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Old 10-19-2009, 03:24 PM
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Default How are lionfish to keep?

I'm thinking of a Lionfish for my 150. I am planning another porc Puffer and Foxface as well. Wondering, How well do Lionfish get along with others?? Other tankmates are Hippo, Yellow and Sailfin Tang, Checkerboard wrasse, pair of clowns and a Watchman goby. I may have to move the watchman to my 45g, and gt him a piston shrimp cmpanion. But how easy are Lionfish to keep?

What about the sting's? I've heard some say most aggonizing pain, others, it's like a bee sting?
Dan Pesonen

Umm, a tank or 5
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Old 10-19-2009, 03:29 PM
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Originally Posted by banditpowdercoat View Post
I'm thinking of a Lionfish for my 150. I am planning another porc Puffer and Foxface as well. Wondering, How well do Lionfish get along with others?? Other tankmates are Hippo, Yellow and Sailfin Tang, Checkerboard wrasse, pair of clowns and a Watchman goby. I may have to move the watchman to my 45g, and gt him a piston shrimp cmpanion. But how easy are Lionfish to keep?

What about the sting's? I've heard some say most aggonizing pain, others, it's like a bee sting?
Depends on the lionfish, what kind were you thinking? They'll eat other fish if they can so you have to be careful on size but shouldn't bother larger fish.

I wouldn't worry about the sting, it's strictly a defense thing and not aggression. It's very rare but people that are stung may tell different stories, more than likely some are simply more sensitive to it than others.

Last edited by sphelps; 10-19-2009 at 03:48 PM.
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Old 10-19-2009, 03:53 PM
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A lionfish would probably eat your clowns. I had one a few years ago and though a flame angel was large enough, but unfortunately, the second day we had the flame angel, the lionfish had an $80 meal. We saw the shape of the angel in his belly.
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Old 10-19-2009, 06:16 PM
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This is a great article that may help you decide on which type would be best suited for your tank.
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Old 10-19-2009, 06:58 PM
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I love my lion and he is generally very peaceful, I have 2 large black percs, a falco hawkfish, a lawnmower blenny and other large fish. He hasn't touched any of them. That being said I bought a beautiful goat fish that I thought was to big for him to eat...... I was wrong he saw that Goat and his mouth started twitching his eyes were focused and I could almost see the drool!!! I couldn't get the goat out fast enough...he was dinner. I guess I was lulled into a false sense of security and have to remember that they CAN eat anything they can fit in their mouth. I love mine tough and can't imagine not having im.
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Old 10-19-2009, 07:46 PM
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Just curious about your percs, Subman, are they paired with an anemone?

I'm glad that they're getting along with the lion, but it seems odd. I've always been told that lions will voraciously devour anything that fits in their mouth (kind of like Rosie O'Donnell - so I've heard).

While I would never condone doing this: I think it would be rather interesting to see the behaviour of clowns paired with an anemone in a tank with a predator. Except for the stress of the poor clowns
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Old 10-19-2009, 08:24 PM
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Originally Posted by subman View Post
I love my lion and he is generally very peaceful, I have 2 large black percs, a falco hawkfish, a lawnmower blenny and other large fish. He hasn't touched any of them. That being said I bought a beautiful goat fish that I thought was to big for him to eat...... I was wrong he saw that Goat and his mouth started twitching his eyes were focused and I could almost see the drool!!! I couldn't get the goat out fast enough...he was dinner. I guess I was lulled into a false sense of security and have to remember that they CAN eat anything they can fit in their mouth. I love mine tough and can't imagine not having im.
Oh no, that beautiful Goat you picked out became dinner. Sorry to hear that!
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Old 10-19-2009, 09:25 PM
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This is my second lionfish and both have been volitan lionfish. Most fish seem to know to stay away from Lionfish, so your porc puffer (exception: my last puffer got blinded in one eye cause the lionfish), foxface, Hippo, Yellow and Sailfin Tang would be fine. However; your Checkerboard wrasse, pair of clowns and a Watchman goby would evenually be a nice snack for your lionfish. It's true that what ever fits in his mouth will be food. Buying a small lionfish is best choice as they grow fast.

Just tip. make sure the lionfish is eating frozen Mysis or Krill. I did the mistake of not asking before mine was bagged and now I am feeding live feeders . Although its been a neat experiance to cheer my lionfish (named Chemo) to get the feeder fish. Feeder fish are to initiate feeding, then ween to get them to eat Mysis or Krill. I've had good luck with already switching my lionfish to Mysis in less than a week. Another tip I just learned about lionfish, don't feed them everyday. Do you know how they get sluggish and lazy, you see this all the time in stores... only feed ever couple of days. My first lionfish was really lazy, barely moved. I tryed this tip with the new lionfish and he is so active! It works!

The sting... A fellow reefer was cleaning his tank and the lionfish brushed up against him. He described it as at first like a bee sting and then the pain got worse and worse. He had said at one point he begged his brother to cut his arm off it hurt so bad. He also said it felt like the poison was traveling in his bloodstream working its way to his heart, as he could feel the intense burn. He had a nice hospital ride as he thought he was going to die. When he came home he sold the fish immediately. I will try to find his post, it was a few years back. That scared me enough to take his word for it and buy aqua gloves. I have read in articles to stop the sting and pain to pour hot water on the arm that got stung and it will help break up the toxin that has entered. I just wear my gloves or watch that my lionfish is on the opposite side of the tank.

Hope this helps
~ LeeWorld ~

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Last edited by bulletsworld; 10-20-2009 at 05:17 PM.
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Old 10-19-2009, 09:34 PM
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Originally Posted by bulletsworld View Post
The sting... A fellow reefer was cleaning his tank and the lionfish brushed up against him. He described it as at first like a bee sting and then the pain got worse and worse. He had said at one point he begged his brother to cut his arm off it hurt so bad. He also said it felt like the poison was traveling in his bloodstream, as he could feel the intense burn. He had a nice hospital ride as he thought he was going to die. When he came home he sold the fish immediately. I will try to find his post, it was a few years back. That scared me enough to take his word for it and buy aqua gloves.
If that guy treated his sting with hot water, he probably would have prevented a trip to the hospital. It's always good to know the first aid treatments for these types of things if you plan on keeping them.

I've been stung by corals many times and I remember at first I would tough it out and it would hurt real bad later on but eventually I smartened up and I now treat them with vinegar right after and I never have problems of the sort anymore.
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Old 10-19-2009, 09:48 PM
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Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
If that guy treated his sting with hot water, he probably would have prevented a trip to the hospital. It's always good to know the first aid treatments for these types of things if you plan on keeping them.
Originally Posted by bulletsworld View Post
I have read in articles to stop the sting and pain to pour boiling hot water on the arm that got stung and it will help break up the toxin that has entered. I just wear my gloves or watch that my lionfish is on the opposite side of the tank.
Great minds think alike, as I did add this to my post while you must of posted.

Yes, I have read that before about the hot water, although I have no experiance with the treatment as I've never been stung as of yet and hope I never do. I do agree people should be aware of the first aid treatments for these fish.
~ LeeWorld ~

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