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Old 07-02-2009, 01:25 AM
megs_clark megs_clark is offline
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Default advice on lighting, used mh or t5 glo

Hi. Im new to saltwater and have a 30 gallon bowfront that finished its cycle, now i need to upgrade my lights. I want to try some colorfull corals & fish, and need advice on what light to buy. Im on a bit of a buget. I was told by my local fish store to stay away from the compacts, and to buy a glo t5 ho. It had 2 bulbes, 24w each. Doesnt seem like much to me? My question is should i buy the glo t5 ho, or buy a used mh. I see them used from time to time around $150-$200, which is my price range right now. And the t5 is $140 before tax, so even in price. And if you think i should buy a used mh, what should i watch for. Are their good and bad brands? Do they have a lifespan on the ballast. I want something that will last me a few years. Hope for some good advice, thanks
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Old 07-02-2009, 01:38 AM
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hagen glo T5HO are not the best T5HO setup out there and imo for T5HO to really work you need individual reflectors else theres too much restriking happening.

look into Aquamedic MH 150w or 250w they are single pendents i own 2 and love them. there was a guy selling them in the hardware sales form for i believe 300 for both i think if my memories are right
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Old 07-02-2009, 01:52 AM
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Old 07-02-2009, 02:01 AM
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I think by restriking he means light bouncing off the dual reflector (such as the GLO fixtures with single reflector) and cancelling out light that would have been reflected more efficiently by an individual reflector for each lamp. Sort of like the power compacts wasting light because they are doubled over and part of the tube sends light at the other part of the tube instead of into the tank where you want it. Does that even make sense?? Hope so..
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Old 07-02-2009, 03:15 AM
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First question to ask is what are you going to keep there?
Second question what are the dimensions of the tank?
Do you have a chiller?

If it’s only fish tank then a couple of T5 might do the job.
If it a coral reef tank then you should look for a stronger source of light.

After your comments it would be easier to advice you on a proper lighting solution.
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Old 07-02-2009, 06:36 PM
megs_clark megs_clark is offline
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Hi, Thanks for the responces. My tank is 24" accross and just under 18" deep.
Im planing on having fish, and corals. Im going to start with some easier ones first and was told to start with certain soft corals that are a little less sensitive. Im hoping to eventualy get in on one of those frag orders iv seen on the livestock section. I dont have a cooling system, so far i have a 30 gallon bow front tank, a marinland hot magnum bio pro 250 filter with the bio wheel, heater, live rock and crushed coral. Im thinking from what iv read i might have to switch the crushed coral for sand (bummer since iv had it cycling for 2 and a half months). That is something my lfs sold to me, its pritty small, which is why im looking for advice one here. Im planning on getting more live rock in the comming week, and a submersable powerhead or 2, been thinking of the koralia ones with the magnet? And the light. Since the light is the more expencive purchase i want to make sure to buy a decent one. So i wont have to upgrade. And then i can save for a skimmer and sump eventualy so i can hide everything :O) Any and all input it much apprieciated.
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Old 07-02-2009, 06:44 PM
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if you are looking for a used metal halide ive got a 175 watt metal halide with the pendent ballast and bulb(bulb works but will need replaceing eventualy) for 80$
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Old 07-03-2009, 01:07 AM
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I've got a 24" 48W Hagen Glo over my 20gal soft coral nano. Its certainly brighter to the naked eye than the 65W Coralife PC fixture that I used to use but I would definitely go used metal halide in your case if those are your options. I dont know if its already sold but this would be a pretty nice package
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Old 07-03-2009, 03:44 AM
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I thing you guys are underestimating the efficiency and effectiveness of T5’s.
I also loved the MH and used them for a long tome together with T5, but after some trail and error I can say based on my personal experience and some friends, that you can keep all kind of corals under T5! The growth rate and colors were amazing and there are other benefits such as energy saving, color combination, cover and more.

I am also a sucker for the MH shimmering effect and visual intensity, but on what cost?
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Old 07-03-2009, 04:56 AM
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Here we go again... another MH vs T5 debate. lol Of course a person can do wonderful things with T5 but for $150-200 its my opinion that he would be better served by a used MH pendant rather than a Hagen Glo T5.

Megs Clark, did the Hagen Glo come with bulbs for $150? I bought mine at Petland and the bulbs were sold separetly... the whole thing cost more like $211 after tax.
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