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Old 01-08-2009, 06:21 AM
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PzReefer PzReefer is offline
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I purchased 6 female and 1 male squammipinnis in November of 2007 all were eating fine but the smallest female did not eat anything and by the fifth week i was worried she would not make it as was basically a skin covered skeleton with eyes. Around this time my male was being more aggressive to all the females and paired up with second largest female. These two picked on my largest female and over night chewed the largest females tail to the base. So in the next few weeks the largest female hid and regrew her tail. The pair got much more aggressive towards each other and during the evening the male was wounded got an infection and died. Not three days later the 2nd largest female(the one that fought the male) started to darken and over the next five days transformed into the male coloration. After the first male died that small female started to eat and is now one of nicest females.The big female regrew all her tail back but it took about 5 months to completely regrow. Very strange set of events.

I have still got 6 females err!! 5 females and one shemale hahaha!
They are usually my last fish out after the lights go on, so I guess they like to sleep in.
My experience with tuka was that they are very shy and mine did not last long.

Most opinions on anthias say large deep tanks with plenty of shelter.
265G 40G sump, 3X250W 15000K, T5 Actinics, Marine Tech 600 NW w Sanders 200mg/H ozonizer,Dart w/ OM 4 way, Vortech Mp40,Tunze wavebox,Calcium reactor, Fauna Marin low nutrient system.
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Old 01-08-2009, 07:54 AM
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tang daddy tang daddy is offline
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Thank you for the reply pz reefer and btw nice shot of your tank in your user tag I see a big efflo you should share a FTS in the 2009 post.

It seems that the larger tanks are able to keep lyretails no problem you for instance have kept yours for 1 year and another guy mike olson has kept his for 2 years so it can be done with a larger tank good feeding ethics and most important clean stable params.
Always looking for the next best coral...

90g starphire cube/400mhRadium20k/2 XHO/2x27w UV/2x39w T5/ 3 Trulumen led strips
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Old 01-08-2009, 11:55 AM
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wickedfrags wickedfrags is offline
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Good call. Despite their beauty, even my wife realizes it does not make sense to by these guys anymore.

Originally Posted by michika View Post
I came to a similar conclusion, and thus, my tank was not ever populated by the beautiful 30+ harem I saw. Still they are beautiful, but they aren't intended for my system(s).
+1 on the wrasses. I have about 10-12 different species now in my display and I just love them. Father just bought a good camera - hopefully I will post some pics in the near future.

Originally Posted by naesco View Post
Yes, I recommend 5 female flasher wrasse along with two male flasher wrasse all of the same species.
The reason for the two males is that when they school together the males flash to impress the ladies.
You have to special order females in though as they are seldom carried by lfs
I'm out.
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