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Old 06-28-2003, 08:03 AM
impreza impreza is offline
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Default cheapest and best lighting i can get for $60

hi, i live in calgary and i just started to cycle a 20g aquarium. I dont know what corals and stuff to keep yet, but i want to get some lighting. I want to keep easy hardy corals at first. I need some good lighting. I want to spend about $60 in lighting and i was wondering what is the best lighting i can get at that price.
Old 06-29-2003, 03:00 AM
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you have picked the wrong hobby my friend.
There are many areas you can cut some corners with, lighting isn't one of them though.
If your budget is tight, second hand might be the way to go. $60 isn't going to go far when it comes to any type of lighting though, new or used.
Consider a fish only set-up and add on more advanced lighting as your budget allows.
Good luck, skimp where it counts to save a few bucks will only result in disaster down the road.
Old 06-29-2003, 03:20 AM
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Sushiman .... well said!
Old 06-29-2003, 04:55 AM
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I agree, that was well said.
However, I think it is cheaper in the long run to figure what kind of lighting you will need in the future and save up for it. Buying lighting is expensive! If you cheap out now and you need to upgrade, you will be spending money again for what you need. But if you save up for it first, you only have to buy your lighting once.
Old 06-29-2003, 05:40 AM
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I dissagree.
If you go to Britelite you can get a work horse ballast and 2 x 6500k power compacts and you should be good to go. It will be a little more than what you figured and you will have to make yourself a box/hood to hold the light's.

Work horse ballst $???
PC's something like $12.00 or so.

you may not like the color of the 2 6500k bulb's but it will make thing's grow and survive. If you get the desire you could add an actinic bulbs for color.

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Old 06-29-2003, 03:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Canadian Man
Work horse ballst $???
I think I paid $55 for a Workhorse 7 @ Britelite


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Old 06-29-2003, 07:14 PM
impreza impreza is offline
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how much are 2 6500k bulbs?
Old 06-29-2003, 07:46 PM
Dresden Dresden is offline
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ya for 100$ if u bought the ballast seperate and the end caps, bulbs, you could have decent lighting for cheap
Old 06-29-2003, 11:59 PM
Quinn Quinn is offline
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Couldn't you do mushrooms, similar corals under NO lighting from Home Depot?

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Old 06-30-2003, 12:11 AM
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2-23w 5000K'S= $19.99each
2-13w 5000-6500K's= $11-$13 each

2 Sockets and reflector $12-$15 each (or some other cheap set-up)

Maybe later on a 20W Actinic tube or two + Ballast $25-$50.

For a 20G this is more than fine. I use the 2-23w 5000Ks(with a good reflector) and a single 20w Actinic tube. The tank is nice and bright. I have Monticaps, Digitata, LPS ,Softys, Polyps, Mushrooms and a Tube Anemone. All are doing more than great . People always ask me what kind of lighting is on it, and they are always impressed.
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