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Old 07-16-2003, 07:42 PM
Jedi68 Jedi68 is offline
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Default pods in refugium

I have a 15 gal refugium and there are a lot of pods and inverts. I would like to add a couple of cleaner shrimp in the refugium. Will they eat my pods? Right now, the pods get into the main tank and feed my six line.
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Old 07-16-2003, 08:53 PM
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Yes, they will eat your pods. All of them. Shrimp are evil.
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Old 07-16-2003, 09:37 PM
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Originally Posted by reef_raf
Shrimp are evil.
Crabs are more evil than shrimp But shrimp will eat all the pods.

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Old 07-16-2003, 10:25 PM
Jedi68 Jedi68 is offline
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I thought it would be nice to have a few shrimp in the fuge. Maybe I could take a few live rocks out of my refugium and start a Pods only tank (POT) using my 10gal. Then I can rotate the rocks between the main tank and the POT. Anyone with such a set up??? I know it sounds crazy and maybe stupid, but...
By the way, has anyone ordered any Pods from the USA? Can they ship pods across the 49th parallel?
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Old 07-16-2003, 10:56 PM
kris kris is offline
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here is something i did once and it worked great. ( and will be doing it again in the new system. Its called a pod pile. basically a pile of live rock rubble or what ever that is simular. wiether its old crushed coral it dose not really matter. Then (heres the hard part) you make a pile of it up aganst some live rock in the back of the tank out of sight. make sure there is some water flow around it, you do not want it to go stagnet. The thing is your pods can bread better in this and are away from preditors, as well its in the main tank. Has any one eles had luck with this method or tryed it?

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Old 07-17-2003, 12:47 AM
Penelope Penelope is offline
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Originally Posted by kris
here is something i did once and it worked great. ( and will be doing it again in the new system. Its called a pod pile. basically a pile of live rock rubble or what ever that is simular. wiether its old crushed coral it dose not really matter. Then (heres the hard part) you make a pile of it up aganst some live rock in the back of the tank out of sight. make sure there is some water flow around it, you do not want it to go stagnet. The thing is your pods can bread better in this and are away from preditors, as well its in the main tank. Has any one eles had luck with this method or tryed it?

I have a pod pile in my main tank and a few in my refugium. My mandarin is a big fat sucker because of it too (had the piles going before my refugium was up and running) He goes there and hunts. My pod pile has lots of pods and lots of mysis shrimp. A definate must for wrasses and mandarins.
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Old 07-17-2003, 04:19 AM
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What are good animals to put in a refugium????? and what do pods look like????
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Old 07-17-2003, 06:34 AM
Dorkel Marine 1 Dorkel Marine 1 is offline
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Default Pod Piles

How about some preparation H. Yuc Yuc. I've had one for about a year. My yellow tail damsel is constantly going over every once in awhile and he never leaves without a little treat. They work great.

Whenever my wife gets into trouble, I bend her over my knee to give her a spankin, and suddenly I can\'t remember why I\'m mad at her.
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