion. i really wish that more places were like them.

Sorry if i sound a bit snippy but they have always treated my family and myself with respect. Check em out and make the decision for yourself. Im sure you wont be disappointed. And besides if you shop with them you are supporting a small locally owned business which i believe we should all be doing.

Last edited by eugene; 11-12-2009 at 06:32 PM. Reason: spelling
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Old 11-12-2009, 07:54 PM
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did you create that account just to say that?
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Old 11-12-2009, 07:59 PM
eugene eugene is offline
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just about lol
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