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Old 08-04-2009, 11:38 PM
Rahim101 Rahim101 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Calgary, Alberta
Posts: 58
Rahim101 is on a distinguished road
Default Freshwater fish for sale

- 4 X Cardinal Tetra 1.0” $2.00 each
- 4 X Red Eye Tetra 1.5” $2.00 each
- 1 X Rummy Nose Tetra 1.5” $2.00 each.
(Sale: Take all the above Tetras for $13.00)
- 1 X Black Ghost Knife 8.0” $40.00 each (Sale: $30.00)
- 6 X Wild Caught Bumble Bee Cats 2.5” $3.00 each (Sale: $15.00 for all 6)
- 5 X L-199 Wild Caught Pleco Group 4.0” $175.00 group (Sale: $150.00 Group)
- 3 X Xlarge Red Swordtail (1 M, 2 F) Retails for $6.00 each (Sale: $12.00 trio)
- 3 X White Sailfin Mollies (1 M, 2 F) Retails for $6.00 each (Sale: $12.00 trio)
- 6 X Rose Red 3.5-4.0” $45.00 each (Sale: 2 for $80.00 or 3 for $105.00)
- 2 X Ogon Red White 3.0” $50.00 each (Sale: 2 for $90.00)
- 1 X Gold Melon 3.0” $45.00 each (Sale: $35.00)
- 3 X Red Turquoise 3.0” $48.00 each (Sale: 2 for $85.00)
- 1 X Red Angel 2.5” $35.00 each (Sale: $25.00 each or free with $150.00 purchase
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