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Old 07-09-2003, 03:24 AM
Marcus K Marcus K is offline
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Default Seaclone skimmer

Hi everyone, I am new to this board. Its great to see a Canadian board. Can anyone give advise on getting my seaclone skimmer working? I have a 88Gal FO with a Amiracle wet/dry that I would like to hang the skimmer off. I do not have much room in the sump with my Rio 2500. I have cut down the innermost tube with hopes of getting skimmer to work. I have run it overnight to wake up to a full cup of water and a tank full of small air bubbles. Should I look at getting a different skimmer or could I go without in a FO setup. Thanks for any advice. Marcus
Old 07-09-2003, 12:37 PM
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Hi Marcus. Welcome to Canreef

I have seen some modifications for that skimmer. Perhaps someone can help you with it. I think you may need a larger model for that big of a tank, esp. a fish only.
Old 07-09-2003, 08:47 PM
mpleleaf mpleleaf is offline
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Hi Marcus , I done about every mod you can think of to my sea clone which include cutting the smaller inner tube down to 3.5 " , remove the supplied air valve and replacing it with a standard valve or no valve, removing the foam filter from the pump , making a gasket to go between the cup and base to seal them better . The only one I tried and didn't get good results was cutting the tube inside the cup ! If your getting alot of water maybe you've got to much flow and not enough air ,I also drilled the lid and put a long rigid tube with an airstone right on through to the bottom of the skimmer and run that with a large volumn air pump ! Hope some of these suggestions help, Kevin
Old 07-10-2003, 02:52 PM
Marcus K Marcus K is offline
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Thanks Kevin, I have cut the inner tube as you have and sealed the lid. I had set it up late one night while having it producing foam I went to bed. Next morning I found the cup full and dripping on the floor. I will try the air stone to see if it will help. Thanks for the suggestions. How do you stop the bubbles from entering the tank? Marcus
Old 07-10-2003, 08:41 PM
mpleleaf mpleleaf is offline
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I've never had that problem" YET "!
Old 08-04-2003, 07:00 PM
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I believe you need a different skimmer. I actually started using the SeaClone in this hobby and have tried just about anything to mod the skimmer. At the end, the results are not that satisfactory, especially after seeing the real stuff working.

Do you have a sump? The in-sump designs are compact. You can also try the air-driven types if you don't have a sump.

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Old 08-17-2003, 05:08 PM
Marcus K Marcus K is offline
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I do have a amiracle sump but do not have alot of room with my rio 2500 as return punmp. I am looking into the use of a refugium as a replacement for a skimmer. I was planning on getting a small tank drilled close to the top with a return and a input hole feed buy a powerhead. I was looking into what to put in but not sure yet, interested in mangroves and calurpra. The substraight, not sure what to use Mud or DSB? Any input would be great. Thanks Marcus.
Old 08-17-2003, 06:19 PM
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In the end Seaclone skimmers get the review everyone on this board has already brought up.. even with numerous attemts at modifying the skimmer they just don't work. Save your money for something good.

If you are gonna use it anyways to get you started off before you upgrade and are worried about overflowing the tiny collection cup drill it and place a drain to a 2L. pop bottle.

DSB works great in a refugium but I have heard good results with using that Miracle or Mineral mud ontop. Not sure if it's worth messing around with. Anyone got any info on that?

Oh, and welcome to Canreef!
Old 08-17-2003, 08:41 PM
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I believe a skimmer is always crucial whether or not a refugium is used. One very important thing with skimmer is that it brings good gas exchange, which not only affects your oxygen in water, but also:
1) evaporation for temperature control
2) CO2 release for pH control

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Old 08-18-2003, 07:00 PM
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I've done an awful a lot of research in the use of mangroves and plant life to filter water in a refugium. Its hard to find any solid evidence that mangroves are a vaiable solution. Calurpra and other plants are a very good way to control water quality(however grow quickly). From the reading I've done and all the reports I've read about Mangroves (not pertaining to aquarium use) that the shear volume of trees one would need to control the water quality without the use of any other type of filtration would be silly. However I still recommend and plan to use myself Mangrove trees and Calurpra in my sump for the biologically benefits. Plankton and the like. Then you just need to be careful not to skimmer off all the good stuff as well as the bad

Mircle Mud is expensive, works well but I am happy with DSB also. Won't see as fast results but is this hobby about speed?

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