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View Poll Results: Swine Flu/H1N1 Vaccination - yes or No?
Yes, I'll take it. 86 33.99%
No, I wont take it. 94 37.15%
I need more information before deciding. 26 10.28%
I've already had or have H1N1. 15 5.93%
I think it's a conspiracy of some sort so please don't take it! 32 12.65%
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Old 10-27-2009, 12:55 PM
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I have never had a flu vaccination before but I will get this one. Why? Because I will not risk getting sick and passing it onto my kids or someone else.

H1N1 is a killer, do you want to be the one who passes it on resulting in a death?
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Old 10-27-2009, 01:26 PM
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Just a side note to everyone. I currently have this wonderful H1N1 and i wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy. Its the pnemonia part that is the killer.
I have never ever felt this bad in my life and i have had the regular seasonal flu,this takes the flu to a whole new level. Even if ppl normally dont like to get the flu shot i think this one should b done. The mere thought of a young child getting this is a scarey concept...It literally takes your breath away for days.

So yes my family will be getting ours....just to late for me

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Old 10-27-2009, 02:39 PM
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Hope you feel better soon, I was on the fence but agree I do not want my child getting this. So thank-you for sharing I think we should just get it. I have heard that you should probably get the regular shot flu shot as well, anyone else hear this?
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Old 10-27-2009, 03:44 PM
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I work in health care (not direct patient care), 35M, and will not be getting a flue shot for my own reasons. That being said, I do not have children.

And FYI.....don't believe what the TV/newspapers and even the government advise about the importance of hand washing to prevent the flu, despite what is portrayed in the media, the vast majority to flu is transfered via airborne inhallation and not hand contact. Clean hands does however makes sense, it just wont prevent the flu.
I'm out.
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Old 10-27-2009, 03:56 PM
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So many conflicting reports and stories.. As I understand it, this is just a flu virus. Granted a new one, but any well bodied person with healthy immunity should be able to kick it like any other flu virus. I realize that complications come in when people with depressed immune systems get it and can get sicker or worse, but that is no different than the seasonal flu. I think a vaccine is a good idea, but I also think that there's a lot of hysteria right now among the population, thanks in part to the media and the interwebs. Don't Panic!

P.S. My 2 year old son and I had the flu last week, wasn't fun, but we're over it now. Ironically, because my son goes to daycare he gets all sorts of nasty daycare illnesses at least once a month since he started going to daycare a year ago. I attribute his naturally built up immunity to his quick recovery. After having a fever and laboured breathing for a day, he was fine the next and out and about playing, while I was out for three days! It is not pleasant to see our children ill, but it is natural that they get ill so that they can build up their immunity. Just feed them well.

Last edited by kien; 10-27-2009 at 04:03 PM.
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Old 10-27-2009, 04:05 PM
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Honestly, for most healthy adults this may not be a bad flu to get as it is not that severe, and it may very well assist your immune system in defending against the next H1 mutation which may be much more severe in terms of loss of life.

I am testing our health centre staff on N95 respirators today as part of our emergency prepardeness plan...

Originally Posted by kien View Post
So many conflicting reports and stories.. As I understand it, this is just a flu virus. Granted a new one, but any well bodied person with healthy immunity should be able to kick it like any other flu virus. I realize that complications come in when people with depressed immune systems get it and can get sicker or worse, but that is no different than the seasonal flu. I think a vaccine is a good idea, but I also think that there's a lot of hysteria right now among the population, thanks in part to the media and the interwebs. Don't Panic!
I'm out.
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Old 10-27-2009, 05:28 PM
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I voted no. The last time I had the "flu" was when I had a flu shot a few years back. The doctor said I was probably already coming down with it and the shot just made things worse.

this is one of the side effects, if you are 1 in a million.
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Old 10-27-2009, 06:01 PM
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I will get it...but mostly because its provided through work...I wouldnt go out of my way to get it....but hey...they are coming to me.
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Old 10-27-2009, 06:29 PM
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I will never ever get a vaccine.I have worked in healthcare and too much information about side effects and other things are kept from the public.I dont buy into the hype.I also didnt vaccinate my childen who are now grown.I got a lot of heat from that one.When my youngest was 3 we was hospitalized for bronchitis and they noticed on his chart he was not vaccinated.They also saw a note in his file saying no to vaccines.Well they dosed my kid with vaccines.My son who was perfectly fine changed over night.He was diagnosed with a form of autism 6 months later.He is 19 now.
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Last edited by Aquattro; 10-28-2009 at 12:40 AM.
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Old 10-27-2009, 07:37 PM
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Somethings smells fishy about the whole thing to me.

Time will tell.
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