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Old 01-06-2009, 04:18 AM
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Well it is no wounder they need a bail out if they throw money around like that.

If they fixed there products and sorted out there in house money problems ie. rediculous wages and out of wack pensions. They wouldnt need our money/ Help. They have done it to them selves. I sure dont think I would be getting a bail out if I spend too much money on my aquarium. And cant make the Credit Card payments.

Please excuess any spelling mistakes I am wacked on Cold meds :}
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Old 01-06-2009, 04:36 AM
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I personally don't see anything wrong with their line up.

When I was looking for a new car this year, I didn't see much of anything at the foreign companies that was any better, and GM seemed to have a better selection of fuel efficient non-hybrid vehicles then Toyota or Hyundai did.

We can't all afford hybrids.
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Old 01-06-2009, 04:51 AM
midgetwaiter midgetwaiter is offline
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Originally Posted by Slick Fork View Post
CNN Headline News did a short news listing regarding Ford and GM's contributions to the relief and recovery efforts in New York and Washington after 9-11.

The findings are as follows.....

1. Ford- $10 million to American Red Cross matching employee contributions of the same number plus 10 Excursions to NY Fire Dept. The company also offered ER response ! team se rvices and office space to displaced government employees.

2. GM- $10 million to American Red Cross matching employee contributions of the sam e number and a fleet of vans, suv's, and trucks.

3. Daimler Chrysler- $10 million to support of the children and victims of the Sept. 11 attack.

4. Harley Davidson motorcycles- $1 million and 30 new motorcycles to the
New York Police Dept.

5. Volkswagen-Employ ees and management created a Sept 11 Foundation,
funded initial with $2 million, for the assistance of the children and victims of the WTC.

6. Hyundai- $300,000 to the American Red Cross.

7. Audi-Nothing.

8. BMW-Nothing.

9. Daewoo- Nothing.

10. Fiat-Nothing.

11. Honda- Nothing despite boasting of second best sales month ever in
August 2001

12. Isuzu- Nothing.

13. Mitsubishi-Nothing.

14. Nissan-Nothing.

15. Porsche-Nothing. Press release with condolences via the Porsche website.

16. Subaru- Nothing.

17. Suzuki- Nothing.

18. Toyota-Nothing despite claims of high sales in July and August 2001.
Condolences posted on the website
Something to keep in mind for the future, if you get a "CNN Report" or some such in your email at random it's probably a load of bullshat.
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Old 01-06-2009, 05:50 AM
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Thanks for the link to correct that.

Green: Of course I realize that nobody is having their arm twisted to buy an import. Good for you that you drive an Audi, they are fantastic cars and if one suited my lifestyle I would have no hesitation to buy one. Unfortunately an Audi coupe just won't pull my horse trailer

The only point that I was really trying to make is that the relentless domestic bashing gets really tiresome considering none of it is based on facts.

MSeepman summed up the state of the industry quite well so I won't rehash it yet again but at the end of the day the "cars that nobody wants" still account for over 75% of the new vehicle market in North America. The problems are with overpaid union workers, insane pensions and benefits, etc. Not the sales end. The imports are in just as much trouble but because they are not North American companies we don't seem to hear the news.

And like I mentioned before, the bailout is a loan, not a hand-out and the cost to taxpayers will be many times greater if any of the big 3 go into chapter 11 (which is re-structuring, not liquidation and would probably be better for the company but catastrophic for their workers)
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Old 01-06-2009, 06:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Slick Fork View Post
Thanks for the link to correct that.

Green: Of course I realize that nobody is having their arm twisted to buy an import. Good for you that you drive an Audi, they are fantastic cars and if one suited my lifestyle I would have no hesitation to buy one. Unfortunately an Audi coupe just won't pull my horse trailer

The only point that I was really trying to make is that the relentless domestic bashing gets really tiresome considering none of it is based on facts.

MSeepman summed up the state of the industry quite well so I won't rehash it yet again but at the end of the day the "cars that nobody wants" still account for over 75% of the new vehicle market in North America. The problems are with overpaid union workers, insane pensions and benefits, etc. Not the sales end. The imports are in just as much trouble but because they are not North American companies we don't seem to hear the news.

And like I mentioned before, the bailout is a loan, not a hand-out and the cost to taxpayers will be many times greater if any of the big 3 go into chapter 11 (which is re-structuring, not liquidation and would probably be better for the company but catastrophic for their workers)
Yes and I do understand what you are saying and agree to a point. I actually was never bashing the actual domestic car manufacturers, I just agreed with the poster that said they disagreed with the bailout. None of what I have been saying is based on actual cars Just the situation where I think these companies may have been able to manage their businesses better.

I think you know more about the bailout than I do...Did FORD Canada not turn down the money? I believe they did not need it?

Anyways...I also agree that this was not the place to start a big debate.

Oh and I don't drive anything anymore I decided having a car when living in the city was totally unnecessary. For me anyways...I work from home and rarely go anywhere that is not within walking distance. Just the fish shops but then I get a ride
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Old 01-06-2009, 12:49 PM
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Originally Posted by bullit67 View Post
Well it is no wounder they need a bail out if they throw money around like that.

exactly, it's great to be able to give money away and not worry about where it comes from or if your company is on the verge of bankruptcy?????

if you believe them ( at least the 2 ) they were a week away from having to close their doors. but now with the first ( don't even think this is the end ) billions flowing they can lay everyone off for a few weeks to a month ( yes, dumping them on EI ) while they figure out what to do. now seriously if sales are down and no signs of a quick recovery for the economy how can they continue to build vehicles and keep everyone employed??? well thats were the next bail out will begin............

the notion that this would be the end of the auto industry in NA is silly, they would just have to restructure and renegotiate their contacts. yes there would be job losses but believe me there are still going to be.

sorry about that, back to the OP

was the truck chipped?

from the sound of it ( lifted, oversize tire, etc.. ) it was, that with the other mods ( cat back / CAI ) will allow the engine to perform out of the manufacturer specs., so i can see where the manufacturer is coming from.

you're lucky to be getting out now, i work in construction and we have loads of diesel pick ups. the Ford engines are dieing at about 250, 000 K and needing 8 - 10 grand to fix. we don't buy Ford anymore, the salesman still comes by to see why but all we have to do is point to a dead Ford, then to a much older truck beside it still pulling strong.

good luck, hope everything works out for you

120S RR tank with 60G basement sump / fuge

Return Pump: Little Giant 4-MDQX SC
Water Movement: Seio 1500, (2) Hydor Koralia 4's
Lighting: 400W SE MH with 14K Aqua Connect
Skimmer: Euro-Reef RS250 with gate valve
Other: RODI, RDSB, PO4 / AC reactor
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Old 01-06-2009, 03:07 PM
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150g reef, 55g sump, T5's, Vertech 200A, Profilux III - German made is highly over rated, should just say Gerpan made.

Reefkeeper - individual obsessed with placing disturbing amounts of electricity and seawater in close proximity for the purpose of maintaining live coral reef organisms.
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Old 01-06-2009, 04:02 PM
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Hope all works out with the truck I know many guys that have had problems with the newer F350 pick ups the back parking lot at work looks like a ford dealership with all the super duty pick ups out there

Good luck
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Old 01-06-2009, 04:32 PM
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The truck wasn't chipped but it did have the AFE cold air intake, and turbo back exhasut system. On the 2007s there were no sensors on the cats and it did not effect the overall system. I do know some vehciles will not run without cats on them.

My husband just left for Ford now, and I hope me not being there does not effect what will happen. I remember things, ask all the stupid questions that need to be asked, and make sure to try to protect us. The 2009 F350 they loaned him is a really nice truck, but we will be downsizing to a F150. Although we have a trailer and such, we do not need a big deisel truck anymore. The new deisels are BRUTAL on fuel, and my hubby's 2007 with 38" tires is much better on fuel believe it or not. He gets 450km to a 100L tank and the new trucks get 300km with factory tires!!! My Toyota is not that great on gas but $45 gets me 500km on the highway

I hope it all pans out in the end, and Advantage is trying their best to do what they can for us. They will build hubby yet another truck, and I know he wants the oversized tires and rims again You would think he would have learned from this last nightmare it should not be done. When the tranny blew up up there was a huge fight over having it replaced, since the tires and lift we looked at as the cause of the breakage. I really want a lift and tires and rims on my FJ but have refrained from doing so, since I know there would be haedaches over it. However, I see so many brand new 4x4s with these mods off the showroom floor. I don't know how people get them fixed.
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Old 01-06-2009, 08:09 PM
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Originally Posted by a4twenty View Post
the notion that this would be the end of the auto industry in NA is silly, they would just have to restructure and renegotiate their contacts. yes there would be job losses but believe me there are still going to be.
truth here
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