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Old 03-31-2009, 09:26 PM
fishguyxd fishguyxd is offline
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Default info on building a home (EDM)

Well we have been looking at so many showhomes I am going loopy er but may have found a new home (reid built in edmonton) Are the good? I not a tradesman or experienced in the this field. nor have we built before. So what questions should I be asking prior to and after signing the ......... line? What should I watch for or moniter during the building process. I am thinking I should have all requests in writing (any changes or aggrements) along with the lawyer in the speeddial and have a building inspector on call to oversee the whole process to stop in the site every few days to check it out. What changes or items should I look at before the walls go up. ie Type of windows,placment of electrical outlets,audio wiring, heating vents, anything else.

Sorry I have some stupid questions but I am not a trusting person (I know I shoud be building but! this is a big investment that I have to be in for a while. I know I go to some design center to look at flooring, rugs, kitchen, etc but is this where I get the screws turned because I have would have signed the building agreement already and so the upgrading and extra costs come at me now. I just have not spoke to many that have build but have heard of a bunch of horror stories about the whole situation ie: bad driveways ,walls not straight ,tubs and water line not connected etc.Any one able to throw some idea out there or suggestions. Also anyone know of bedrock builder reputation? thank in advance.
only 25 gal & (6 bulb, t5's fixture & 30 gal sump with small fuge
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Old 03-31-2009, 10:15 PM
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Was never a fan of Reid Built but make sure you find out what are the upgrades that are in the showhome to what you will be getting some of things that some friends got screwed on....rain glass(obscure glass) on the master bath above the jacuzzi tub not just a glass come on thats a no brainer. If it is a rear garage make sure you get french doors onto the deck and not the sliding patio doors so you can have a dead bolt so when you leave you can lock the door...this is why people park on the street cause they cannot lock the door when they go out the back and heaven forbid they walk around . If you get a fireplace make sure it is a heatilater...this is the 1 with the fan that blows the heat into the room rather than go up the chimney.
If it has a garage run the gas and 220V much cheaper and easier now...2 words covered deck
I could probabaly go on on on.....

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Old 04-01-2009, 02:26 AM
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There's just so much to watch for but that's assuming the builder will give you access to the home during the build.

Just a heads up, had some issues in my place where the Inspector had passed them, then it was good luck getting the builder to change (even though the Inspector admitted fault). Other thing to show the City Inspector scam is I was there and he signed the Occupancy for the house, I questioned how could he sign off the deck was built correctly when all the material was still strapped together in a bundle in the backyard and the gas hadn't been turned on yet, told not to worry, Builder's a good guy.

Other thing is don't count on a Home Warranty Program to save you, they lean so much towards the builder it's unreal. Been a while since since I dealt with this but eg. tiles. there can be a difference in height between the tiles up to something like 3/8" before the Warranty will action, a 8' wall off level by 3/4".

Keep an eye on the floor joists, something how the different trades don't have a problem cutting them up.

My biggest miss, though can be easily fixed with a Jackhammer, was the rough in for the downstairs bath and some of the drain and vent runs around the joist and beams (easier just a hacksaw).

Where I'm going with my rant is keep on the builder to address problems ASAP and no matter what he's not your buddy so don't feel bad for staying on his case. Any upgrades, changes, specially you're paying for, get in writing.

Rant off now, the one thing I wished I did was go with, though wasn't offered, was the 9' basements, something to consider.
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Old 04-01-2009, 02:34 AM
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You should consider I work with them and they are very organized and basically you pay what the builder pays for trades/materials. plus a set contracting fee. It ends up saving you a bunch of money. Just check out their website...they are located in Edmonton.
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Old 04-01-2009, 04:23 AM
new but handy new but handy is offline
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Is your house engineer/architect designed. City inspectors are basiclly just paper pushers. They went to school for 6 weeks to learn how to enforce a set of codes witch don't always make sense. An engineer and architect went to school for a lot longer and actually know what they are talking about. If the bld has been designed by an eng/arch then they (or someone from their firm) should be inspecting them..ESPECIALY YOUR ENGINEER. It might be worth talking to a seperate ENGINEER. Ask him/her to look at your plans and inspect it on their own.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Most probably won't do it because then they assume liabilty. If you have any ? don't be shy. If you need any help ask me I will try to help all I can. I have been a builder for 15 years. I have built everything from basement suites to a 15 story tower.
P.S. ENGINEER INSPECTION after the trades are done. Plumbers and hvac guys are TERRIBLE for cutting and hacking. There is a reason a framing inspection is done after the trades are done.
Murminator in B.C. opaque glass in the bathroom (below 5 feet) is code i would think it would be in alberia aswell.

Last edited by new but handy; 04-01-2009 at 04:27 AM.
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Old 04-01-2009, 04:44 AM
new but handy new but handy is offline
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Oh and it helps to have back up

with the proper clothing
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