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Old 08-23-2003, 09:02 PM
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Default FS: $10 J & L Aquatics GIFT CERTIFICATES

I have 2 $10 certificates. Prefer to sell local. They must be used by Dec 31/03.
Selling for $10 each or $20 for both.
Old 08-24-2003, 03:14 AM
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I'll give you $10 for both..
Old 08-24-2003, 03:17 AM
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No, they are worth $20 and that is what I want to sell them for because you can get $20 worth of product from J&L. This isn't like selling "used" products and only getting half of what you put out. Sorry.
Old 08-24-2003, 06:59 AM
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Originally Posted by BC_Grl
No, they are worth $20 and that is what I want to sell them for because you can get $20 worth of product from J&L. This isn't like selling "used" products and only getting half of what you put out. Sorry.

I'm sorry ... I dont get it then ? ... if you dont want to purchase from J&L for $20.00 then what incentive is there for anyone to buy the gift certificates from you for the same amount ??? ... so if we wanted to buy $ 20.00 from J&L we could just ... buy $ 20.00 from J&L without a certificate right ??? ... i think if you are trying to get rid of something you dont want then you should be open to offers dont you think ? ... ahh it's late ... do whatever you want


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Old 08-24-2003, 09:41 AM
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good point rasta. I could understand maybe $8 each or $15 for both, but full price is just rediculous.. They are 1. Useless to you 2. Expire in a few months 3. a hassle to pick up 4. real money is a lot more useful 5. you should just give them to Brad or one of the other hobbiest that had helped you out so much during your time in the hobby.
Old 08-24-2003, 10:10 AM
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I have to admit that buying these doesn't make much sense at that price. If someone local wanted to spend $20 at J&L, they could just call J&L. Your method means I would have to drive to your house and pick them up and do whatever J&L requires one to do with these things. I am trying hard to see the incentive for someone to do that, but it isn't coming to me.
Your best bet would be to give them to one of your friends or ask Allen to extend the date if you think you might need fish supplies ever. Or you could recycle them if the are printed on paper. Good luck!
Old 08-24-2003, 02:59 PM
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hehe, you guys are amazing. these are not used, they can be redeamed for full price. so by paying 20 bucks you get 20 bucks worth of stuff. She got them but doesent see being able to use them befor they run out.

If i was selling them I would be asking face value also, it just isn't the same as selling used equipment.

Adam if I was selling a $20.00 bill would you expect to get it for $10.00?

The only proble with the cupons on the island is that it would be a pain to use them, unless you are planning to go to vancouver.

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Old 08-24-2003, 03:13 PM
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Steve, why would someone go out of their way to buy 20 dollars for 20 dollars? If I was going to go somewhere with my $20, I'd just go to the store. If you had these and were selling them for face value, you'd watch them expire at the end of the year.
You and Jeanna need to rethink your logic.
Old 08-24-2003, 03:41 PM
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FYI. You don't need to go to the store to redeem them.

All you do is call in the serial number on the certificate and they are removed from the database as used. Has anyone looked into that prior to making statements that they aren't useable without going to the store??? J&L is primarily a Mail order store. How do those people out east use these? Drop by when convenient??

I can't belive you'd all hack on someone for wanting $20 for $20.


If you dont' want them.. Why harass her???? Don't like the price & aren't serious about buying them hit the back button.

Canreef discount shopping network.. may I help you?????

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Old 08-24-2003, 03:48 PM
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Originally Posted by DJ88
I can't belive you'd all hack on someone for wanting $20 for $20.
I dont see anyone hacking on anyone except you hacking on others that dont follow the logic of spending $20.00 for $20.00 ...

why dont you buy the certificate from her then ?


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