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Old 03-23-2009, 06:14 PM
Koresample Koresample is offline
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Unhappy HELP-LTA looks very sick!

I was cleaning my tank yesterday (the outside and rim) of salt accumulations and a piece of dried salt about 1 cm square and about 1mm thick fell in my tank...right onto my LTA that's been hiding in the back! I woke up this morning and this blob of dead looking stuff was there. It looks like some of his tentacles are necrotic or something? Has anyone ever seen this before? Any suggestions? He is giving me HUGE ulcers as every day its something new with him. You can see the blob in this photo..

Fluval Osaka 41g sumpless tank, 250w MH + 130W PC , DIY HOB refugium, Tunze 9002, Koralia 2, Koralia Nano

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Old 03-23-2009, 07:22 PM
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What is you SG at nems don't do well under 1.024
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Old 03-23-2009, 09:03 PM
Koresample Koresample is offline
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SG is 1.024 as measured with a refractometer and that has been pretty stable for the past 2 months.

What ever it is seems to be almost detached from the rest of it now, its just hanging by a thread. My coral banded shrimp was having a go at it (the detaching piece) but has since buggered off and left it alone. I cant reach it to remove it, so I'll just have to keep an eye out and net it when it finally detaches. The rest of the nem is somewhat closed up, but doesn't look too much different. I feed it small pieces of fresh shimp as well as mysis and pieces of whole fresh shrimp and Nutra Complete liquid feed.
Fluval Osaka 41g sumpless tank, 250w MH + 130W PC , DIY HOB refugium, Tunze 9002, Koralia 2, Koralia Nano

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Old 03-23-2009, 10:05 PM
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are you missing any fish?
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Old 03-23-2009, 11:17 PM
Koresample Koresample is offline
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nope, and now its finally separated from the rest of it and is lying on some rock at the bottom. It almost looks alive 'cause it looks like its moving, but that could also be the current. What do these things look like when they split? Is that what this could be? I'll post another picture of the 'offspring'.
Fluval Osaka 41g sumpless tank, 250w MH + 130W PC , DIY HOB refugium, Tunze 9002, Koralia 2, Koralia Nano

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Old 03-24-2009, 01:03 AM
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any division would look just like the mother only smaller. Every once in a while they will split in half and you wont be able to tell them apart
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Old 03-24-2009, 02:23 AM
Koresample Koresample is offline
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Well I went to the gym with plans to remove whatever this thing was when i came back, and it looked like it was pulsing and now seems to have moved and attached itself to a rock! Does anyone have a pic of their freshly split nem?
Fluval Osaka 41g sumpless tank, 250w MH + 130W PC , DIY HOB refugium, Tunze 9002, Koralia 2, Koralia Nano

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Old 03-24-2009, 03:19 AM
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My splitting bubbletipNem

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Old 03-24-2009, 03:57 AM
Koresample Koresample is offline
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thanks for the they ever just have a piece die off, or possibly mine has split, but the piece that came off was only about 1/20th the size of the 'mother'. I'll see what it looks like tomorrow before i head to work and try and post another pic 9or remove it from the tank if its toast)
Fluval Osaka 41g sumpless tank, 250w MH + 130W PC , DIY HOB refugium, Tunze 9002, Koralia 2, Koralia Nano

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Old 03-25-2009, 07:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Koresample View Post
thanks for the they ever just have a piece die off, or possibly mine has split, but the piece that came off was only about 1/20th the size of the 'mother'. I'll see what it looks like tomorrow before i head to work and try and post another pic 9or remove it from the tank if its toast)
Any updates? This exact thing happened to me last night. The anemone totally closed up and the clowns were freaking out trying to help it, today it is back to normal thank god.
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